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发表于 2005-7-13 11:05:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
05-25-2005, 01:31 AM              #1
Ubuntu Espresso Roast

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Default HOWTO: Install vmware under your ubuntu
Wouldn't be nice if we can play diff OSs under ubuntu? Yes, that will have a lot of fun... I just tried install the latest VMware workstation 5 under ubuntu and it went pretty successfully (well, I did some researches beforehands). So I am gonna share it with everyone here.
在unbuntu下运行起不同的操作系统应该很棒吧,没错,会有很多乐趣。。。我最近试着在unbuntu下安装VMWare workstation 5,结果很成功(之前当然做了些准备工作)。所以我想把我的经历拿来同大家分享。

1. Since VMware does not support any of the current Hoary kernels (2.6.10-x), you will have to build the vmware modules during the installation, so there are something you have to load before you start installing Vmware.
a. build-essential (apt-get install build-essential). It gives you all the compiling tools that you MUST need.
b. linux-source (apt-get install linux-source-xxx). For instance, mine is 2.6.10 for my running kernel 2.6.10-5-686
c. linux-headers (apt-get install linux-headers-xxx). For instance, mine is 2.6.10-5-686.
Anyway, just search apt repos for the headhers, source for your running kernel.
1、因为VMware不支持任何现有的Hoary 内核(2.6.10-x),所以你必须在安装时构建vmware模块,下面就是你在安装Vmware之前要做的一些事情了:
  (a)安装build-essential(apt-get install build-essential 译者注:实际上你需要准备好安装盘,内容在那里)。这个东东提供了你所需要的所有编译工具。
  (b)安装linux-source(apt-get install linux-headers-xxx),比如我的运行内核是2.6.10-5-686对应的xxx就是2.6.10。
  (c)安装linux-headers(apt-get install linux-headers-xxx),比如我的应该写2.6.10-5-686。(译者注:Ubuntu 5.04默认的话都是这个)

2. the kernel source does not get installed after you apt-get, so you will need to go to the /usr/src dir and manually untar it. After you get the directory, then do "ln -sf you_linux_source_dir linux". This will create a symblic link named "linux" under the same dir.
2、内核代码在apt-get之后并没有默认安装,所以你必须到/usr/src目录之后手动解压。解压缩之后你执行“ln -sf your_linux_source_dir linux”。这样将会在同一路径下建立一个名为linux的链接。

3. Once you have them loaded, go to to download the vmware 5 code (version 13124 is the latest). I recommend the tar.gz format since it has a nice installation perl script.
3、以上你完成之后,到www.wmware.com下载vmware5的 ... 它提供一个perl 脚本的非常棒的安装界面。

3. gunzip and untar it, it will have a vmware-distrib directory generated, go to that dir and run the script.

4. Follow the instructions and take pretty much all default settings (as long as you don't make any customized changes on the previous installations, header files location, source location, etc will all be in the default places)

Hopefully, the installation script will build the kernel modules without any problem (it normally shouldn't), if so, congratulations! You have Vmware available on your ubnutu now. you can just do "vmware" to bring up the GUI and install whatever OSs you like in there...

A comment is when you setup the virtual network interfaces during the installation process, make sure you bridge the right NIC card to the virtual interface. The default is "eth0" but you might want to make sure you do have "eth0"...

Have fun...
发表于 2005-7-13 12:43:40 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2005-7-13 16:10:36 | 显示全部楼层

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2005-7-13 18:42:30 | 显示全部楼层
已经修正文档不利用 alien 转 rpm ,直接安装 tar.gz 试试。
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