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查看: 1955|回复: 12


发表于 2006-5-15 16:44:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
我用的是nforce4 C19的集成网卡rtl8201,重装了系统,装上nforce的网卡驱动能上,过几天不能上了,再装驱动又能上,过几天又不能上,三四次后再也不能上了。



发表于 2006-5-15 16:48:27 | 显示全部楼层
forcedeth 很稳定的啊。。我一直都用的。

$ uptime
09:47:04 up 26 days,  4:23,  1 user,  load average: 0.39, 0.63, 0.58
回复 支持 反对

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-5-15 16:57:56 | 显示全部楼层
回复 支持 反对

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-5-15 19:24:56 | 显示全部楼层

Microsoft Windows XP [版本 5.1.2600]
(C) 版权所有 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

C:\Documents and Settings\shidq>ipconfig/all

Windows IP Configuration

        Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : fzu-d9a3836e276
        Primary Dns Suffix  . . . . . . . :
        Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Unknown
        IP Routing Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
        WINS Proxy Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
        DNS Suffix Search List. . . . . . :

Ethernet adapter 本地连接:

        Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . :
        Description . . . . . . . . . . . : NVIDIA nForce Networking Controller
        Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : 00-F0-4C-87-1E-39
        Dhcp Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : Yes
        Autoconfiguration Enabled . . . . : Yes
        IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . :
        Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
        Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :
        DHCP Server . . . . . . . . . . . :
        DNS Servers . . . . . . . . . . . :
        Lease Obtained. . . . . . . . . . : 2006年5月4日 21:14:09
        Lease Expires . . . . . . . . . . : 2006年5月5日 21:14:09

C:\Documents and Settings\shidq>route print
Interface List
0x1 ........................... MS TCP Loopback interface
0x2 ...00 f0 4c 87 1e 39 ...... NVIDIA nForce Networking Controller - 数据包计划
Active Routes:
Network Destination        Netmask          Gateway       Interface  Metric
       20       1       20       20       20       20       1
Default Gateway:
Persistent Routes:

C:\Documents and Settings\shidq>tracert

Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

  1     3 ms     1 ms     2 ms
  2    <1 ms     1 ms    <1 ms
  3    <1 ms    <1 ms    <1 ms
  4    <1 ms    <1 ms    <1 ms
  5    <1 ms    <1 ms    <1 ms
  6     1 ms    <1 ms    <1 ms
  7     1 ms     2 ms     1 ms
  8     2 ms     2 ms     2 ms
  9     3 ms     3 ms     2 ms
10     1 ms     2 ms     1 ms
11     2 ms     1 ms     2 ms
12    23 ms    21 ms    21 ms
13    28 ms    34 ms    28 ms
14    32 ms    31 ms    31 ms
15   372 ms   373 ms   387 ms
16   377 ms     *      376 ms
17   200 ms   200 ms   204 ms
18   399 ms   407 ms     *
19   217 ms   221 ms   214 ms
20   394 ms   394 ms   400 ms
21   393 ms   394 ms   391 ms
22   394 ms   398 ms   410 ms

Trace complete.

[root@fzu-d9a3836e276 shidq]# ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
ping: sendmsg: No buffer space available
ping: sendmsg: No buffer space available
ping: sendmsg: No buffer space available
ping: sendmsg: No buffer space available
ping: sendmsg: No buffer space available
ping: sendmsg: No buffer space available
ping: sendmsg: No buffer space available
ping: sendmsg: No buffer space available
ping: sendmsg: No buffer space available
ping: sendmsg: No buffer space available
ping: sendmsg: No buffer space available
ping: sendmsg: No buffer space available
ping: sendmsg: No buffer space available
ping: sendmsg: No buffer space available
ping: sendmsg: No buffer space available
ping: sendmsg: No buffer space available

[root@fzu-d9a3836e276 shidq]# ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.045 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.039 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.040 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=0.038 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=64 time=0.048 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=6 ttl=64 time=0.039 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=7 ttl=64 time=0.038 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=8 ttl=64 time=0.040 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=9 ttl=64 time=0.038 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=10 ttl=64 time=0.038 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=11 ttl=64 time=0.085 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=12 ttl=64 time=0.038 ms

[root@fzu-d9a3836e276 shidq]# ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
From icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unreachable
From icmp_seq=2 Destination Host Unreachable
From icmp_seq=3 Destination Host Unreachable
From icmp_seq=5 Destination Host Unreachable
From icmp_seq=6 Destination Host Unreachable
From icmp_seq=7 Destination Host Unreachable
From icmp_seq=9 Destination Host Unreachable
From icmp_seq=10 Destination Host Unreachable
From icmp_seq=11 Destination Host Unreachable

[root@fzu-d9a3836e276 /]# /sbin/lspci
00:00.0 Host bridge: nVidia Corporation Unknown device 0070 (rev c1)
00:00.1 RAM memory: nVidia Corporation Unknown device 0074 (rev a1)
00:00.2 RAM memory: nVidia Corporation Unknown device 0075 (rev a1)
00:00.3 RAM memory: nVidia Corporation Unknown device 006f (rev a1)
00:00.4 RAM memory: nVidia Corporation Unknown device 00b4 (rev a1)
00:01.0 RAM memory: nVidia Corporation Unknown device 0076 (rev a1)
00:01.1 RAM memory: nVidia Corporation Unknown device 0078 (rev a1)
00:01.2 RAM memory: nVidia Corporation Unknown device 0079 (rev a1)
00:01.3 RAM memory: nVidia Corporation Unknown device 007a (rev a1)
00:01.4 RAM memory: nVidia Corporation Unknown device 007b (rev a1)
00:01.5 RAM memory: nVidia Corporation Unknown device 007c (rev a1)
00:01.6 RAM memory: nVidia Corporation Unknown device 007d (rev a1)
00:02.0 PCI bridge: nVidia Corporation Unknown device 007e (rev a2)
00:04.0 PCI bridge: nVidia Corporation Unknown device 007e (rev a2)
00:05.0 PCI bridge: nVidia Corporation Unknown device 007e (rev a2)
00:06.0 PCI bridge: nVidia Corporation Unknown device 007e (rev a2)
00:07.0 PCI bridge: nVidia Corporation Unknown device 007e (rev a2)
00:09.0 RAM memory: nVidia Corporation MCP51 Host Bridge (rev a2)
00:0a.0 ISA bridge: nVidia Corporation MCP51 LPC Bridge (rev a2)
00:0a.1 SMBus: nVidia Corporation MCP51 SMBus (rev a2)
00:0a.2 RAM memory: nVidia Corporation MCP51 Memory Controller 0 (rev a2)
00:0b.0 USB Controller: nVidia Corporation MCP51 USB Controller (rev a2)
00:0b.1 USB Controller: nVidia Corporation MCP51 USB Controller (rev a2)
00:0d.0 IDE interface: nVidia Corporation MCP51 IDE (rev a1)
00:0e.0 IDE interface: nVidia Corporation MCP51 Serial ATA Controller (rev a1)
00:0f.0 IDE interface: nVidia Corporation MCP51 Serial ATA Controller (rev a1)
00:10.0 PCI bridge: nVidia Corporation MCP51 PCI Bridge (rev a2)
00:10.2 Multimedia audio controller: nVidia Corporation MCP51 AC97 Audio Controller (rev a2)
00:14.0 Bridge: nVidia Corporation MCP51 Ethernet Controller (rev a1)
01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation Unknown device 01df (rev a1)

