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发表于 2007-10-5 13:13:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
在Linux里自己编译了cups  安装到/opt 目录下
然后添加打印机  打印后 没有反应  cups.conf 里改 loglevel  debug

然后在error_log 里面执行3个filter的时候permison denied 了 , 可是手动去执行filter没有问题

D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:27 +0000] LoadAllPrinters: Loading printer 2360...
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:27 +0000] LoadDevices: Added device "ipp"...
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:27 +0000] LoadDevices: Added device "lpd"...
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:27 +0000] LoadDevices: Added device "usb://D2368?serial=TH71C141SV04N0"...
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:27 +0000] LoadDevices: Added device "usb:/dev/usb/lp1"...
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:27 +0000] LoadDevices: Added device "usb:/dev/usb/lp2"...
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:27 +0000] LoadDevices: Added device "usb:/dev/usb/lp3"...
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:27 +0000] LoadDevices: Added device "usb:/dev/usb/lp4"...
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:27 +0000] LoadDevices: Added device "usb:/dev/usb/lp5"...
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:27 +0000] LoadDevices: Added device "usb:/dev/usb/lp6"...
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:27 +0000] LoadDevices: Added device "usb:/dev/usb/lp7"...
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:27 +0000] LoadDevices: Added device "usb:/dev/usb/lp8"...
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:27 +0000] LoadDevices: Added device "usb:/dev/usb/lp9"...
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:27 +0000] LoadDevices: Added device "usb:/dev/usb/lp10"...
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:27 +0000] LoadDevices: Added device "usb:/dev/usb/lp11"...
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:27 +0000] LoadDevices: Added device "usb:/dev/usb/lp12"...
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:27 +0000] LoadDevices: Added device "usb:/dev/usb/lp13"...
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:27 +0000] LoadDevices: Added device "usb:/dev/usb/lp14"...
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:27 +0000] LoadDevices: Added device "usb:/dev/usb/lp15"...
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:27 +0000] LoadDevices: Added device "http"...
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:28 +0000] LoadDevices: Added device "scsi"...
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:28 +0000] LoadDevices: Added device "socket"...
I [02/Oct/2007:18:49:28 +0000] LoadPPDs: Read "/opt/cups/etc/cups/ppds.dat", 23 PPDs...
I [02/Oct/2007:18:49:28 +0000] LoadPPDs: No new or changed PPDs...
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:28 +0000] LoadAllJobs: Scanning /opt/cups/var/spool/cups...
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:28 +0000] LoadAllJobs: Loading attributes for job 1...
I [02/Oct/2007:18:49:28 +0000] Full reload complete.
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:28 +0000] StartListening: NumListeners=1
E [02/Oct/2007:18:49:28 +0000] StartListening: Unable to find IP address for server name "00602b034232" - Unknown host
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:28 +0000] StartListening: address=00000000 port=631
E [02/Oct/2007:18:49:28 +0000] StartListening: Unable to bind socket for address 00000000:631 - Address already in use.
I [02/Oct/2007:18:49:38 +0000] Listening to 0:631
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:38 +0000] AddLocation: added location '/'
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:38 +0000] DenyIP: / deny 00000000/00000000
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:38 +0000] AllowIP: / allow 7f000001/ffffffff
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:38 +0000] AddLocation: added location '/admin'
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:38 +0000] DenyIP: /admin deny 00000000/00000000
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:38 +0000] AllowIP: /admin allow 7f000001/ffffffff
I [02/Oct/2007:18:49:38 +0000] Loaded configuration file "/opt/cups/etc/cups/cupsd.conf"
I [02/Oct/2007:18:49:38 +0000] Configured for up to 100 clients.
I [02/Oct/2007:18:49:38 +0000] Allowing up to 100 client connections per host.
I [02/Oct/2007:18:49:38 +0000] Full reload is required.
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:38 +0000] LoadAllPrinters: Loading printer 2360...
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:38 +0000] LoadDevices: Added device "ipp"...
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:38 +0000] LoadDevices: Added device "lpd"...
