格式化字符串字面值格式化字符串字面值 (简称为 f-字符串)在字符串前加前缀 f 或 F,通过 {expression} 表达式,把 Python 表达式的值添加到字符串内。 格式说明符是可选的,写在表达式后面,可以更好地控制格式化值的方式。下例将 pi 舍入到小数点后三位: >>>>>> import math>>> print(f'The value of pi is approximately {math.pi:.3f}.')The value of pi is approximately 3.142.
在 ':' 后传递整数,为该字段设置最小字符宽度,常用于列对齐: >>>>>> table = {'Sjoerd': 4127, 'Jack': 4098, 'Dcab': 7678}>>> for name, phone in table.items():... print(f'{name:10} ==> {phone:10d}')...Sjoerd ==> 4127Jack ==> 4098Dcab ==> 7678
>>>>>> animals = 'eels'>>> print(f'My hovercraft is full of {animals}.')My hovercraft is full of eels.>>> print(f'My hovercraft is full of {animals!r}.')My hovercraft is full of 'eels'.
= 说明符可被用于将一个表达式扩展为表达式文本、等号再加表达式求值结果的形式。 >>>>>> bugs = 'roaches'>>> count = 13>>> area = 'living room'>>> print(f'Debugging {bugs=} {count=} {area=}')Debugging bugs='roaches' count=13 area='living room'