[root@fzu-d9a3836e276 /]# /sbin/lspci
00:00.0 Host bridge: nVidia Corporation Unknown device 0070 (rev c1)
00:00.1 RAM memory: nVidia Corporation Unknown device 0074 (rev a1)
00:00.2 RAM memory: nVidia Corporation Unknown device 0075 (rev a1)
00:00.3 RAM memory: nVidia Corporation Unknown device 006f (rev a1)
00:00.4 RAM memory: nVidia Corporation Unknown device 00b4 (rev a1)
00:01.0 RAM memory: nVidia Corporation Unknown device 0076 (rev a1)
00:01.1 RAM memory: nVidia Corporation Unknown device 0078 (rev a1)
00:01.2 RAM memory: nVidia Corporation Unknown device 0079 (rev a1)
00:01.3 RAM memory: nVidia Corporation Unknown device 007a (rev a1)
00:01.4 RAM memory: nVidia Corporation Unknown device 007b (rev a1)
00:01.5 RAM memory: nVidia Corporation Unknown device 007c (rev a1)
00:01.6 RAM memory: nVidia Corporation Unknown device 007d (rev a1)
00:02.0 PCI bridge: nVidia Corporation Unknown device 007e (rev a2)
00:04.0 PCI bridge: nVidia Corporation Unknown device 007e (rev a2)
00:05.0 PCI bridge: nVidia Corporation Unknown device 007e (rev a2)
00:06.0 PCI bridge: nVidia Corporation Unknown device 007e (rev a2)
00:07.0 PCI bridge: nVidia Corporation Unknown device 007e (rev a2)
00:09.0 RAM memory: nVidia Corporation MCP51 Host Bridge (rev a2)
00:0a.0 ISA bridge: nVidia Corporation MCP51 LPC Bridge (rev a2)
00:0a.1 SMBus: nVidia Corporation MCP51 SMBus (rev a2)
00:0a.2 RAM memory: nVidia Corporation MCP51 Memory Controller 0 (rev a2)
00:0b.0 USB Controller: nVidia Corporation MCP51 USB Controller (rev a2)
00:0b.1 USB Controller: nVidia Corporation MCP51 USB Controller (rev a2)
00:0d.0 IDE interface: nVidia Corporation MCP51 IDE (rev a1)
00:0e.0 IDE interface: nVidia Corporation MCP51 Serial ATA Controller (rev a1)
00:0f.0 IDE interface: nVidia Corporation MCP51 Serial ATA Controller (rev a1)
00:10.0 PCI bridge: nVidia Corporation MCP51 PCI Bridge (rev a2)
00:10.2 Multimedia audio controller: nVidia Corporation MCP51 AC97 Audio Controller (rev a2)
00:14.0 Bridge: nVidia Corporation MCP51 Ethernet Controller (rev a1)
01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation Unknown device 01df (rev a1)
[root@fzu-d9a3836e276 /]# /sbin/lsmod
Module                  Size  Used by
autofs4                55241  1
hidp                   83137  2
l2cap                  91585  5 hidp
bluetooth             116933  2 hidp,l2cap
sunrpc                192137  1
ip_conntrack_netbios_ns    36033  0
ipt_REJECT             38977  1
xt_state               35265  2
ip_conntrack           92669  2 ip_conntrack_netbios_ns,xt_state
nfnetlink              40073  1 ip_conntrack
xt_tcpudp              36545  4
iptable_filter         36289  1
ip_tables              48385  1 iptable_filter
x_tables               48201  4 ipt_REJECT,xt_state,xt_tcpudp,ip_tables
nls_utf8               35265  2
ntfs                  221544  2
nls_cp936             163521  3
vfat                   47041  3
fat                    86385  1 vfat
dm_mirror              54593  0
dm_mod                 90385  1 dm_mirror
video                  50505  0
button                 40545  0
battery                43337  0
ac                     38473  0
ipv6                  398689  18
lp                     47633  0
parport_pc             62697  1
parport                74061  2 lp,parport_pc
floppy                100617  0
nvram                  42441  0
snd_intel8x0           68201  1
snd_ac97_codec        136089  1 snd_intel8x0
snd_ac97_bus           35777  1 snd_ac97_codec
nvnet                 109480  0
snd_seq_dummy          37061  0
snd_seq_oss            66241  0
snd_seq_midi_event     41025  1 snd_seq_oss
sg                     69097  0
ehci_hcd               65229  0
nvidia               5458516  12
snd_seq                89825  5 snd_seq_dummy,snd_seq_oss,snd_seq_midi_event
snd_seq_device         42833  3 snd_seq_dummy,snd_seq_oss,snd_seq
ohci_hcd               54877  0
snd_pcm_oss            85457  0
snd_mixer_oss          50881  2 snd_pcm_oss
forcedeth              57797  0
snd_pcm               126409  3 snd_intel8x0,snd_ac97_codec,snd_pcm_oss
i2c_core               57409  1 nvidia
snd_timer              59465  2 snd_seq,snd_pcm
snd                    97129  9 snd_intel8x0,snd_ac97_codec,snd_seq_oss,snd_seq,snd_seq_device,snd_pcm_oss,snd_mixer_oss,snd_pcm,snd_timer
soundcore              44129  2 snd
snd_page_alloc         44497  2 snd_intel8x0,snd_pcm
ext3                  164177  2
jbd                    93545  1 ext3
sata_nv                43461  8
libata                 93913  1 sata_nv
sd_mod                 50753  9
scsi_mod              181137  3 sg,libata,sd_mod