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:38 +0000] LoadDevices: Added device "usb://D2368?serial=TH71C141SV04N0"...
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:38 +0000] LoadDevices: Added device "usb:/dev/usb/lp1"...
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:38 +0000] LoadDevices: Added device "usb:/dev/usb/lp2"...
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:38 +0000] LoadDevices: Added device "usb:/dev/usb/lp3"...
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:38 +0000] LoadDevices: Added device "usb:/dev/usb/lp4"...
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:38 +0000] LoadDevices: Added device "usb:/dev/usb/lp5"...
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:38 +0000] LoadDevices: Added device "usb:/dev/usb/lp6"...
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:38 +0000] LoadDevices: Added device "usb:/dev/usb/lp7"...
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:38 +0000] LoadDevices: Added device "usb:/dev/usb/lp8"...
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:38 +0000] LoadDevices: Added device "usb:/dev/usb/lp9"...
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:38 +0000] LoadDevices: Added device "usb:/dev/usb/lp10"...
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:38 +0000] LoadDevices: Added device "usb:/dev/usb/lp11"...
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:38 +0000] LoadDevices: Added device "usb:/dev/usb/lp12"...
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:38 +0000] LoadDevices: Added device "usb:/dev/usb/lp13"...
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:38 +0000] LoadDevices: Added device "usb:/dev/usb/lp14"...
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:38 +0000] LoadDevices: Added device "usb:/dev/usb/lp15"...
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:38 +0000] LoadDevices: Added device "http"...
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:39 +0000] LoadDevices: Added device "scsi"...
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:39 +0000] LoadDevices: Added device "socket"...
I [02/Oct/2007:18:49:39 +0000] LoadPPDs: Read "/opt/cups/etc/cups/ppds.dat", 23 PPDs...
I [02/Oct/2007:18:49:39 +0000] LoadPPDs: No new or changed PPDs...
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:39 +0000] LoadAllJobs: Scanning /opt/cups/var/spool/cups...
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:39 +0000] LoadAllJobs: Loading attributes for job 1...
I [02/Oct/2007:18:49:39 +0000] Full reload complete.
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:39 +0000] StartListening: NumListeners=1
E [02/Oct/2007:18:49:39 +0000] StartListening: Unable to find IP address for server name "00602b034232" - Unknown host
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:39 +0000] StartListening: address=00000000 port=631
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:39 +0000] ResumeListening: setting input bits...
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:47 +0000] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:47 +0000] ReadClient: 5 POST /printers/2360 HTTP/1.1
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:47 +0000] print_job: auto-typing file...
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:47 +0000] print_job: request file type is text/plain.
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:47 +0000] check_quotas: requesting-user-name = 'root'
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:47 +0000] print_job: requesting-user-name = 'root'
I [02/Oct/2007:18:49:47 +0000] Adding start banner page "none" to job 2.
I [02/Oct/2007:18:49:47 +0000] Adding end banner page "none" to job 2.
I [02/Oct/2007:18:49:47 +0000] Job 2 queued on '2360' by 'root'.
