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icewm for Slackware

发表于 2004-6-2 02:40:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
下载: ... pre14-i486-1mht.tgz

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发表于 2004-6-2 07:43:01 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2004-6-2 09:52:39 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2004-6-2 10:45:47 | 显示全部楼层

发表于 2004-6-2 10:49:01 | 显示全部楼层
最初由 Beta 发表


 楼主| 发表于 2004-6-2 11:47:31 | 显示全部楼层
最初由 Beta 发表

cp /usr/share/icewm/peferences ~/.icewm/preferences

  1. # preferences(1.2.14pre14) - generated by genpref

  2. # This file should be copied to /etc/icewm/ or $HOME/.icewm/ directory
  3. # NOTE: All settings are commented out by default, be sure to
  4. #       uncomment them if you change them!

  5. #  Focus windows by clicking
  6. # ClickToFocus=1 # 0/1

  7. #  Focus windows when application requests to raise
  8. # FocusOnAppRaise=1 # 0/1

  9. #  Raise windows when focused
  10. # RaiseOnFocus=1 # 0/1

  11. #  Focus window when client area clicked
  12. # FocusOnClickClient=1 # 0/1

  13. #  Raise window when client area clicked
  14. # RaiseOnClickClient=1 # 0/1

  15. #  Raise window when title bar is clicked
  16. # RaiseOnClickTitleBar=1 # 0/1

  17. #  Raise window when frame button is clicked
  18. # RaiseOnClickButton=1 # 0/1

  19. #  Raise window when frame border is clicked
  20. # RaiseOnClickFrame=1 # 0/1

  21. #  Lower the active window when clicked again
  22. # LowerOnClickWhenRaised=0 # 0/1

  23. #  Pass focusing click on client area to client
  24. # PassFirstClickToClient=1 # 0/1

  25. #  Change to the workspace of newly focused windows
  26. # FocusChangesWorkspace=1 # 0/1

  27. #  Focus normal window when initially mapped
  28. # FocusOnMap=1 # 0/1

  29. #  Focus dialog window when initially mapped
  30. # FocusOnMapTransient=1 # 0/1

  31. #  Focus dialog window when initially mapped only if parent frame focused
  32. # FocusOnMapTransientActive=1 # 0/1

  33. #  Colormap focus follows pointer
  34. # PointerColormap=1 # 0/1

  35. #  Don't rotate the cursor for popup menus
  36. # DontRotateMenuPointer=1 # 0/1

  37. #  Limit size of windows to screen
  38. # LimitSize=1 # 0/1

  39. #  Limit position of windows to screen
  40. # LimitPosition=1 # 0/1

  41. #  Let the Dock layer limit the workspace (incompatible with GNOME Panel)
  42. # LimitByDockLayer=1 # 0/1

  43. #  Consider border frames when maximizing horizontally
  44. # ConsiderHBorder=0 # 0/1

  45. #  Consider border frames when maximizing vertically
  46. # ConsiderVBorder=0 # 0/1

  47. #  Center maximized windows which can't fit the screen (like terminals)
  48. # CenterMaximizedWindows=0 # 0/1

  49. #  Maximized windows can be resized
  50. # SizeMaximized=0 # 0/1

  51. #  Show position status window during move/resize
  52. # ShowMoveSizeStatus=1 # 0/1

  53. #  Show name of current workspace while switching
  54. # ShowWorkspaceStatus=1 # 0/1

  55. #  Display mini-icons on desktop for minimized windows
  56. # MinimizeToDesktop=0 # 0/1

  57. #  Always maintain focus under mouse window (makes some keyboard support non-functional or unreliable
  58. # StrongPointerFocus=0 # 0/1

  59. #  Opaque window move
  60. # OpaqueMove=1 # 0/1

  61. #  Opaque window resize
  62. # OpaqueResize=1 # 0/1

  63. #  Windows initially placed manually by user
  64. # ManualPlacement=0 # 0/1

  65. #  Smart window placement (minimal overlap)
  66. # SmartPlacement=1 # 0/1

  67. #  Center dialogs on owner window
  68. # CenterTransientsOnOwner=1 # 0/1

  69. #  Menus track mouse even with no mouse buttons held
  70. # MenuMouseTracking=0 # 0/1

  71. #  Auto raise windows after delay
  72. # AutoRaise=0 # 0/1

  73. #  Delay pointer focusing when mouse moves
  74. # DelayPointerFocus=0 # 0/1

  75. #  Support win95 keyboard keys (Penguin/Meta/Win_L,R shows menu)
  76. # Win95Keys=1 # 0/1

  77. #  Treat Super/Win modifier as Ctrl+Alt
  78. # ModSuperIsCtrlAlt=1 # 0/1

  79. #  Support mouse wheel
  80. # UseMouseWheel=0 # 0/1

  81. #  Show popup menus above mouse pointer
  82. # ShowPopupsAbovePointer=0 # 0/1

  83. #  Send the clicks outside menus to target window
  84. # ReplayMenuCancelClick=0 # 0/1

  85. #  Alt+Tab window switching
  86. # QuickSwitch=1 # 0/1

  87. #  Alt+Tab to minimized windows
  88. # QuickSwitchToMinimized=1 # 0/1

  89. #  Alt+Tab to hidden windows
  90. # QuickSwitchToHidden=1 # 0/1

  91. #  Alt+Tab to windows on other workspaces
  92. # QuickSwitchToAllWorkspaces=0 # 0/1