[root@fzu-d9a3836e276 /]# lspci -v
bash: lspci: command not found
[root@fzu-d9a3836e276 /]# /sbin/lspci -v
00:00.0 Host bridge: nVidia Corporation Unknown device 0070 (rev c1)
        Subsystem: nVidia Corporation Unknown device cb84
        Flags: bus master, 66MHz, fast devsel, latency 0
        Capabilities: [40] HyperTransport: Host or Secondary Interface

00:00.1 RAM memory: nVidia Corporation Unknown device 0074 (rev a1)
        Subsystem: nVidia Corporation Unknown device cb84
        Flags: 66MHz, fast devsel

00:00.2 RAM memory: nVidia Corporation Unknown device 0075 (rev a1)
        Subsystem: nVidia Corporation Unknown device cb84
        Flags: 66MHz, fast devsel

00:00.3 RAM memory: nVidia Corporation Unknown device 006f (rev a1)
        Subsystem: nVidia Corporation Unknown device cb84
        Flags: 66MHz, fast devsel

00:00.4 RAM memory: nVidia Corporation Unknown device 00b4 (rev a1)
        Subsystem: nVidia Corporation Unknown device cb84
        Flags: bus master, 66MHz, fast devsel, latency 0

00:01.0 RAM memory: nVidia Corporation Unknown device 0076 (rev a1)
        Subsystem: nVidia Corporation Unknown device cb84
        Flags: 66MHz, fast devsel

00:01.1 RAM memory: nVidia Corporation Unknown device 0078 (rev a1)
        Subsystem: nVidia Corporation Unknown device cb84
        Flags: 66MHz, fast devsel

00:01.2 RAM memory: nVidia Corporation Unknown device 0079 (rev a1)
        Subsystem: nVidia Corporation Unknown device cb84
        Flags: 66MHz, fast devsel

00:01.3 RAM memory: nVidia Corporation Unknown device 007a (rev a1)
        Subsystem: nVidia Corporation Unknown device cb84
        Flags: 66MHz, fast devsel

00:01.4 RAM memory: nVidia Corporation Unknown device 007b (rev a1)
        Subsystem: nVidia Corporation Unknown device cb84
        Flags: 66MHz, fast devsel

00:01.5 RAM memory: nVidia Corporation Unknown device 007c (rev a1)
        Subsystem: nVidia Corporation Unknown device cb84
        Flags: 66MHz, fast devsel

00:01.6 RAM memory: nVidia Corporation Unknown device 007d (rev a1)
        Subsystem: nVidia Corporation Unknown device cb84
        Flags: 66MHz, fast devsel

00:02.0 PCI bridge: nVidia Corporation Unknown device 007e (rev a2) (prog-if 00 [Normal decode])
        Flags: bus master, fast devsel, latency 0
        Bus: primary=00, secondary=01, subordinate=01, sec-latency=0
        I/O behind bridge: 00008000-00008fff
        Memory behind bridge: fa000000-fcffffff
        Prefetchable memory behind bridge: 00000000d0000000-00000000dff00000
        Capabilities: [40] Power Management version 2
        Capabilities: [48] Message Signalled Interrupts: 64bit+ Queue=0/1 Enable-
        Capabilities: [80] Express Root Port (Slot+) IRQ 0
        Capabilities: [100] Virtual Channel

00:04.0 PCI bridge: nVidia Corporation Unknown device 007e (rev a2) (prog-if 00 [Normal decode])
        Flags: bus master, fast devsel, latency 0
        Bus: primary=00, secondary=02, subordinate=02, sec-latency=0
        I/O behind bridge: 0000d000-0000dfff
        Memory behind bridge: fdd00000-fddfffff
        Prefetchable memory behind bridge: 00000000fdc00000-00000000fdc00000
        Capabilities: [40] Power Management version 2
        Capabilities: [48] Message Signalled Interrupts: 64bit+ Queue=0/1 Enable-
        Capabilities: [80] Express Root Port (Slot+) IRQ 0
        Capabilities: [100] Virtual Channel

00:05.0 PCI bridge: nVidia Corporation Unknown device 007e (rev a2) (prog-if 00 [Normal decode])
        Flags: bus master, fast devsel, latency 0
        Bus: primary=00, secondary=03, subordinate=03, sec-latency=0
        I/O behind bridge: 0000c000-0000cfff
        Memory behind bridge: fdb00000-fdbfffff
        Prefetchable memory behind bridge: 00000000fda00000-00000000fda00000
        Capabilities: [40] Power Management version 2
        Capabilities: [48] Message Signalled Interrupts: 64bit+ Queue=0/1 Enable-
        Capabilities: [80] Express Root Port (Slot+) IRQ 0
        Capabilities: [100] Virtual Channel

00:06.0 PCI bridge: nVidia Corporation Unknown device 007e (rev a2) (prog-if 00 [Normal decode])
        Flags: bus master, fast devsel, latency 0
        Bus: primary=00, secondary=04, subordinate=04, sec-latency=0
        I/O behind bridge: 0000a000-0000afff
        Memory behind bridge: fd900000-fd9fffff
        Prefetchable memory behind bridge: 00000000fd600000-00000000fd600000
        Capabilities: [40] Power Management version 2
        Capabilities: [48] Message Signalled Interrupts: 64bit+ Queue=0/1 Enable-
        Capabilities: [80] Express Root Port (Slot+) IRQ 0
        Capabilities: [100] Virtual Channel

