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万能的LinuxSir,能否帮我解决Epson GT-X970 专业扫描仪的驱动?

发表于 2009-4-15 15:48:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
自打转入Debian 5.0以来,一直让我烦心的就是Epson GT-X970 专业扫描仪的驱动问题。为了扫底片,不得不回到windows xp。找遍了Xsane,就是不能用。google了无数遍,有人建议输入windows下的firmware,但本人是新手,不知道windows下的firmware由哪些文件组成或是哪个文件。所以linux下无法发挥我的扫描仪的功能。眼下Mac os版是3.25, 网址是:。求好心人帮忙改成Linux版的!
发表于 2009-4-15 17:48:12 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-4-15 20:48:51 | 显示全部楼层


Post by windrose;1974791

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发表于 2009-4-17 15:35:02 | 显示全部楼层
让我快些好起来8 ~~~~~~
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发表于 2010-12-16 18:50:59 | 显示全部楼层
Post by Mrsun;1974738
自打转入Debian 5.0以来,一直让我烦心的就是Epson GT-X970 专业扫描仪的驱动问题。为了扫底片,不得不回到windows xp。找遍了Xsane,就是不能用。google了无数遍,有人建议输入windows下的firmware,但本人是新手,不知道windows下的firmware由哪些文件组成或是哪个文件。所以linux下无法发挥我的扫描仪的功能。眼下Mac os版是3.25, 网址是:。求好心人帮忙改成Linux版的!

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发表于 2011-3-1 21:23:27 | 显示全部楼层

Not everyone has a perfect credit score. This could be due to a number of factors. Why should these people be punished for a bad number that is supposed to represent them? Many lenders are asking the same question and believe that they can help. Having a bad credit score used to mean you were unable to buy a new home, but some lenders are now changing that.
Its called an adverse credit mortgage and it is here to help those with bad credit obtain a loan. Many lenders have gotten by with simply saying that they are unable to help those with bad credit. This is simply not true. While one company may not be able to help you, it does not mean that you are stuck with no mortgage loan. Different lenders have access to lending companies that specialize in adverse credit mortgages. The main reason that many people never find these types of mortgages is because they give up too soon.
Many will give up because they may not have any more ideas of where they can go to find a broker. The Internet is a great place to find a mortgage broker. There are literally thousands of companies out there that specialize in adverse credit mortgages. There are even companies out there that will submit your application to multiple lenders.
The more you borrow form a lender, the higher your risk is to them. Since you have a bad credit score, it is advised that you pay as much as you can as a down payment towards the adverse credit mortgage. You will usually want to put at least a 50 percent down payment on the loan in the beginning. If this means that you will have to wait a little longer than anticipated before you can purchase your home, then wait. By paying a larger sum of money in the beginning you will make you more attractive borrower to the lender.
When you do find an adverse credit mortgage, you should expect to pay a much higher rate. While you will probably find a broker who will work with you, not all of them are as helpful. The reason why you pay higher rates is because you are labelled as high risk. They are taking a big risk by lending you money, and in return you must pay a higher interest rate for their business.
Remember that you can get an adverse mortgage loan even if one broker is discouraging. Lenders may not be swarming you to pick them, but they are available. You will just have to look a little harder than most people. Always be on time with your interest payments because you could end up losing your home very quickly. If you strive to stay on time, there will be no way to fall behind. Of course, if you let yourself slip one time, you could easily go into a downward spiral of lateness. So, be sure you always make it a priority to pay on time.
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