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Mencoder学习手记之一 - 基本篇

发表于 2010-4-9 13:35:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
不辞简陋,自家的学习心得,拿出来贡献给Linuxsir,在最初的debian的日子里,坛里的很多兄弟给了莫大的帮助和勇气,ths ALL!

20100512 我还是回来了,工作的事情很多,没有什么时间搞这个视频编码.不过期间对mencoder的理解也大为不同.
201004xx  应该把一些问题写下来,靠一个人的力量真的很有限,要是论坛上由人解答一下多好.


* 用Mencoder压制文件的兼容性(是否可以自由地由非Mplayer播放器播放)
* 能否把低质量的音频通过再编码,换成高质量的音频?
* 能否把低质量的视频通过再编码,换成高质量的视频?
* 如果-of avi时,x264编码,-ovc部分如何?(至今没有在GOOGLE搜索到答案)
* x264编码和那种音频编码匹配?
* -of 部分真是一个怪物,这玩意究竟是什么,mencoder竟然不直接支持那些flv格式?怎么回事?
* Mencoder如何确定容器格式
* -of 和-ovc是否有关联
* lavf容器和lavc编码的关联
* -of部分似乎不是必须的
* 根据man手册页的说明,Mencoder可以拆解为两个部分而已


Mencoder手记第一篇  引路




  因此我首先在Google做了以下搜索,比如“如何压缩avi文件","如何压缩avi格式","如何将avi转换成rmvb",当然成果就是找到一堆的软件,我记忆深刻的只有两个,一个是找到一个叫做Easy REAL Producder的软件,另一个成果就是找到"人人出品的AVS压缩套装”。当然,我不会使用这两个软件,因为那不是跨平台的。






  理解一、人们设定了不同的视频文件格式来把视频和音频放在一个文件中,以方便同时回放,实际上都是一个容器里面包裹着不同的轨道。容器是用来区分不同文件的数据类型的,而编码格式则由音视频的压缩算法决定,我们一般所说的文件格式或者是后缀名指的就是文件的容器。 对于一种容器,可以包含不同编码格式的一种视频和音频。

附上维基上的容器说明 [文件格式]

容器        后缀        出品公司        特点        可封装编码
AVI        avi        Microsoft        全称是Audio Video Interactive,其含义是,就是把视频和音频编码混合在一起储存,最常见的音频视频容器。支持的视频音频编码也是最多的。AVI也是最长寿的格式,已存在 10余年了,虽然发布过改版(V2.0于1996年发布),但已显老态。                
Mov        mov        Apple         QuickTime 的音频视频容器,恐怕也是现今最强大的容器,甚至支持虚拟现实技术,Java 等,它的变种 MP4,3GP都没有这么厉害。               
MPG         mpg mpeg dat                MPEG编码采用的音频视频容器,具有流的特性。里面又分为 PS,TS 等,PS 主要用于 DVD 存储,TS 主要用于 HDTV。               
MP4        mp4                 MPEG-4编码采用的音频视频容器,基于 QuickTime MOV 开发,具有许多先进特性。               
TS                        MPEG-2 transport stream,用于数字广播等非可靠传输领域,也被蓝光采用。               
VOB        vob                 DVD采用的音频视频容器格式(即视频MPEG-2,音频用AC3或者DTS),支持多视频多音轨多字幕章节等。               
ASF        wmv asf        Microsoft        Advanced Systems Format,Windows Media 采用的音频视频容器,能够用于流传送,还能包容脚本等。 ASF封装的WMV视频具有“数位版权保护”功能。               
MKV                Matroska        MKV 它能把 Windows Media Video,RealVideo,MPEG-4 等视频音频融为一个文件,而且支持多音轨,支持章节字幕等。 开放标准,开源。               
WAV        wav                 一种音频容器(注意:只是音频),大家常说的 WAV 就是没有压缩的 PCM 编码,其实 WAV 里面还可以包括 MP3 等其他 ACM 压缩编码。
RM        rm
rmvb        Real         RealMedia 采用的音频视频容器,用于流传送。 由RealNetworks开发的一种容器,它通常只能容纳Real Video和Real Audio编码的媒体。可变比特率的RMVB格式,体积很小,非常受到网络下载者的欢迎。               
3GP        3gp                 3GPP视频采用的格式,主要用于流媒体传送               





  到这里,我终于明白当初的误区是如何来的,也回顾自己接触视频的过程。在最早的时候,通过买光碟来看最喜爱的《X File》,要装一大堆的Divx和xVID解码器。后来国内宽带发展的很快,于是接触了eMule,从VeryCD下载那些很大的AVI和字幕,后来字幕组发展的很好,于是我转投BT,开始下载那些质量很好但文件不大的RMVB。所以脑子里总是认为RMVB就是唯一的选择。

发表于 2010-4-13 15:26:18 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-4-13 19:16:52 | 显示全部楼层
Post by 7dehao;2082584

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发表于 2010-4-14 16:04:12 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-4-14 22:53:11 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-5-13 00:10:17 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-5-18 09:25:36 | 显示全部楼层
Post by tsangtim;2089698

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发表于 2010-5-19 15:33:35 | 显示全部楼层
There has been a number of 1 week bans given to people for trolling. All the threads deleted included quotes from developers, sarcasm about their skill and direction, disagreements with certain abilities damage etc

Please dont let the banhammer silence the warlock forums. Continue to post in a CONSTRUCTIVE manner, even though it is very difficult to do considering the circumstances.
They would have to make a decent look at our forums to grant bans. I will be taking the easier method, instead
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of giving good detailed feedback as myself, maso, and others have been doing I will simply exclude my information from the forums. Its not being put to any use. I have nothing to guide me. I have no real hope for the class atm so instead i'm playing on my moonkin.
They could quite frankly archive all the posts on the entire warlock forum as it is right now and take it offline, like maso said we've said all we could have said over the past 3 months in multiple ways, anything we say from this point forward has already been said in futility.
They honestly dont seem to care anymore, the last real time they even posted asking for feedback was weeks ago on Meta, otherwise almost all the posts after have been just a buncha blabbing and sometimes didnt even make sense. CoR being to hardcore so we nerfed it - rofl or Master conjurer was gonna be a talent we wanted............ seriously you have to play the class a little to design for it. Any class can tell you that 0.15 increase in damage is terrible for talent point. And thats only on a certain type of spells.

I gave up on giving feedback and really even posting over a week ago, since nothing we have said has been looked at or changed in almost a month.
They would have to read our forums first, but it seem they have decided they have finished to interact with us and are moving on to do some small tweaks (nerfs) to piss us even more.

They want warlocks to reroll other classes. Its as simple as that. We putted a lot of good suggestions and they never acknowledged them and never used any of them.

I dare them to try some of out suggestions and see how they work so we have a chance to see if it would be viable. The game might be theirs but if the game dies they will have to answer to their shareholders xll.
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