  93. #  Alt+Tab: group windows on current workspace
  94. # QuickSwitchGroupWorkspaces=1 # 0/1

  95. #  Show all reachable icons when quick switching
  96. # QuickSwitchAllIcons=1 # 0/1

  97. #  Show the window title above (all reachable) icons
  98. # QuickSwitchTextFirst=0 # 0/1

  99. #  Attempt to create a small QuickSwitch window (1/3 instead of 3/5 of screen width)
  100. # QuickSwitchSmallWindow=0 # 0/1

  101. #  Show the huge (48x48) of the window icon for the active window
  102. # QuickSwitchHugeIcon=0 # 0/1

  103. #  Fill the rectangle highlighting the current icon
  104. # QuickSwitchFillSelection=0 # 0/1

  105. #  Manage root window (EXPERIMENTAL - normally enabled!)
  106. # GrabRootWindow=1 # 0/1

  107. #  Snap to nearest screen edge/window when moving windows
  108. # SnapMove=1 # 0/1

  109. #  Workspace switches by moving mouse to left/right screen edge
  110. # EdgeSwitch=0 # 0/1

  111. #  Workspace switches by moving mouse to left/right screen edge
  112. # HorizontalEdgeSwitch=0 # 0/1

  113. #  Workspace switches by moving mouse to top/bottom screen edge
  114. # VerticalEdgeSwitch=0 # 0/1

  115. #  Workspace switches continuously when moving mouse to screen edge
  116. # ContinuousEdgeSwitch=1 # 0/1

  117. #  Reload menu files automatically
  118. # AutoReloadMenus=1 # 0/1

  119. #  Show task bar
  120. # ShowTaskBar=1 # 0/1

  121. #  Task bar at top of the screen
  122. # TaskBarAtTop=0 # 0/1

  123. #  Keep the task bar below regular windows
  124. # TaskBarKeepBelow=0 # 0/1

  125. #  Auto hide task bar after delay
  126. # TaskBarAutoHide=0 # 0/1

  127. #  Show clock on task bar
  128. # TaskBarShowClock=1 # 0/1

  129. #  Show APM status on task bar
  130. # TaskBarShowAPMStatus=0 # 0/1

  131. #  Show APM status on task bar in time-format
  132. # TaskBarShowAPMTime=1 # 0/1

  133. #  Show mailbox status on task bar
  134. # TaskBarShowMailboxStatus=1 # 0/1

  135. #  Beep when new mail arrives
  136. # TaskBarMailboxStatusBeepOnNewMail=0 # 0/1

  137. #  Count messages in mailbox
  138. # TaskBarMailboxStatusCountMessages=0 # 0/1

  139. #  Show workspace switching buttons on task bar
  140. # TaskBarShowWorkspaces=1 # 0/1

  141. #  Show windows on the taskbar
  142. # TaskBarShowWindows=1 # 0/1

  143. #  Show 'show desktop' button on taskbar
  144. # TaskBarShowShowDesktopButton=1 # 0/1

  145. #  Show windows in the tray
  146. # TaskBarShowTray=1 # 0/1

  147. #  Show windows from all workspaces on tray
  148. # TrayShowAllWindows=1 # 0/1

  149. #  Show windows from all workspaces on task bar
  150. # TaskBarShowAllWindows=0 # 0/1

  151. #  Show icons of windows on the task bar
  152. # TaskBarShowWindowIcons=1 # 0/1

  153. #  Show 'Start' menu on task bar
  154. # TaskBarShowStartMenu=1 # 0/1

  155. #  Show 'window list' menu on task bar
  156. # TaskBarShowWindowListMenu=1 # 0/1

  157. #  Show CPU status on task bar (Linux             & Solaris)
  158. # TaskBarShowCPUStatus=1 # 0/1

  159. #  Show network status on task bar (Linux only)
  160. # TaskBarShowNetStatus=1 # 0/1

  161. #  Use double-height task bar
  162. # TaskBarDoubleHeight=0 # 0/1

  163. #  Place workspace pager on left, not right
  164. # TaskBarWorkspacesLeft=1 # 0/1

  165. #  Execute taskbar applet commands (like MailCommand,     ClockCommand,   ...) on single click
  166. # TaskBarLaunchOnSingleClick=1 # 0/1

  167. #  Move mouse when doing focusing in pointer focus mode
  168. # WarpPointer=0 # 0/1

  169. #  Allow mouse actions on client windows (buggy with some programs)
  170. # ClientWindowMouseActions=1 # 0/1

  171. #  Show programs submenu
  172. # ShowProgramsMenu=0 # 0/1

  173. #  Show themes submenu
  174. # ShowThemesMenu=1 # 0/1

  175. #  Show logout submenu
  176. # ShowLogoutMenu=1 # 0/1

  177. #  Show the help menu item
  178. # ShowHelp=1 # 0/1

  179. #  Show logout submenu
  180. # ShowLogoutSubMenu=1 # 0/1

  181. #  Show the about menu item
  182. # ShowAbout=1 # 0/1

  183. #  Show the run menu item
  184. # ShowRun=1 # 0/1

  185. #  Show the window menu item
  186. # ShowWindowList=1 # 0/1

  187. #  Allow to switch a window to fullscreen
  188. # AllowFullscreen=1 # 0/1

  189. #  Disable Imlib's image/pixmap caches
  190. # DisableImlibCaches=1 # 0/1

  191. #  Enable address bar functionality in taskbar
  192. # EnableAddressBar=1 # 0/1

