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请教:关于xshell连接服务器中,teminal type的选择

发表于 2010-5-15 18:37:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
其实都用了很久了:xshell连接服务器,从来没关心过配置中关于teminal type的配置,好像默认都是xterm,也都能用。

但是发现,连接hp-ux的时候,虽然也能用,但是总是感觉有点问题,比如敲命令,不能用用backspace键删除,总是变成乱码,怀疑是不是teminal type设置的问题,特向各位大侠请教:


发表于 2010-5-19 15:34:26 | 显示全部楼层
We need Imp. Demon Tactics removed and it added as a Base for ALL pets since Emp Imp. is based off Crits too.

Change Demonic Tactics to 5% increase to damage and changing Imp. Demonic Talents to 3% crit would be a nice change.

Making Demonic Empathy a proc on pets and ours
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Men Gun, Hou lock, kidney blow. I flash. He Shadow step, I jump side of the ice ring. Marine recruit people. I want to cloak his refrigerator. He blinding me to the solution of the emblem. Water's the next ring of ice left him with strong implicit. The strong attack high, I would like to come by the death on a two-refrigerator.There is another problem. Men Gun thieves sure hands. aion power leveling I would like to play is no longer a Mengun seconds left when the badge solution reflexive briefing. (Can be blown out, I spent a number of the case. On the basic won. Can also say that opponents of the dishes. I would also do dishes |) to blow out the best way. In front of a lot of good play. Is behind the blind do not know how to do.Again in groping play is produced. Certainly not fixed
Sometimes can not in accordance with a routine licensing can be an unexpected effect ah.I hope that will give a master points. For the thieves wow power leveling e problem may be a lock to play again Hou a Shadow Step to me my blood under ah soon.I generally say is the next game. Men Gun, Hou lock, kidney blow. I flash. He Shadow step
normal hits would most likely be better so it doesnt feel we HAVE to have Crit in order to to DPS.

Master Conjourer does help some with adding to Crit and Haste on the new stones but it needs to be merged with another talent. Rename Improved Health Stones to Master Conjourer and have it do both talent's effects so Warlocks besides Demo locks can benefit.

Demonic Sac and Imp. Enslave Demon needs to be gotten rid of. We need talents that lower cooldowns to our spells. Soulshatter, Fel Domination, Metamorphosis, Etc.(considering they stay the same, though they shouldnt)

Warlocks utility have alot to do with the Pet we have out. In PvP its even worse. We should be able to summons our demons instant long as they arent dead. If they are Dead we should have to resummon then like Hunters, but if they never died we should be able to Instantly call them out. I(and im sure most other warlocks) dont care if its *to similar* to hunters i want Fairness.

Meta Still needs improvements It seems nothing more then you turning into the Felguard. We get Cleave, Charge, and an Aggro ability. While the charge and Taunt is nice maybe we coudl Alter them some. Improvements to armor, lesser chance to be crit, reduction to stuns and snares, immolation Aura and increase to damage are a BIG +, but 30 seconds can be Very short in PvP.

Our pets shouldnt be 2 shot in PvP but not take more than 5. With Soulink up My Felguard dies from just me being attacked before i die. Some classes clearly need fixes(lol@mages being able to never cast and instant cast kite), Pets are in a fairly nice spot right now and dont need much more help.

Also blizzard said if they are attacking the pet they are CCing themselfs, but for us to Health Funnel to try to keep them alive we are CCing ourselfs also. Dots help with that some but only 2 dots are instant untalnted and depending on spec are weak xll.
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