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iptables -Z为什么不能清零计数? 谢谢指教!

发表于 2010-5-18 11:47:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
iptables -Z为什么不能清零计数? 谢谢指教!

发表于 2010-5-19 15:31:29 | 显示全部楼层
I don't know, design your own active spells. This has the nice option of giving pvpers a real resummon, pve-ers various damage rotations which could be dot or nuke centric depending on the pet you choose to use.
Active spells are the key to pet centric trees being fun to play. Do the same thing for BM hunters and everyone will be happy. (whether you like the design of my new spells or not).
A talent that adds the old spellstone effect to soul shatter & another
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All you have to play the G's new account and later used the card on the way through, for the purchase of the way, I highly doubt in your account in the process of buying a problem. Because you can not use their credit card the United States or Canada to buy in the middle of must be adopted by other people to help you buy, it is possible to sell you a new account to the people (at home) are used false credit cards or any false International card to buy a new card, account number and this is only my personal speculation, which eventually led to your new account a few days on all letters.
Then I would like to use my own example wedding dresses in Canada I, I go to stores to buy new software and account number on cards, or their own in North America, several well-known online game store to buy site of Warcraft game software and on cards, as Son on the issue that did not. Domestic prices and the kind you buy a new account number on the card and cdk about money. Give us a link.So for the first solution to the problem is:
1. Bank of China yourself to do a credit card (in North America will use this credit card), which is the best way to it, but most of the security, nothing will be a better way! At least I have no idea A better way, as in the United States, Canada, the 2 countries are commonly used credit cards, credit cards have been the people of the United States and Canada, the people living in the essential things, like we Chinese, like the bike, you can not not go out Step on a bike, I was just following analogy, the title a bit biased, 90% in North America are doing with credit cards, pay-what.
2. If you have a friend wow power leveling in Canada or the United States would be the best, they can Bangni Mai, the absolute safety of the shortcomings that you want to exchange Canadian dollars or U.S. dollars to your foreign friends is very troublesome but also to pay a lot of charges, You can ask the bank to look at.If you have more than 2 in any one of the conditions you buy a new account has been closed to reduce the chance of at least 40.
Second, the reasons for the 2 (risk index 80%) wedding dresses On! That is, we have been discussing the issue of IP agent, because I am not afraid to Hendong so many comments here, but I personally feel that we still use your real IP is better, with Deputy Blizzard will be wrong That is to deceive them, to hide your real IP, you should know that on foreigners who want to see is a very honest and very heavy, and by proxy, then there may be as heavy snow to No. 3 software (which is possible ), If you still skeptical, I can issue a letter to Blizzard's account management team and asked them if China's local IP will not be closed, is not deputy as they were No. 3 software side. And so on the outcome I can tell you that. Blizzard is also possible to see a Chinese IP block on all, I was really speaking to his mother Blizzard, what the people at home will not be able to play the United States and the service, we are all paid in U.S. dollars. Good reason to discuss this her ol:
but I personally feel that we still use your real IP is better, with Deputy Blizzard will be wrong That is to deceive them, to hide your real IP, you should know that on foreigners who want to see is a very honest and very heavy, and by proxy, then there may be as heavy snow to No. 3 software (which is possible ), If you still skeptical, I can issue a letter to Blizzard's account management team and asked them if China's local IP will not be closed, is not deputy as they were No. 3 software side. And so on the outcome I can tell you that. Blizzard is also possible to see a Chinese IP block on all, I was really speaking to his mother Blizzard, what the people at home will not be able to play the United States and the service, we are all paid in U.S. dollars. Good reason to discuss this here.Solution: I have no idea, the answer is no solution at present. Unless you go to the entire United States or Canada, but unrealistic, can only look at how the provisions of snow, but I read in their use of the terms of the game as if did not say when the Chinese are not allowed to log IP, and so I go after careful study Click xll! Watches rolex later used the card on the way through, for the purchase of the way, I highly doubt in your account in the process of buying a problem. Because you can not use their credit card the United States or Canada to buy in the middle of must be adopted by other people to help you buy, it is possible to sell you a new account to the people (at home) are used false credit cards or any false International card to buy a new card, account number and this is only my personal speculation, which eventually led to your new account a few days on all letters.
Then I would like to use my own example, in Canada I
States would be the best, they can Bangni Mai, the absolute safety of the shortcomings that you want to exchange Canadian dollars or U.S. dollars to your foreign friends is very troublesome but also to pay a lot of charges, You can ask the bank to look at.
If you have more than 2 in any one of the conditions I go to stores to buy new software and account number on cards, or their own in North America, several well-known online game store to buy site of Warcraft game software and on cards, as Son on the issue that did not. Domestic prices and the kind you buy a new account number on the card and cdk about money. Give us a link wow gold account management team and asked them if China's local IP will not be closed, is not deputy as they
activated talent (like coldsnap) that resets the cooldown of all demonology spells - fel dom, soul shatter, demonic port, summon infernal ..etc would be a nice addition imo.
Demonic Pact in its current form is quite inferior to totem of wrath since it takes a larger talent investment for a smaller gain (until 2.8k spell dmg). It will have poor uptime in both PvE (phase changes, downtime, pet unfriendly encounters) & PvP (resiliance) while the totem will last for 5 mins unless destroyed. I think they should add the 5% damage lost from Soul Link to this talent in keeping with their 'selfless buffer' philosophy.
'm making my post first, then I'll edit it if I need to after I finish reading the thread. Demonology has a lot of problems. Possibly even a standard ton of problems. It has no tree specific attack, it has no clear purpose, it has no focus, and it has so many passive talents that even the actives are passive.
A tree speicific attack could be something that powers up your next pet attack, or something like the crypt fiends use: a guardian summoning spell that can be spammed and the guardian zips up to your target, attacks it, and then dies. In essence, it'd be a spell nuke that does physical damage. The tree probably needs to have both so there can be some rotation and variety.
For purpose, it really needs to meet the same needs as any other warlock tree. It needs to be capable at PvE DPS, PvP, CC, raid utility support, and AoEing. It's not doing terribly at this, but I thought it'd be worthwhile to point out all the things a warlock might be required to do. An AoE boosting talent in the tree would be nice to see, but it's not as necessary with the spell pushback changes.
A demonology warlock has access to 7 pets: Imp, Voidwalker, Succubus, Felhunter, Felguard, Infernal, and Doomguard. Demonology has talents for most of them, so is the tree supposed to use each pet? In appearance, the tree is to use just the felguard once it's available. In order for this to work, the felguard really needs to replace every other pet, certainly the 4 other non-cooldown pets. Since each pet should have a purpose, the felguard would have to literally be all-purpose. To that end, I recommend: roll demonic frenzy into anguish, stacking with each cast, and providing a group benefit in the process; add a 3 second spell interrupt effect on Intercept; allow cleave to dispel a magic buff and/or heal the felguard; fill in the slot left by demonic frenzy with a CC effect called Terror or something that amuses you that makes the target cower for the duration xll!
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