  193. #  Show address bar in task bar
  194. # ShowAddressBar=1 # 0/1

  195. #  Confirm logout
  196. # ConfirmLogout=1 # 0/1

  197. #  Don't cut client windows by shapes set trough frame corner pixmap
  198. # ShapesProtectClientWindow=1 # 0/1

  199. #  Use double buffering when redrawing the display
  200. # DoubleBuffer=1 # 0/1

  201. #  Pointer motion distance before click gets interpreted as drag
  202. # ClickMotionDistance=4 # [0-32]

  203. #  Delay before click gets interpreted as drag
  204. # ClickMotionDelay=200 # [0-2000]

  205. #  Multiple click time
  206. # MultiClickTime=400 # [0-5000]

  207. #  Delay before activating menu items
  208. # MenuActivateDelay=40 # [0-5000]

  209. #  Delay before activating menu submenus
  210. # SubmenuMenuActivateDelay=300 # [0-5000]

  211. #  Maximal width of popup menus,  2/3 of the screen's width if set to zero
  212. # MenuMaximalWidth=0 # [0-16384]

  213. #  Delay before tooltip window is displayed
  214. # ToolTipDelay=1000 # [0-5000]

  215. #  Time before tooltip window is hidden (0 means never
  216. # ToolTipTime=0 # [0-60000]

  217. #  Delay before task bar is automatically hidden
  218. # AutoHideDelay=300 # [0-5000]

  219. #  Delay before windows are auto raised
  220. # AutoRaiseDelay=400 # [0-5000]

  221. #  Resistance in pixels when trying to move windows off the screen (10000 = infinite)
  222. # EdgeResistance=32 # [0-10000]

  223. #  Delay for pointer focus switching
  224. # PointerFocusDelay=200 # [0-1000]

  225. #  Distance in pixels before windows snap together
  226. # SnapDistance=8 # [0-64]

  227. #  Screen edge workspace switching delay
  228. # EdgeSwitchDelay=600 # [0-5000]

  229. #  Inital scroll bar autoscroll delay
  230. # ScrollBarStartDelay=500 # [0-5000]

  231. #  Scroll bar autoscroll delay
  232. # ScrollBarDelay=30 # [0-5000]

  233. #  Auto scroll start delay
  234. # AutoScrollStartDelay=500 # [0-5000]

  235. #  Auto scroll delay
  236. # AutoScrollDelay=60 # [0-5000]

  237. #  Time before workspace status window is hidden
  238. # WorkspaceStatusTime=2500 # [0-2500]

  239. #  Bitmask of root window button click to use in window manager
  240. # UseRootButtons=255 # [0-255]

  241. #  Bitmask of buttons that raise the window when pressed
  242. # ButtonRaiseMask=1 # [0-255]

  243. #  Desktop mouse-button click to show the window list menu
  244. # DesktopWinMenuButton=0 # [0-20]

  245. #  Desktop mouse-button click to show the window list
  246. # DesktopWinListButton=2 # [0-20]

  247. #  Desktop mouse-button click to show the root menu
  248. # DesktopMenuButton=3 # [0-20]

  249. #  TitleBar mouse-button double click to maximize the window
  250. # TitleBarMaximizeButton=1 # [0-5]

  251. #  TitleBar mouse-button double clock to rollup the window
  252. # TitleBarRollupButton=2 # [0-5]

  253. #  Preselect to Cancel (0) or the OK (1) button in message boxes
  254. # MsgBoxDefaultAction=0 # [0-1]

  255. #  Delay between new-mail checks. (seconds)
  256. # MailCheckDelay=30 # [0-86400]

  257. #  Width of CPU Monitor
  258. # TaskBarCPUSamples=20 # [2-1000]

  259. #  Delay between CPU Monitor samples in ms
  260. # TaskBarCPUDelay=500 # [10-3600000]

  261. #  Width of Net Monitor
  262. # TaskBarNetSamples=20 # [2-1000]

  263. #  Delay between Net Monitor samples in ms
  264. # TaskBarNetDelay=500 # [10-3600000]

  265. #  Primary screen for xinerama (taskbar, ...)
  266. # XineramaPrimaryScreen=0 # [0-63]

  267. #  Number of seconds the taskbar app will blink when requesting focus
  268. # FocusRequestFlashTime=0 # [0-86400]

  269. #  Minimal number of themes after which the Themes menu becomes nested (0=disabled)
  270. # NestedThemeMenuMinNumber=15 # [0-1234]

  271. #  Icon search path (colon separated)
  272. # IconPath=""

  273. #  Root directory for KDE data
  274. # KDEDataDir="/opt/kde/share"

  275. #  Mailbox path (use $MAIL instead)
  276. # MailBoxPath=""

  277. #  Command to run on mailbox
  278. # MailCommand="xterm -name pine -title PINE -e pine"