00:07.0 PCI bridge: nVidia Corporation Unknown device 007e (rev a2) (prog-if 00 [Normal decode])
        Flags: bus master, fast devsel, latency 0
        Bus: primary=00, secondary=05, subordinate=05, sec-latency=0
        I/O behind bridge: 00009000-00009fff
        Memory behind bridge: fd500000-fd5fffff
        Prefetchable memory behind bridge: 00000000fde00000-00000000fde00000
        Capabilities: [40] Power Management version 2
        Capabilities: [48] Message Signalled Interrupts: 64bit+ Queue=0/1 Enable-
        Capabilities: [80] Express Root Port (Slot+) IRQ 0
        Capabilities: [100] Virtual Channel

00:09.0 RAM memory: nVidia Corporation MCP51 Host Bridge (rev a2)
        Subsystem: nVidia Corporation Unknown device cb84
        Flags: bus master, 66MHz, fast devsel, latency 0
        Capabilities: [44] HyperTransport: Slave or Primary Interface
        Capabilities: [e0] HyperTransport: MSI Mapping

00:0a.0 ISA bridge: nVidia Corporation MCP51 LPC Bridge (rev a2)
        Subsystem: nVidia Corporation Unknown device cb84
        Flags: bus master, 66MHz, fast devsel, latency 0

00:0a.1 SMBus: nVidia Corporation MCP51 SMBus (rev a2)
        Subsystem: nVidia Corporation Unknown device cb84
        Flags: 66MHz, fast devsel, IRQ 5
        I/O ports at 5000
        I/O ports at 5100
        Capabilities: [44] Power Management version 2

00:0a.2 RAM memory: nVidia Corporation MCP51 Memory Controller 0 (rev a2)
        Subsystem: nVidia Corporation Unknown device cb84
        Flags: 66MHz, fast devsel

00:0b.0 USB Controller: nVidia Corporation MCP51 USB Controller (rev a2) (prog-if 10 [OHCI])
        Subsystem: nVidia Corporation Unknown device cb84
        Flags: bus master, 66MHz, fast devsel, latency 0, IRQ 19
        Memory at fe02f000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=4K]
        Capabilities: [44] Power Management version 2

00:0b.1 USB Controller: nVidia Corporation MCP51 USB Controller (rev a2) (prog-if 20 [EHCI])
        Subsystem: nVidia Corporation Unknown device cb84
        Flags: bus master, 66MHz, fast devsel, latency 0, IRQ 17
        Memory at fe02e000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=256]
        Capabilities: [44] Debug port
        Capabilities: [80] Power Management version 2

00:0d.0 IDE interface: nVidia Corporation MCP51 IDE (rev a1) (prog-if 8a [Master SecP PriP])
        Subsystem: nVidia Corporation Unknown device cb84
        Flags: bus master, 66MHz, fast devsel, latency 0
        I/O ports at fd00
        Capabilities: [44] Power Management version 2

00:0e.0 IDE interface: nVidia Corporation MCP51 Serial ATA Controller (rev a1) (prog-if 85 [Master SecO PriO])
        Subsystem: nVidia Corporation Unknown device cb84
        Flags: bus master, 66MHz, fast devsel, latency 0, IRQ 16
        I/O ports at 09f0
        I/O ports at 0bf0
        I/O ports at 0970
        I/O ports at 0b70
        I/O ports at f800
        Memory at fe02d000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=4K]
        Capabilities: [44] Power Management version 2
        Capabilities: [b0] Message Signalled Interrupts: 64bit+ Queue=0/2 Enable-
        Capabilities: [cc] HyperTransport: MSI Mapping

00:0f.0 IDE interface: nVidia Corporation MCP51 Serial ATA Controller (rev a1) (prog-if 85 [Master SecO PriO])
        Subsystem: nVidia Corporation Unknown device cb84
        Flags: bus master, 66MHz, fast devsel, latency 0, IRQ 17
        I/O ports at 09e0
        I/O ports at 0be0
        I/O ports at 0960
        I/O ports at 0b60
        I/O ports at f300
        Memory at fe02c000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=4K]
        Capabilities: [44] Power Management version 2
        Capabilities: [b0] Message Signalled Interrupts: 64bit+ Queue=0/2 Enable-
        Capabilities: [cc] HyperTransport: MSI Mapping

00:10.0 PCI bridge: nVidia Corporation MCP51 PCI Bridge (rev a2) (prog-if 01 [Subtractive decode])
        Flags: bus master, 66MHz, fast devsel, latency 0
        Bus: primary=00, secondary=06, subordinate=06, sec-latency=32
        I/O behind bridge: 0000b000-0000bfff
        Memory behind bridge: fd800000-fd8fffff
        Prefetchable memory behind bridge: fd700000-fd7fffff
        Capabilities: [b8] #0d [0000]
        Capabilities: [8c] HyperTransport: MSI Mapping

00:10.2 Multimedia audio controller: nVidia Corporation MCP51 AC97 Audio Controller (rev a2)
        Subsystem: nVidia Corporation Unknown device cb84
        Flags: bus master, 66MHz, fast devsel, latency 0, IRQ 16
        I/O ports at ee00 [size=256]
        I/O ports at f000 [size=256]
        Memory at fe02b000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=4K]
        Capabilities: [44] Power Management version 2

00:14.0 Bridge: nVidia Corporation MCP51 Ethernet Controller (rev a1)
        Subsystem: nVidia Corporation Unknown device cb84
        Flags: bus master, 66MHz, fast devsel, latency 0, IRQ 18
        Memory at fe02a000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=4K]
        I/O ports at f200
        Capabilities: [44] Power Management version 2

01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation Unknown device 01df (rev a1) (prog-if 00 [VGA])
        Flags: bus master, fast devsel, latency 0, IRQ 20
        Memory at fa000000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=16M]
        Memory at d0000000 (64-bit, prefetchable) [size=256M]
        Memory at fb000000 (64-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=16M]
        [virtual] Expansion ROM at fc000000 [disabled] [size=128K]
        Capabilities: [60] Power Management version 2
        Capabilities: [68] Message Signalled Interrupts: 64bit+ Queue=0/0 Enable-
        Capabilities: [78] Express Endpoint IRQ 0
        Capabilities: [100] Virtual Channel
        Capabilities: [128] Power Budgeting