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:47 +0000] Job 2 hold_until = 0
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:47 +0000] StartJob(2, 0x54b48)
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:47 +0000] StartJob() id = 2, file = 0/1
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:47 +0000] job-sheets=none,none
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:47 +0000] banner_page = 0
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:47 +0000] StartJob: argv = "2360","2","root","inittab","1","","/opt/cups/var/spool/cups/d00002-001"
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:47 +0000] StartJob: envp[0]="ATH=/opt/cups/lib/cups/filter:/bin:/usr/bin"
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:47 +0000] StartJob: envp[1]="SOFTWARE=CUPS/1.1"
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:47 +0000] StartJob: envp[2]="USER=root"
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:47 +0000] StartJob: envp[3]="CHARSET=iso-8859-1"
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:47 +0000] StartJob: envp[4]="LANG=en"
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:47 +0000] StartJob: envp[5]="PD=/opt/cups/etc/cups/ppd/2360.ppd"
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:47 +0000] StartJob: envp[6]="CUPS_SERVERROOT=/opt/cups/etc/cups"
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:47 +0000] StartJob: envp[7]="RIP_MAX_CACHE=8m"
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:47 +0000] StartJob: envp[8]="TMPDIR=/opt/cups/var/spool/cups/tmp"
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:47 +0000] StartJob: envp[9]="CONTENT_TYPE=text/plain"
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:47 +0000] StartJob: envp[10]="DEVICE_URI=usb:/dev/usb/lp0"
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:47 +0000] StartJob: envp[11]="RINTER=2360"
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:47 +0000] StartJob: envp[12]="CUPS_DATADIR=/opt/cups/share/cups"
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:47 +0000] StartJob: envp[13]="CUPS_FONTPATH=/opt/cups/share/cups/fonts"
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:47 +0000] StartJob: envp[14]="CUPS_SERVER=localhost"
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:47 +0000] StartJob: envp[15]="IPP_PORT=631"
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:47 +0000] StartJob: envp[16]="LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/cups/lib/:"
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:47 +0000] StartJob: statusfds = [ 7 8 ]
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:47 +0000] StartJob: filterfds[1] = [ 9 -1 ]
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:47 +0000] StartJob: filter = "/opt/cups/lib/cups/filter/texttops"
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:47 +0000] StartJob: filterfds[0] = [ 10 11 ]
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:47 +0000] start_process("/opt/cups/lib/cups/filter/texttops", 0xbefeec74, 0xbefedfe4, 9, 11, 8)
I [02/Oct/2007:18:49:47 +0000] Started filter /opt/cups/lib/cups/filter/texttops (PID 3559) for job 2.
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:47 +0000] StartJob: filter = "/opt/cups/lib/cups/filter/pstops"
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:47 +0000] StartJob: filterfds[1] = [ 9 12 ]
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:47 +0000] start_process("/opt/cups/lib/cups/filter/pstops", 0xbefeec74, 0xbefedfe4, 10, 12, 8)
I [02/Oct/2007:18:49:47 +0000] Started filter /opt/cups/lib/cups/filter/pstops (PID 3560) for job 2.
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:47 +0000] StartJob: filter = "/opt/cups/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip"
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:47 +0000] StartJob: filterfds[0] = [ 10 11 ]
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:47 +0000] start_process("/opt/cups/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip", 0xbefeec74, 0xbefedfe4, 9, 11, 8)
I [02/Oct/2007:18:49:47 +0000] Started filter /opt/cups/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip (PID 3561) for job 2.
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:47 +0000] StartJob: backend = "/opt/cups/lib/cups/backend/usb"
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:47 +0000] StartJob: filterfds[1] = [ -1 9 ]
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:47 +0000] start_process("/opt/cups/lib/cups/backend/usb", 0xbefeec74, 0xbefedfe4, 10, 9, 8)
I [02/Oct/2007:18:49:47 +0000] Started backend /opt/cups/lib/cups/backend/usb (PID 3562) for job 2.
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:47 +0000] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
E [02/Oct/2007:18:49:47 +0000] PID 3559 stopped with status 13!
E [02/Oct/2007:18:49:47 +0000] PID 3560 stopped with status 13!
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:47 +0000] [Job 2] /opt/cups/lib/cups/filter/texttops: Permission denied
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:47 +0000] [Job 2] /opt/cups/lib/cups/filter/pstops: Permission denied
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:47 +0000] CloseClient: 5
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:47 +0000] [Job 2] /opt/cups/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip: Permission denied
E [02/Oct/2007:18:49:47 +0000] PID 3561 stopped with status 13!
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:47 +0000] [Job 2] LPGETSTATUS returned a port status of 10...
W [02/Oct/2007:18:49:47 +0000] [Job 2] Printer fault!
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:47 +0000] UpdateJob: job 2, file 0 is complete.
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:47 +0000] CancelJob: id = 2
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:47 +0000] StopJob: id = 2, force = 0
D [02/Oct/2007:18:49:47 +0000] StopJob: printer state is 3
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