  279. #  WM_CLASS to allow runonce for MailCommand
  280. # MailClassHint="pine.XTerm"

  281. #  Command to run when new mail arrives
  282. # NewMailCommand=""

  283. #  Command to lock display/screensaver
  284. # LockCommand="xlock"

  285. #  Command to run on clock
  286. # ClockCommand="xclock -name icewm -title Clock"

  287. #  WM_CLASS to allow runonce for ClockCommand
  288. # ClockClassHint="icewm.XClock"

  289. #  Command to select and run a program
  290. # RunCommand=""

  291. #  
  292. # OpenCommand=""

  293. #  Terminal emulator must accept -e option.
  294. # TerminalCommand="xterm"

  295. #  Command to start logout
  296. # LogoutCommand=""

  297. #  Command to cancel logout
  298. # LogoutCancelCommand=""

  299. #  Command to shutdown the system
  300. # ShutdownCommand="shutdown -h now"

  301. #  Command to reboot the system
  302. # RebootCommand="shutdown -r now"

  303. #  Command to run on CPU status
  304. # CPUStatusCommand="xterm -name top -title Process\ Status -e top"

  305. #  WM_CLASS to allow runonce for CPUStatusCommand
  306. # CPUStatusClassHint="top.XTerm"

  307. #  Command to run on Net status
  308. # NetStatusCommand="xterm -name netstat -title 'Network Status' -e netstat -c"

  309. #  WM_CLASS to allow runonce for NetStatusCommand
  310. # NetStatusClassHint="netstat.XTerm"

  311. #  Command to run for address bar entries
  312. # AddressBarCommand=""

  313. #  Network device to show status for
  314. # NetworkStatusDevice="ppp0 eth0"

  315. #  Clock Time format (strftime format string)
  316. # TimeFormat="%H:%M:%S"

  317. #  Alternate Clock Time format (e.g. for blinking effects)
  318. # TimeFormatAlt=""

  319. #  Clock Date format for tooltip (strftime format string)
  320. # DateFormat="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z %B %A"

  321. #  List of battery names (directories) in /proc/acpi/battery to ignore. Useful when more slots are built-in, but only one battery is used
  322. # AcpiIgnoreBatteries=""

  323. #  
  324. # KeyWinRaise="Alt+F1"

  325. #  
  326. # KeyWinOccupyAll="Alt+F2"

  327. #  
  328. # KeyWinLower="Alt+F3"

  329. #  
  330. # KeyWinClose="Alt+F4"

  331. #  
  332. # KeyWinRestore="Alt+F5"

  333. #  
  334. # KeyWinPrev="Alt+Shift+F6"

  335. #  
  336. # KeyWinNext="Alt+F6"

  337. #  
  338. # KeyWinMove="Alt+F7"

  339. #  
  340. # KeyWinSize="Alt+F8"

  341. #  
  342. # KeyWinMinimize="Alt+F9"

  343. #  
  344. # KeyWinMaximize="Alt+F10"

  345. #  
  346. # KeyWinMaximizeVert="Alt+Shift+F10"

  347. #  
  348. # KeyWinMaximizeHoriz=""

  349. #  
  350. # KeyWinFullscreen="Alt+F11"

  351. #  
  352. # KeyWinHide="Alt+Shift+F12"

  353. #  
  354. # KeyWinRollup="Alt+F12"

  355. #  
  356. # KeyWinMenu="Alt+Space"

  357. #  
  358. # KeyWinArrangeN="Ctrl+Alt+KP_8"

  359. #  
  360. # KeyWinArrangeNE="Ctrl+Alt+KP_9"

  361. #  
  362. # KeyWinArrangeE="Ctrl+Alt+KP_6"

  363. #  
  364. # KeyWinArrangeSE="Ctrl+Alt+KP_3"

  365. #  
  366. # KeyWinArrangeS="Ctrl+Alt+KP_2"

  367. #  
  368. # KeyWinArrangeSW="Ctrl+Alt+KP_1"

  369. #  
  370. # KeyWinArrangeW="Ctrl+Alt+KP_4"

  371. #  
  372. # KeyWinArrangeNW="Ctrl+Alt+KP_7"

  373. #  
  374. # KeyWinArrangeC="Ctrl+Alt+KP_5"

  375. #  
  376. # KeySysSwitchNext="Alt+Tab"

  377. #  
  378. # KeySysSwitchLast="Alt+Shift+Tab"

  379. #  
  380. # KeySysWinNext="Alt+Esc"

  381. #  
  382. # KeySysWinPrev="Alt+Shift+Esc"

  383. #  
  384. # KeySysWinMenu="Shift+Esc"

  385. #  
  386. # KeySysDialog="Alt+Ctrl+Del"

  387. #  
  388. # KeySysMenu="Ctrl+Esc"

  389. #  
  390. # KeySysWindowList="Alt+Ctrl+Esc"

  391. #  
  392. # KeySysWinListMenu=""

  393. #  
  394. # KeySysAddressBar="Alt+Ctrl+Space"

  395. #  
  396. # KeySysWorkspacePrev="Alt+Ctrl+Left"

  397. #  
  398. # KeySysWorkspaceNext="Alt+Ctrl+Right"

  399. #  
  400. # KeySysWorkspaceLast="Alt+Ctrl+Down"