[root@fzu-d9a3836e276 /]# dmesg
Bootdata ok (command line is ro root=LABEL=/ rhgb quiet)
Linux version 2.6.16-1.2096_FC5 ( (gcc version 4.1.0 20060304 (Red Hat 4.1.0-3)) #1 SMP Wed Apr 19 05:14:26 EDT 2006
BIOS-provided physical RAM map:
BIOS-e820: 0000000000000000 - 000000000009d800 (usable)
BIOS-e820: 000000000009d800 - 00000000000a0000 (reserved)
BIOS-e820: 00000000000f0000 - 0000000000100000 (reserved)
BIOS-e820: 0000000000100000 - 000000001fff0000 (usable)
BIOS-e820: 000000001fff0000 - 000000001fff3000 (ACPI NVS)
BIOS-e820: 000000001fff3000 - 0000000020000000 (ACPI data)
BIOS-e820: 00000000e0000000 - 00000000f0000000 (reserved)
BIOS-e820: 00000000fec00000 - 0000000100000000 (reserved)
ACPI: RSDP (v000 Nvidia                                ) @ 0x00000000000f8cf0
ACPI: RSDT (v001 Nvidia AWRDACPI 0x42302e31 AWRD 0x00000000) @ 0x000000001fff3040
ACPI: FADT (v001 Nvidia AWRDACPI 0x42302e31 AWRD 0x00000000) @ 0x000000001fff30c0
ACPI: MCFG (v001 Nvidia AWRDACPI 0x42302e31 AWRD 0x00000000) @ 0x000000001fff8580
ACPI: MADT (v001 Nvidia AWRDACPI 0x42302e31 AWRD 0x00000000) @ 0x000000001fff8480
ACPI: DSDT (v001 NVIDIA AWRDACPI 0x00001000 MSFT 0x0100000e) @ 0x0000000000000000
No NUMA configuration found
Faking a node at 0000000000000000-000000001fff0000
Bootmem setup node 0 0000000000000000-000000001fff0000
On node 0 totalpages: 127760
  DMA zone: 2783 pages, LIFO batch:0
  DMA32 zone: 124977 pages, LIFO batch:31
  Normal zone: 0 pages, LIFO batch:0
  HighMem zone: 0 pages, LIFO batch:0
Nvidia board detected. Ignoring ACPI timer override.
ACPI: PM-Timer IO Port: 0x4008
ACPI: Local APIC address 0xfee00000
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x00] lapic_id[0x00] enabled)
Processor #0 15:4 APIC version 20
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x01] lapic_id[0x01] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x02] lapic_id[0x02] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x03] lapic_id[0x03] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x00] high edge lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x01] high edge lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x02] high edge lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x03] high edge lint[0x1])
ACPI: IOAPIC (id[0x04] address[0xfec00000] gsi_base[0])
IOAPIC[0]: apic_id 4, version 17, address 0xfec00000, GSI 0-23
ACPI: INT_SRC_OVR (bus 0 bus_irq 9 global_irq 9 high level)
ACPI: INT_SRC_OVR (bus 0 bus_irq 14 global_irq 14 high edge)
ACPI: INT_SRC_OVR (bus 0 bus_irq 15 global_irq 15 high edge)
ACPI: IRQ9 used by override.
ACPI: IRQ14 used by override.
ACPI: IRQ15 used by override.
Setting APIC routing to physical flat
Using ACPI (MADT) for SMP configuration information
Allocating PCI resources starting at 30000000 (gap: 20000000:c0000000)
Checking aperture...
SMP: Allowing 4 CPUs, 3 hotplug CPUs
Built 1 zonelists
Kernel command line: ro root=LABEL=/ rhgb quiet
Initializing CPU#0
PID hash table entries: 2048 (order: 11, 65536 bytes)
time.c: Using 3.579545 MHz WALL PM GTOD PIT/TSC timer.
time.c: Detected 2800.322 MHz processor.
Console: colour VGA+ 80x25
Dentry cache hash table entries: 65536 (order: 7, 524288 bytes)
Inode-cache hash table entries: 32768 (order: 6, 262144 bytes)
Memory: 508968k/524224k available (2306k kernel code, 14860k reserved, 1212k data, 200k init)
Calibrating delay using timer specific routine.. 5611.01 BogoMIPS (lpj=11222020)Security Framework v1.0.0 initialized
SELinux:  Initializing.
SELinux:  Starting in permissive mode
selinux_register_security:  Registering secondary module capability
Capability LSM initialized as secondary
Mount-cache hash table entries: 256
CPU: Trace cache: 12K uops, L1 D cache: 16K
CPU: L2 cache: 1024K
using mwait in idle threads.
CPU: Hyper-Threading is disabled
CPU0: Thermal monitoring enabled (TM1)
Using local APIC timer interrupts.
result 8334223
Detected 8.334 MHz APIC timer.
Brought up 1 CPUs
testing NMI watchdog ... OK.
checking if image is initramfs... it is
Freeing initrd memory: 1050k freed
DMI not present or invalid.
NET: Registered protocol family 16
ACPI: bus type pci registered
PCI: Using configuration type 1
PCI: Using MMCONFIG at e0000000
ACPI: Subsystem revision 20060127
ACPI: Interpreter enabled
ACPI: Using IOAPIC for interrupt routing
ACPI: PCI Root Bridge [PCI0] (0000:00)
PCI: Probing PCI hardware (bus 00)
Boot video device is 0000:01:00.0
PCI: Transparent bridge - 0000:00:10.0
ACPI: PCI Interrupt Routing Table [\_SB_.PCI0._PRT]
ACPI: PCI Interrupt Routing Table [\_SB_.PCI0.HUB0._PRT]
ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNK1] (IRQs 5 7 9 10 11 14 15) *0, disabled.
ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNK2] (IRQs 5 7 9 10 11 14 15) *0, disabled.
ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNK3] (IRQs 5 7 9 10 11 14 15) *0, disabled.
ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNK4] (IRQs 5 7 9 10 11 14 15) *0, disabled.
ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNK5] (IRQs *5 7 9 10 11 14 15)
ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNK6] (IRQs 5 7 9 10 11 14 15) *0, disabled.
ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNK7] (IRQs 5 7 9 10 11 14 15) *0, disabled.
ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNK8] (IRQs 5 7 9 10 11 14 15) *0, disabled.
ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LUBA] (IRQs 5 7 9 *10 11 14 15)
ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LUBB] (IRQs 5 7 9 10 11 14 15) *0, disabled.
ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LMAC] (IRQs 5 7 9 *10 11 14 15)
ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LACI] (IRQs 5 7 9 10 *11 14 15)
ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LAZA] (IRQs 5 7 9 10 11 14 15) *0, disabled.
ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LPMU] (IRQs *5 7 9 10 11 14 15)
ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LMCI] (IRQs 5 7 9 10 11 14 15) *0, disabled.
ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LSMB] (IRQs *5 7 9 10 11 14 15)
ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LUB2] (IRQs 5 7 9 10 *11 14 15)
ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LIDE] (IRQs 5 7 9 10 11 14 15) *0, disabled.
ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LSID] (IRQs 5 7 9 *10 11 14 15)
ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LFID] (IRQs 5 7 9 10 *11 14 15)
ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [APC1] (IRQs 16) *0, disabled.
ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [APC2] (IRQs 17) *0, disabled.
ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [APC3] (IRQs 18) *0, disabled.
ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [APC4] (IRQs 19) *0, disabled.
ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [APC5] (IRQs 16) *0, disabled.
ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [APC6] (IRQs 16) *0, disabled.
ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [APC7] (IRQs 16) *0, disabled.
ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [APC8] (IRQs 16) *0, disabled.
ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [APCF] (IRQs 20 21 22 23) *0, disabled.
ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [APCG] (IRQs 20 21 22 23) *0, disabled.
ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [APCH] (IRQs 20 21 22 23) *0, disabled.
ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [APCJ] (IRQs 20 21 22 23) *0, disabled.
ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [APMU] (IRQs 20 21 22 23) *0, disabled.
ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [AAZA] (IRQs 20 21 22 23) *0, disabled.
ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [APCK] (IRQs 20 21 22 23) *0, disabled.
ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [APCS] (IRQs 20 21 22 23) *0, disabled.
ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [APCL] (IRQs 20 21 22 23) *0, disabled.
ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [APCM] (IRQs 20 21 22 23) *0, disabled.
ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [APCZ] (IRQs 20 21 22 23) *0, disabled.
ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [APSI] (IRQs 20 21 22 23) *0, disabled.
ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [APSJ] (IRQs 20 21 22 23) *0, disabled.
Linux Plug and Play Support v0.97 (c) Adam Belay
pnp: PnP ACPI init
pnp: PnP ACPI: found 14 devices
usbcore: registered new driver usbfs
usbcore: registered new driver hub
PCI: Using ACPI for IRQ routing
PCI: If a device doesn't work, try "pci=routeirq".  If it helps, post a report
PCI-DMA: Disabling IOMMU.
pnp: 00:01: ioport range 0x4000-0x407f could not be reserved
pnp: 00:01: ioport range 0x4080-0x40ff has been reserved
pnp: 00:01: ioport range 0x4400-0x447f has been reserved
pnp: 00:01: ioport range 0x4480-0x44ff could not be reserved
pnp: 00:01: ioport range 0x4800-0x487f has been reserved
pnp: 00:01: ioport range 0x4880-0x48ff has been reserved
PCI: Bridge: 0000:00:02.0
  IO window: 8000-8fff
  MEM window: fa000000-fcffffff
  PREFETCH window: d0000000-dfffffff
PCI: Bridge: 0000:00:04.0
  IO window: d000-dfff
  MEM window: fdd00000-fddfffff
  PREFETCH window: fdc00000-fdcfffff
PCI: Bridge: 0000:00:05.0
  IO window: c000-cfff
  MEM window: fdb00000-fdbfffff
  PREFETCH window: fda00000-fdafffff
PCI: Bridge: 0000:00:06.0
  IO window: a000-afff
  MEM window: fd900000-fd9fffff
  PREFETCH window: fd600000-fd6fffff
PCI: Bridge: 0000:00:07.0
  IO window: 9000-9fff
  MEM window: fd500000-fd5fffff
  PREFETCH window: fde00000-fdefffff
PCI: Bridge: 0000:00:10.0
  IO window: b000-bfff
  MEM window: fd800000-fd8fffff
  PREFETCH window: fd700000-fd7fffff
PCI: Setting latency timer of device 0000:00:02.0 to 64
PCI: Setting latency timer of device 0000:00:04.0 to 64
PCI: Setting latency timer of device 0000:00:05.0 to 64
PCI: Setting latency timer of device 0000:00:06.0 to 64
PCI: Setting latency timer of device 0000:00:07.0 to 64
PCI: Setting latency timer of device 0000:00:10.0 to 64
IA32 emulation $Id: sys_ia32.c,v 1.32 2002/03/24 13:02:28 ak Exp $
audit: initializing netlink socket (disabled)
audit(1147718938.620:1): initialized
Total HugeTLB memory allocated, 0
VFS: Disk quotas dquot_6.5.1
Dquot-cache hash table entries: 512 (order 0, 4096 bytes)
SELinux:  Registering netfilter hooks
Initializing Cryptographic API
ksign: Installing public key data
Loading keyring
- Added public key 1B110E74CF686ED4
- User ID: Red Hat, Inc. (Kernel Module GPG key)
io scheduler noop registered
