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发表于 2002-12-21 22:10:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 楼主| 发表于 2002-12-21 22:12:28 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2002-12-21 22:50:05 | 显示全部楼层

# Begin XFree86 hosts.def file

/* System Related Information. If you read and configure only one
* section then it should be this one. The Intel architecture defaults are
* set for a i686 and higher. Axp is for the Alpha architecture and Ppc is
* for the Power PC. Note that there have been reports that the Ppc
* optimization line causes segmentation faults during build. If that
* happens, try building without the DefaultGcc2PpcOpt line. **************/
//这里是加入优化的地方 都是为我的雷鸟800疯狂优化
#define DefaultGcc2i386Opt -march=athlon-tbird -O3 -pipe -fforce-addr -fomit-frame-pointer -funroll-loops -falign-functions=4 -maccumulate-outgoing-args
#define DefaultGcc2AxpOpt -march=athlon-tbird -O3 -pipe -fforce-addr -fomit-frame-pointer -funroll-loops -falign-functions=4 -maccumulate-outgoing-args
#define DefaultGcc2PpcOpt -march=athlon-tbird -O3 -pipe -fforce-addr -fomit-frame-pointer -funroll-loops -falign-functions=4 -maccumulate-outgoing-args

/* The following definitions are normally set properly by XFree86's scripts.
* You can uncomment them if you want to make sure. ************************/
//这里是针对CPU 决定是否开启一些特殊支持 我知道你是毒龙 照我的写没问题的
#define HasMTRRSupport YES */ /* Enabled in kernel see kernel docs */
#define HasMMXSupport YES */ /* Any i586 or above */
/* #define HasKatmaiSupport NO */ /* PIII SSE instuctions */
#define Has3DNowSupport YES */ /* AMD instructions */

/* This setting reduces compile time a little by omitting rarely used input
* devices. You can find the complete list in config/cf/ ********/
//输入设备 加入了鼠标的驱动 VOID不清楚
#define XInputDrivers mouse void

/* VIDEO DRIVERS ***********************************************************/

/* If you are sure you only want the drivers for one or a few video cards,
* you can delete the drivers you do not want. *****************************/
//这个要编译的驱动 我的是nvidia 把其他的都删掉了 编译的时候也许是这里出了问题 你还是把那些都留着吧 确定不要的在删掉
#define XF86CardDrivers nv vmware

/* FONT SERVER AND LIBRARY SETTINGS ****************************************/

/* These setting should be set by default, but we are making sure. *********/

#define BuildFontServer YES /* Need for GhostScript Print Server */
#define SharedLibFont YES
#define CompressAllFonts YES
#define GzipFontCompression YES

/* These setting ensure we use the proper version of freetype **************/
#define HasFreetype2 YES
#define BuildFreetype2Library NO
#define Freetype2Dir /usr

/* The font path can be redefined in the XF86Config file *******************/
//定义字体目录 默认即可 不用动
#define DefaultFontPath $(FONTDIR)/misc/,$(FONTDIR)/75dpi/,\

/* INTERNATIONAL FONTS. Change to YES if you need any of them. These are
* the defaults. ***********************************************************/

#define BuildCyrillicFonts NO
#define BuildArabicFonts NO
#define BuildISO8859_6Fonts NO
#define BuildGreekFonts NO
#define BuildISO8859_7Fonts NO
#define BuildHebrewFonts NO
#define BuildISO8859_8Fonts NO
#define BuildKOI8_RFonts NO
#define BuildJapaneseFonts NO
#define BuildJISX0201Fonts NO
#define BuildKoreanFonts NO
#define BuildChineseFonts YES
//最下面这个 buildchinesefonts 自然是yes 这里就是中文字体拉
/* DOCUMENTATION SETTINGS **************************************************/

/* These setting are the defaults. *****************************************/
//文档什么的 如果你喜欢收藏文档 那么可以YES
#define BuildLinuxDocHtml NO /* X Docs in Html format */
#define BuildLinuxDocPS NO /* X Docs in PostScript format */
#define BuildAllSpecsDocs NO /* Various docs */
#define BuildHtmlManPages NO

/* Linux Distribution Information - Not essential that it is totally right.*/
//何种linux?自然LFS 这里不要乱改 会出问题地
#define LinuxDistribution LFS

/* GENERAL SETTINGS: You generally want to leave these alone when
* building X on an LFS system *********************************************/
//一些编译选项 LFS默认即可
#define GccWarningOptions -pipe
#define TermcapLibrary -lncurses
#define XprtServer YES /* Needed by realplayer */
#define XnestServer YES
#define XAppLoadDir EtcX11Directory/app-defaults
#define VarLibDir /var/lib
#define XFree86Devel NO
#define FSUseSyslog YES
#define ThreadedX YES
#define HasZlib YES
#define HasNCurses YES
#define HasPam NO
#define SystemManDirectory /usr/share/man
#define HasLibCrypt YES
#define InstallXinitConfig YES
#define InstallXdmConfig YES
#define ForceNormalLib YES
#define BuildSpecsDocs NO

# End XFree86 host.def file

发表于 2002-12-21 22:52:33 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2002-12-21 23:00:33 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2002-12-21 23:04:15 | 显示全部楼层
找本漫画书看看 一会就过去了
要不闭会眼睛 早晨起来也就搞好了
发表于 2002-12-22 00:56:30 | 显示全部楼层
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