  401. #  
  402. # KeySysWorkspacePrevTakeWin="Alt+Ctrl+Shift+Left"

  403. #  
  404. # KeySysWorkspaceNextTakeWin="Alt+Ctrl+Shift+Right"

  405. #  
  406. # KeySysWorkspaceLastTakeWin="Alt+Ctrl+Shift+Down"

  407. #  
  408. # KeySysWorkspace1="Alt+Ctrl+1"

  409. #  
  410. # KeySysWorkspace2="Alt+Ctrl+2"

  411. #  
  412. # KeySysWorkspace3="Alt+Ctrl+3"

  413. #  
  414. # KeySysWorkspace4="Alt+Ctrl+4"

  415. #  
  416. # KeySysWorkspace5="Alt+Ctrl+5"

  417. #  
  418. # KeySysWorkspace6="Alt+Ctrl+6"

  419. #  
  420. # KeySysWorkspace7="Alt+Ctrl+7"

  421. #  
  422. # KeySysWorkspace8="Alt+Ctrl+8"

  423. #  
  424. # KeySysWorkspace9="Alt+Ctrl+9"

  425. #  
  426. # KeySysWorkspace10="Alt+Ctrl+0"

  427. #  
  428. # KeySysWorkspace11="Alt+Ctrl+["

  429. #  
  430. # KeySysWorkspace12="Alt+Ctrl+]"

  431. #  
  432. # KeySysWorkspace1TakeWin="Alt+Ctrl+Shift+1"

  433. #  
  434. # KeySysWorkspace2TakeWin="Alt+Ctrl+Shift+2"

  435. #  
  436. # KeySysWorkspace3TakeWin="Alt+Ctrl+Shift+3"

  437. #  
  438. # KeySysWorkspace4TakeWin="Alt+Ctrl+Shift+4"

  439. #  
  440. # KeySysWorkspace5TakeWin="Alt+Ctrl+Shift+5"

  441. #  
  442. # KeySysWorkspace6TakeWin="Alt+Ctrl+Shift+6"

  443. #  
  444. # KeySysWorkspace7TakeWin="Alt+Ctrl+Shift+7"

  445. #  
  446. # KeySysWorkspace8TakeWin="Alt+Ctrl+Shift+8"

  447. #  
  448. # KeySysWorkspace9TakeWin="Alt+Ctrl+Shift+9"

  449. #  
  450. # KeySysWorkspace10TakeWin="Alt+Ctrl+Shift+0"

  451. #  
  452. # KeySysWorkspace11TakeWin="Alt+Ctrl+Shift+["

  453. #  
  454. # KeySysWorkspace12TakeWin="Alt+Ctrl+Shift+]"

  455. #  
  456. # KeySysTileVertical="Alt+Shift+F2"

  457. #  
  458. # KeySysTileHorizontal="Alt+Shift+F3"

  459. #  
  460. # KeySysCascade="Alt+Shift+F4"

  461. #  
  462. # KeySysArrange="Alt+Shift+F5"

  463. #  
  464. # KeySysArrangeIcons="Alt+Shift+F8"

  465. #  
  466. # KeySysMinimizeAll="Alt+Shift+F9"

  467. #  
  468. # KeySysHideAll="Alt+Shift+F11"

  469. #  
  470. # KeySysUndoArrange="Alt+Shift+F7"

  471. #  

  472. # -----------------------------------------------------------
  473. # Themable preferences. Themes will override these.
  474. # To override the themes, place them in ~/.icewm/prefoverride
  475. # -----------------------------------------------------------

  476. #  Does it support the 'O' title bar button images (for mouse rollover)
  477. # RolloverButtonsSupported=0 # 0/1

  478. #  Task bar clock/APM uses nice pixmapped LCD display (but then it doesn't
  479. # display correctly in many languages anymore, e.g. for Japanese and Korean it
  480. # works only when a real font is used and not the LEDs
  481. # TaskBarClockLeds=0 # 0/1

  482. #  Surround the tray with plastic border
  483. # TrayDrawBevel=0 # 0/1

  484. #  Draw window title centered (obsoleted by TitleBarJustify)
  485. # TitleBarCentered=0 # 0/1

  486. #  Join title*S and title*T
  487. # TitleBarJoinLeft=0 # 0/1

  488. #  Join title*T and title*B
  489. # TitleBarJoinRight=0 # 0/1

  490. #  Show application icon over menu button
  491. # ShowMenuButtonIcon=1 # 0/1

  492. #  Horizontal window border
  493. # BorderSizeX=6 # [0-128]

  494. #  Vertical window border
  495. # BorderSizeY=6 # [0-128]

  496. #  Horizontal dialog window border
  497. # DlgBorderSizeX=2 # [0-128]

  498. #  Vertical dialog window border
  499. # DlgBorderSizeY=2 # [0-128]

  500. #  Resize corner width
  501. # CornerSizeX=24 # [0-64]

  502. #  Resize corner height
  503. # CornerSizeY=24 # [0-64]

  504. #  Title bar height
  505. # TitleBarHeight=20 # [0-128]

  506. #  Justification of the window title
  507. # TitleBarJustify=0 # [0-100]

  508. #  Horizontal offset for the window title text
  509. # TitleBarHorzOffset=0 # [-128-128]