io scheduler anticipatory registered
io scheduler deadline registered
io scheduler cfq registered (default)
0000:00:0b.1 EHCI: BIOS handoff failed (BIOS bug ?) 01010001
PCI: Setting latency timer of device 0000:00:02.0 to 64
pcie_portdrv_probe->Dev[007e:10de] has invalid IRQ. Check vendor BIOS
assign_interrupt_mode Found MSI capability
Allocate Port Service[0000:00:02.0:pcie00]
Allocate Port Service[0000:00:02.0:pcie03]
PCI: Setting latency timer of device 0000:00:04.0 to 64
pcie_portdrv_probe->Dev[007e:10de] has invalid IRQ. Check vendor BIOS
assign_interrupt_mode Found MSI capability
Allocate Port Service[0000:00:04.0:pcie00]
Allocate Port Service[0000:00:04.0:pcie03]
PCI: Setting latency timer of device 0000:00:05.0 to 64
pcie_portdrv_probe->Dev[007e:10de] has invalid IRQ. Check vendor BIOS
assign_interrupt_mode Found MSI capability
Allocate Port Service[0000:00:05.0:pcie00]
Allocate Port Service[0000:00:05.0:pcie03]
PCI: Setting latency timer of device 0000:00:06.0 to 64
pcie_portdrv_probe->Dev[007e:10de] has invalid IRQ. Check vendor BIOS
assign_interrupt_mode Found MSI capability
Allocate Port Service[0000:00:06.0:pcie00]
Allocate Port Service[0000:00:06.0:pcie03]
PCI: Setting latency timer of device 0000:00:07.0 to 64
pcie_portdrv_probe->Dev[007e:10de] has invalid IRQ. Check vendor BIOS
assign_interrupt_mode Found MSI capability
Allocate Port Service[0000:00:07.0:pcie00]
Allocate Port Service[0000:00:07.0:pcie03]
pci_hotplug: PCI Hot Plug PCI Core version: 0.5
ACPI: Fan [FAN] (on)
ACPI: Thermal Zone [THRM] (45 C)
Real Time Clock Driver v1.12ac
Linux agpgart interface v0.101 (c) Dave Jones
PNP: PS/2 Controller [PNP0303S2K,PNP0f13S2M] at 0x60,0x64 irq 1,12
serio: i8042 AUX port at 0x60,0x64 irq 12
serio: i8042 KBD port at 0x60,0x64 irq 1
Serial: 8250/16550 driver $Revision: 1.90 $ 4 ports, IRQ sharing enabled
serial8250: ttyS0 at I/O 0x3f8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A
00:08: ttyS0 at I/O 0x3f8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A
isa bounce pool size: 16 pages
RAMDISK driver initialized: 16 RAM disks of 16384K size 1024 blocksize
Uniform Multi-Platform E-IDE driver Revision: 7.00alpha2
ide: Assuming 33MHz system bus speed for PIO modes; override with idebus=xx
NFORCE-MCP51: IDE controller at PCI slot 0000:00:0d.0
NFORCE-MCP51: chipset revision 161
NFORCE-MCP51: not 100% native mode: will probe irqs later
NFORCE-MCP51: 0000:00:0d.0 (rev a1) UDMA133 controller
    ide0: BM-DMA at 0xfd00-0xfd07, BIOS settings: hdaMA, hdbMA
    ide1: BM-DMA at 0xfd08-0xfd0f, BIOS settings: hdcMA, hddMA
Probing IDE interface ide0...
ide0 at 0x1f0-0x1f7,0x3f6 on irq 14
Probing IDE interface ide1...
Probing IDE interface ide1...
hda: ATAPI 40X DVD-ROM drive, 2048kB Cache
Uniform CD-ROM driver Revision: 3.20
ide-floppy driver 0.99.newide
usbcore: registered new driver libusual
usbcore: registered new driver hiddev
usbcore: registered new driver usbhid
drivers/usb/input/hid-core.c: v2.6:USB HID core driver
mice: PS/2 mouse device common for all mice
md: md driver 0.90.3 MAX_MD_DEVS=256, MD_SB_DISKS=27
md: bitmap version 4.39
NET: Registered protocol family 2
input: AT Translated Set 2 keyboard as /class/input/input0
IP route cache hash table entries: 4096 (order: 3, 32768 bytes)
TCP established hash table entries: 16384 (order: 7, 524288 bytes)
TCP bind hash table entries: 16384 (order: 7, 524288 bytes)
TCP: Hash tables configured (established 16384 bind 16384)
TCP reno registered
TCP bic registered
Initializing IPsec netlink socket
NET: Registered protocol family 1
NET: Registered protocol family 17
ACPI wakeup devices:
ACPI: (supports S0 S1 S4 S5)
Freeing unused kernel memory: 200k freed
Write protecting the kernel read-only data: 432k
SCSI subsystem initialized
libata version 1.20 loaded.
sata_nv 0000:00:0e.0: version 0.8
ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [APSI] enabled at IRQ 23
GSI 16 sharing vector 0xB1 and IRQ 16
ACPI: PCI Interrupt 0000:00:0e.0[A] -> Link [APSI] -> GSI 23 (level, low) -> IRQ 16
PCI: Setting latency timer of device 0000:00:0e.0 to 64
ata1: SATA max UDMA/133 cmd 0x9F0 ctl 0xBF2 bmdma 0xF800 irq 16
ata2: SATA max UDMA/133 cmd 0x970 ctl 0xB72 bmdma 0xF808 irq 16
ata1: SATA link down (SStatus 0)
scsi0 : sata_nv
ata2: SATA link down (SStatus 0)
scsi1 : sata_nv
ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [APSJ] enabled at IRQ 22
GSI 17 sharing vector 0xB9 and IRQ 17
ACPI: PCI Interrupt 0000:00:0f.0[A] -> Link [APSJ] -> GSI 22 (level, low) -> IRQ 17
PCI: Setting latency timer of device 0000:00:0f.0 to 64
ata3: SATA max UDMA/133 cmd 0x9E0 ctl 0xBE2 bmdma 0xF300 irq 17
ata4: SATA max UDMA/133 cmd 0x960 ctl 0xB62 bmdma 0xF308 irq 17
input: ImPS/2 Generic Wheel Mouse as /class/input/input1
ata3: SATA link up 3.0 Gbps (SStatus 123)
ata3: dev 0 cfg 49:2f00 82:746b 83:7f01 84:4023 85:7469 86:3c01 87:4023 88:407f
ata3: dev 0 ATA-7, max UDMA/133, 312581808 sectors: LBA48
ata3: dev 0 configured for UDMA/133
scsi2 : sata_nv
ata4: SATA link down (SStatus 0)
scsi3 : sata_nv
  Vendor: ATA       Model: WDC WD1600JS-00M  Rev: 02.0
  Type:   Direct-Access                      ANSI SCSI revision: 05
SCSI device sda: 312581808 512-byte hdwr sectors (160042 MB)
sda: Write Protect is off
sda: Mode Sense: 00 3a 00 00
SCSI device sda: drive cache: write back
SCSI device sda: 312581808 512-byte hdwr sectors (160042 MB)
sda: Write Protect is off
sda: Mode Sense: 00 3a 00 00
SCSI device sda: drive cache: write back
sda: sda1 sda2 < sda5 sda6 sda7 sda8 sda9 sda10 sda11 >
sd 2:0:0:0: Attached scsi disk sda
kjournald starting.  Commit interval 5 seconds
EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with ordered data mode.
SELinux:  Disabled at runtime.
SELinux:  Unregistering netfilter hooks
forcedeth.c: Reverse Engineered nForce ethernet driver. Version 0.49.
ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [APCH] enabled at IRQ 21
GSI 18 sharing vector 0xC1 and IRQ 18
ACPI: PCI Interrupt 0000:00:14.0[A] -> Link [APCH] -> GSI 21 (level, low) -> IRQ 18
PCI: Setting latency timer of device 0000:00:14.0 to 64
ohci_hcd: 2005 April 22 USB 1.1 'Open' Host Controller (OHCI) Driver (PCI)
nvidia: module license 'NVIDIA' taints kernel.
sd 2:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg0 type 0
eth0: forcedeth.c: subsystem: 010de:cb84 bound to 0000:00:14.0
ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [APCF] enabled at IRQ 20
GSI 19 sharing vector 0xC9 and IRQ 19
ACPI: PCI Interrupt 0000:00:0b.0[A] -> Link [APCF] -> GSI 20 (level, low) -> IRQ 19
PCI: Setting latency timer of device 0000:00:0b.0 to 64
ohci_hcd 0000:00:0b.0: OHCI Host Controller
ohci_hcd 0000:00:0b.0: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 1
ohci_hcd 0000:00:0b.0: irq 19, io mem 0xfe02f000
usb usb1: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice
hub 1-0:1.0: USB hub found
hub 1-0:1.0: 8 ports detected
ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [APC5] enabled at IRQ 16
GSI 20 sharing vector 0xD1 and IRQ 20
ACPI: PCI Interrupt 0000:01:00.0[A] -> Link [APC5] -> GSI 16 (level, low) -> IRQ 20
PCI: Setting latency timer of device 0000:01:00.0 to 64
NVRM: loading NVIDIA Linux x86_64 Kernel Module  1.0-8756  Wed Mar 29 15:12:41 PST 2006
ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [APCJ] enabled at IRQ 23
ACPI: PCI Interrupt 0000:00:10.2[C] -> Link [APCJ] -> GSI 23 (level, low) -> IRQ 16
PCI: Setting latency timer of device 0000:00:10.2 to 64
intel8x0_measure_ac97_clock: measured 58527 usecs
intel8x0: clocking to 46952
ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [APCL] enabled at IRQ 22
ACPI: PCI Interrupt 0000:00:0b.1 -> Link [APCL] -> GSI 22 (level, low) -> IRQ 17
PCI: Setting latency timer of device 0000:00:0b.1 to 64
ehci_hcd 0000:00:0b.1: EHCI Host Controller
ehci_hcd 0000:00:0b.1: debug port 1
PCI: cache line size of 128 is not supported by device 0000:00:0b.1
ehci_hcd 0000:00:0b.1: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 2
ehci_hcd 0000:00:0b.1: irq 17, io mem 0xfe02e000
ehci_hcd 0000:00:0b.1: USB 2.0 started, EHCI 1.00, driver 10 Dec 2004
usb usb2: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice
hub 2-0:1.0: USB hub found
hub 2-0:1.0: 8 ports detected
Non-volatile memory driver v1.2
FDC 0 is a post-1991 82077
parport: PnPBIOS parport detected.
parport0: PC-style at 0x378, irq 7 [PCSPP,TRISTATE]
lp0: using parport0 (interrupt-driven).
lp0: console ready
NET: Registered protocol family 10
lo: Disabled Privacy Extensions
IPv6 over IPv4 tunneling driver
ACPI: Power Button (FF) [PWRF]
ACPI: Power Button (CM) [PWRB]
ibm_acpi: ec object not found
md: Autodetecting RAID arrays.
md: autorun ...
md: ... autorun DONE.
device-mapper: 4.5.0-ioctl (2005-10-04) initialised:
EXT3 FS on sda9, internal journal
kjournald starting.  Commit interval 5 seconds
EXT3 FS on sda10, internal journal
EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with ordered data mode.
NTFS driver 2.1.26 [Flags: R/W MODULE].
NTFS volume version 3.1.
NTFS volume version 3.1.
Adding 522072k swap on /dev/sda11.  Priority:-1 extents:1 across:522072k
ip_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team
Netfilter messages via NETLINK v0.30.
ip_conntrack version 2.4 (2047 buckets, 16376 max) - 312 bytes per conntrack
Bluetooth: Core ver 2.8
NET: Registered protocol family 31
Bluetooth: HCI device and connection manager initialized
Bluetooth: HCI socket layer initialized
Bluetooth: L2CAP ver 2.8
Bluetooth: L2CAP socket layer initialized
Bluetooth: HIDP (Human Interface Emulation) ver 1.1
eth0: no IPv6 routers present
application xmms uses obsolete OSS audio interface

[root@fzu-d9a3836e276 /]# /sbin/ifconfig
eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:F0:4C:87:1E:39
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: fe80::2f0:4cff:fe87:1e39/64 Scopeink
          RX packets:664 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
          RX bytes:54804 (53.5 KiB)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 b)
          Interrupt:18 Base address:0x6000

lo        Link encapocal Loopback
          inet addr:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
          UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1
          RX packets:2430 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:2430 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
          RX bytes:3458568 (3.2 MiB)  TX bytes:3458568 (3.2 MiB)
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