  510. #  Vertical offset for the window title text
  511. # TitleBarVertOffset=0 # [-128-128]

  512. #  Scrollbar width
  513. # ScrollBarX=16 # [0-64]

  514. #  Scrollbar (button) height
  515. # ScrollBarY=16 # [0-64]

  516. #  Menu icon size
  517. # MenuIconSize=16 # [8-128]

  518. #  Dimension of the small icons
  519. # SmallIconSize=16 # [8-128]

  520. #  Dimension of the large icons
  521. # LargeIconSize=32 # [8-128]

  522. #  Dimension of the large icons
  523. # HugeIconSize=48 # [8-128]

  524. #  Horizontal margin of the quickswitch window
  525. # QuickSwitchHorzMargin=3 # [0-64]

  526. #  Vertical margin of the quickswitch window
  527. # QuickSwitchVertMargin=3 # [0-64]

  528. #  Vertical margin in the quickswitch window
  529. # QuickSwitchIconMargin=4 # [0-64]

  530. #  Distance between the active icon and it's border
  531. # QuickSwitchIconBorder=2 # [0-64]

  532. #  Height of the separator between (all reachable) icons and text, 0 to avoid it
  533. # QuickSwitchSeparatorSize=6 # [0-64]

  534. #  Theme author, e-mail address, credits
  535. # ThemeAuthor=""

  536. #  Description of the theme, credits
  537. # ThemeDescription=""

  538. #  Titlebar buttons from left to right (x=close,  m=max,  i=min,  h=hide, r=rollup,       s=sysmenu,      d=depth)
  539. # TitleButtonsLeft="s"

  540. #  Titlebar buttons from right to left (x=close,  m=max,  i=min,  h=hide, r=rollup,       s=sysmenu,      d=depth)
  541. # TitleButtonsRight="xmir"

  542. #  Titlebar buttons supported by theme (x,m,i,r,h,s,d)
  543. # TitleButtonsSupported="xmis"

  544. #  
  545. # TitleFontName="-*-sans-medium-r-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*"

  546. #  
  547. TitleFontNameXft="Tahoma:size=10"

  548. #  
  549. # MenuFontName="-*-sans-medium-r-*-*-*-100-*-*-*-*-*-*"

  550. #  
  551. MenuFontNameXft="Tahoma:size=10"

  552. #  
  553. # StatusFontName="-*-monospace-medium-r-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*"

  554. #  
  555. StatusFontNameXft="monospace:size=10"

  556. #  
  557. # QuickSwitchFontName="-*-monospace-medium-r-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*"

  558. #  
  559. QuickSwitchFontNameXft="monospace:size=10"

  560. #  
  561. # NormalButtonFontName="-*-sans-medium-r-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*"

  562. #  
  563. NormalButtonFontNameXft="sans-serif:size=10"

  564. #  
  565. # ActiveButtonFontName="-*-sans-bold-r-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*"

  566. #  
  567. ActiveButtonFontNameXft="sans-serif:size=10:bold"

  568. #  
  569. # NormalTaskBarFontName="-*-sans-medium-r-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*"

  570. #  
  571. NormalTaskBarFontNameXft="sans-serif:size=10"

  572. #  
  573. # ActiveTaskBarFontName="-*-sans-bold-r-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*"

  574. #  
  575. ActiveTaskBarFontNameXft="sans-serif:size=10"

  576. #  fallback: NormalButtonFontName
  577. # ToolButtonFontName="-*-sans-medium-r-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*"

  578. #  fallback: NormalButtonFontName
  579. ToolButtonFontNameXft="sans-serif:size=12"

  580. #  fallback: NormalButtonFontName
  581. # NormalWorkspaceFontName="-*-sans-medium-r-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*"

  582. #  fallback: NormalButtonFontName
  583. NormalWorkspaceFontNameXft="sans-serif:size=12"

  584. #  fallback: ActiveButtonFontName
  585. # ActiveWorkspaceFontName="-*-sans-medium-r-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*"

  586. #  fallback: ActiveButtonFontName
  587. ActiveWorkspaceFontNameXft="sans-serif:size=10"

  588. #  
  589. # MinimizedWindowFontName="-*-sans-medium-r-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*"

  590. #  
  591. MinimizedWindowFontNameXft="sans-serif:size=10"

  592. #  
  593. # ListBoxFontName="-*-sans-medium-r-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*"

  594. #  
  595. ListBoxFontNameXft="sans-serif:size=10"

  596. #  
  597. # ToolTipFontName="-*-sans-medium-r-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*"

  598. #  
  599. ToolTipFontNameXft="sans-serif:size=10"

  600. #  
  601. # ClockFontName="-*-monospace-medium-r-*-*-*-140-*-*-*-*-*-*"

  602. #  
  603. ClockFontNameXft="monospace:size=10"

  604. #  
  605. # ApmFontName="-*-monospace-medium-r-*-*-*-140-*-*-*-*-*-*"

  606. #  
  607. ApmFontNameXft="monospace:size=10"

  608. #  
  609. # InputFontName="-*-monospace-medium-r-*-*-*-140-*-*-*-*-*-*"

  610. #  
  611. InputFontNameXft="monospace:size=10"

  612. #  
  613. # LabelFontName="-*-sans-medium-r-*-*-*-140-*-*-*-*-*-*"

  614. #  
  615. LabelFontNameXft="sans-serif:size=10"

  616. #  Background of dialog windows
  617. # ColorDialog="rgb:C0/C0/C0"

  618. #  Border of inactive windows
  619. # ColorNormalBorder="rgb:C0/C0/C0"

  620. #  Border of active windows
  621. # ColorActiveBorder="rgb:C0/C0/C0"

  622. #  Background of regular buttons
  623. # ColorNormalButton="rgb:C0/C0/C0"

  624. #  Textcolor of regular buttons
  625. # ColorNormalButtonText="rgb:00/00/00"

  626. #  Background of pressed buttons
  627. # ColorActiveButton="rgb:E0/E0/E0"

  628. #  Textcolor of pressed buttons
  629. # ColorActiveButtonText="rgb:00/00/00"

  630. #  Background of titlebar buttons
  631. # ColorNormalTitleButton="rgb:C0/C0/C0"

  632. #  Textcolor of titlebar buttons
  633. # ColorNormalTitleButtonText="rgb:00/00/00"

  634. #  Background of toolbar buttons, ColorNormalButton is used if empty
  635. # ColorToolButton=""

  636. #  Textcolor of toolbar buttons, ColorNormalButtonText is used if empty
  637. # ColorToolButtonText=""

  638. #  Background of workspace buttons, ColorNormalButton is used if empty
  639. # ColorNormalWorkspaceButton=""

  640. #  Textcolor of workspace buttons, ColorNormalButtonText is used if empty
  641. # ColorNormalWorkspaceButtonText=""

  642. #  Background of the active workspace button, ColorActiveButton is used if empty
  643. # ColorActiveWorkspaceButton=""

  644. #  Textcolor of the active workspace button, ColorActiveButtonText is used if empty
  645. # ColorActiveWorkspaceButtonText=""

  646. #  Background of the titlebar of regular windows
  647. # ColorNormalTitleBar="rgb:80/80/80"

  648. #  Textcolor of the titlebar of regular windows
  649. # ColorNormalTitleBarText="rgb:00/00/00"

  650. #  Textshadow of the titlebar of regular windows
  651. # ColorNormalTitleBarShadow=""

  652. #  Background of the titlebar of active windows
  653. # ColorActiveTitleBar="rgb:00/00/A0"

  654. #  Textcolor of the titlebar of active windows
  655. # ColorActiveTitleBarText="rgb:FF/FF/FF"

  656. #  Textshadow of the titlebar of active windows
  657. ColorActiveTitleBarShadow="rgb:00/00/00"

  658. #  Background for mini icons of regular windows
  659. # ColorNormalMinimizedWindow="rgb:C0/C0/C0"

  660. #  Textcolor for mini icons of regular windows
  661. # ColorNormalMinimizedWindowText="rgb:00/00/00"

  662. #  Background for mini icons of active windows
  663. # ColorActiveMinimizedWindow="rgb:E0/E0/E0"

  664. #  Textcolor for mini icons of active windows
  665. # ColorActiveMinimizedWindowText="rgb:00/00/00"

  666. #  Background of pop-up menus
  667. # ColorNormalMenu="rgb:C0/C0/C0"

  668. #  Textcolor of regular menu items
  669. # ColorNormalMenuItemText="rgb:00/00/00"

  670. #  Background of selected menu item, leave empty to force transparency
  671. # ColorActiveMenuItem="rgb:A0/A0/A0"

  672. #  Textcolor of selected menu items
  673. # ColorActiveMenuItemText="rgb:00/00/00"

  674. #  Textcolor of disabled menu items
  675. # ColorDisabledMenuItemText="rgb:80/80/80"

  676. #  Shadow of regular menu items
  677. ColorDisabledMenuItemShadow="rgb:CC/CC/CC"

  678. #  Background of move/resize status window
  679. # ColorMoveSizeStatus="rgb:C0/C0/C0"

  680. #  Textcolor of move/resize status window
  681. # ColorMoveSizeStatusText="rgb:00/00/00"

  682. #  Background of the quick switch window
  683. # ColorQuickSwitch="rgb:C0/C0/C0"

  684. #  Textcolor in the quick switch window
  685. # ColorQuickSwitchText="rgb:00/00/00"

  686. #  Rectangle arround the active icon in the quick switch window
  687. # ColorQuickSwitchActive=""

  688. #  Background of the taskbar
  689. # ColorDefaultTaskBar="rgb:C0/C0/C0"

  690. #  Background for task buttons of regular windows
  691. # ColorNormalTaskBarApp="rgb:C0/C0/C0"

  692. #  Textcolor for task buttons of regular windows
  693. # ColorNormalTaskBarAppText="rgb:00/00/00"

  694. #  Background for task buttons of the active window
  695. # ColorActiveTaskBarApp="rgb:E0/E0/E0"

  696. #  Textcolor for task buttons of the active window
  697. # ColorActiveTaskBarAppText="rgb:00/00/00"

  698. #  Background for task buttons of minimized windows
  699. # ColorMinimizedTaskBarApp="rgb:A0/A0/A0"

  700. #  Textcolor for task buttons of minimized windows
  701. # ColorMinimizedTaskBarAppText="rgb:00/00/00"

  702. #  Background for task buttons of windows on other workspaces
  703. # ColorInvisibleTaskBarApp="rgb:80/80/80"

  704. #  Textcolor for task buttons of windows on other workspaces
  705. # ColorInvisibleTaskBarAppText="rgb:00/00/00"

  706. #  Scrollbar background (sliding area)
  707. # ColorScrollBar="rgb:A0/A0/A0"

  708. #  Background of the slider button in scrollbars
  709. # ColorScrollBarSlider="rgb:C0/C0/C0"

  710. #  Background of the arrow buttons in scrollbars
  711. # ColorScrollBarButton="rgb:C0/C0/C0"

  712. #  Background of the arrow buttons in scrollbars (obsolete)
  713. # ColorScrollBarArrow="rgb:C0/C0/C0"

  714. #  Color of active arrows on scrollbar buttons
  715. # ColorScrollBarButtonArrow="rgb:00/00/00"

  716. #  Color of inactive arrows on scrollbar buttons
  717. # ColorScrollBarInactiveArrow="rgb:80/80/80"

  718. #  Background of listboxes
  719. # ColorListBox="rgb:C0/C0/C0"

  720. #  Textcolor in listboxes
  721. # ColorListBoxText="rgb:00/00/00"

  722. #  Background of selected listbox items
  723. # ColorListBoxSelection="rgb:80/80/80"

  724. #  Textcolor of selected listbox items
  725. # ColorListBoxSelectionText="rgb:00/00/00"

  726. #  Background of tooltips
  727. # ColorToolTip="rgb:E0/E0/00"

  728. #  Textcolor of tooltips
  729. # ColorToolTipText="rgb:00/00/00"

  730. #  Background of labels, leave empty to force transparency
  731. # ColorLabel="rgb:C0/C0/C0"

  732. #  Textcolor of labels
  733. # ColorLabelText="rgb:00/00/00"

  734. #  Background of text entry fields (e.g. the addressbar)
  735. # ColorInput="rgb:FF/FF/FF"

  736. #  Textcolor of text entry fields (e.g. the addressbar)
  737. # ColorInputText="rgb:00/00/00"

  738. #  Background of selected text in an entry field
  739. # ColorInputSelection="rgb:80/80/80"

  740. #  Selected text in an entry field
  741. # ColorInputSelectionText="rgb:00/00/00"

  742. #  Background of non-LCD clock, leave empty to force transparency
  743. # ColorClock="rgb:00/00/00"

  744. #  Background of non-LCD monitor
  745. # ColorClockText="rgb:00/FF/00"

  746. #  Background of APM monitor, leave empty to force transparency
  747. # ColorApm="rgb:00/00/00"

  748. #  Textcolor of APM monitor
  749. # ColorApmText="rgb:00/FF/00"

  750. #  User load on the CPU monitor
  751. # ColorCPUStatusUser="rgb:00/FF/00"

  752. #  System load on the CPU monitor
  753. # ColorCPUStatusSystem="rgb:FF/00/00"

  754. #  Interrupts on the CPU monitor
  755. # ColorCPUStatusInterrupts="rgb:FF/FF/00"

  756. #  IO Wait on the CPU monitor
  757. # ColorCPUStatusIoWait="rgb:60/00/60"

  758. #  Soft Interrupts on the CPU monitor
  759. # ColorCPUStatusSoftIrq="rgb:00/FF/FF"

  760. #  Nice load on the CPU monitor
  761. # ColorCPUStatusNice="rgb:00/00/FF"

  762. #  Idle (non) load on the CPU monitor, leave empty to force transparency
  763. # ColorCPUStatusIdle="rgb:00/00/00"

  764. #  Outgoing load on the network monitor
  765. # ColorNetSend="rgb:FF/FF/00"

  766. #  Incoming load on the network monitor
  767. # ColorNetReceive="rgb:FF/00/FF"

  768. #  Idle (non) load on the network monitor, leave empty to force transparency
  769. # ColorNetIdle="rgb:00/00/00"

  770. #  

  771. WorkspaceNames=" 1 ", " 2 "

  772. #
  773. # icewmbg preferences
  774. #
  775. # IMPORTANT: You MUST run icewmbg (probably before icewm)
  776. #            to set the background!
  777. #

  778. #  Display desktop background centered and not tiled
  779. # DesktopBackgroundCenter=0 # 0/1

  780. #  Support for semitransparent terminals like Eterm or gnome-terminal
  781. # SupportSemitransparency=1 # 0/1

  782. #  Desktop background scaled to full screen
  783. # DesktopBackgroundScaled=0 # 0/1

  784. #  Desktop background color
  785. # DesktopBackgroundcolor="rgb:00/20/40"

  786. #  Desktop background image
  787. # DesktopBackgroundImage=""

  788. #  Color to announce for semi-transparent windows
  789. # DesktopTransparencycolor=""

  790. #  Image to announce for semi-transparent windows
  791. # DesktopTransparencyImage=""

  792. #  

发表于 2004-6-2 12:19:39 | 显示全部楼层

发表于 2004-6-5 21:15:16 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2004-6-5 22:47:50 | 显示全部楼层
最初由 Beta 发表


发表于 2004-6-6 14:21:30 | 显示全部楼层
最初由 csstrike 发表

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