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fcitx config file english translation

发表于 2008-6-7 11:22:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
I saw someone ask for the fcitx config file english version in LQ form.
My english is poor too and the translation maybe not precise, just for reference.

  1. [程序]
  2. [Program]
  3. #如果您的FCITX工作很正常,没有必要修改下面这个设置
  4. #If your fcitx works, no need to change follow config
  5. 静态模式=0
  6. static mode=0
  7. 显示字体(中)=*
  8. Display font(chinese)=*
  9. 显示字体(英)=Courier New
  10. Display font(english)=Courier New
  11. 显示字体大小=12
  12. Display font size=12
  13. 主窗口字体大小=12
  14. UI font size=12
  15. 字体区域=zh_CN.UTF-8
  16. locale=zh_CN.UTF-8
  17. 使用AA字体=1
  18. antialias=1
  19. 使用粗体=1
  20. bold font=1

  21. [输出]
  22. [output]
  23. 数字后跟半角符号=1
  24. number followed by half-angle symbol=1
  25. Enter键行为=2
  26. Enter key action=2
  27. 分号键行为=2
  28. semicolon key action=2
  29. 大写字母输入英文=1
  30. upper case input english=1
  31. 转换英文中的标点=1
  32. convert the english punctuation character=1
  33. 联想方式禁止翻页=1
  34. stop turning page in associative mode

  35. [界面]
  36. [UI]
  37. 候选词个数=9
  38. candidate word number=9
  39. 主窗口使用3D界面=0
  40. Main window in 3D mode=0
  41. 输入条使用3D界面=0
  42. Input textbox in 3D mode=0
  43. 主窗口隐藏模式=1
  44. Main window hide mode=1
  45. 显示虚拟键盘=0
  46. display virtual keyboard=0
  47. 输入条居中=1
  48. input textbox center=1
  49. 首次显示输入条=1
  50. display the input textbox at firsttime=1
  51. #输入条固定宽度(仅适用于码表输入法),0表示不固定宽度
  52. #input textbox fixed width mode(only apply to mabiao input method), 0 means unfixed width
  53. 输入条固定宽度=0
  54. input textbox fixed width=0
  55. 输入条偏移量X=0
  56. input textbox offset X=0
  57. 输入条偏移量Y=16
  58. input textbox offset Y=16
  59. 序号后加点=1
  60. add dot after the serial number=1
  61. 显示打字速度=1
  62. show the type speed=1
  63. 显示版本=1
  64. show version=1
  65. 光标色=102 159 66
  66. cursor color=102 159 66
  67. 主窗口背景色=255 255 255
  68. Main window background=255 255 255
  69. 主窗口线条色=203 202 186
  70. Main window foreground=203 202 186
  71. 主窗口输入法名称色=153 153 153 102 159 66 56 134 230
  72. Main window color of the input method name=
  73. 输入窗背景色=255 255 255
  74. input window background=255 255 255
  75. 输入窗提示色=2 89 196
  76. input window suggestion color=2 89 196
  77. 输入窗用户输入色=255 0 132
  78. input window use input color=255 0 132
  79. 输入窗序号色=0 66 200
  80. the color of the input window serial number =0 66 200
  81. 输入窗第一个候选字色=0 99 200
  82. the color of the first candidate word in the input window=0 99 200
  83. #该颜色值只用于拼音中的用户自造词
  84. #this color only apply to the user's self-made word in the PinYin method
  85. 输入窗用户词组色=0 99 200
  86. the color of the user word in the input window=0 99 200
  87. 输入窗提示编码色=255 0 132
  88. the color of the coding in the input window=255 0 132
  89. #五笔、拼音的单字/系统词组均使用该颜色
  90. #In WuBi and PinYin input method, the user word and system word all use this color
  91. 输入窗其它文本色=56 134 230
  92. the color of the other text in the input window=56 134 230
  93. 输入窗线条色=203 202 186
  94. the color of the line in the input window=203 202 186
  95. 输入窗箭头色=193 227 151
  96. the color of the arrow in the input window=193 227 151
  97. 虚拟键盘窗背景色=220 220 220
  98. the background color of the virtual keyboard=220 220 220
  99. 虚拟键盘窗字母色=80 0 0
  100. the color of the letter in the virtual keyboard=80 0 0
  101. 虚拟键盘窗符号色=0 0 0
  102. the color of the sysbol in the virtual keyboard=0 0 0

  103. #除了“中英文快速切换键”外,其它的热键均可设置为两个,中间用空格分隔
  104. #all hotkey can set two keys except the "EN/CN quick switch key"
  105. [热键]
  106. [hotkey]
  107. 打开/关闭输入法=CTRL_SPACE
  108. open/close input method=CTRL_SPACE
  110. #the "EN/CN quick switch key" candidate list: L_CTRL R_CTRL L_SHIFT R_SHIFT L_SUPER R_SUPER
  111. 中英文快速切换键=L_CTRL
  112. the "EN/CN quick switch key"=L_CTRL
  113. 双击中英文切换=0
  114. EN/CN switch when double click=0
  115. 击键时间间隔=250
  116. double click time interval=250
  117. 光标跟随=CTRL_K
  118. cursor followed=CTRL_K
  119. GBK支持=CTRL_M
  120. GBK support=CTRL_M
  121. GBK繁体切换键=CTRL_ALT_F
  122. GBK traditional=CTRL_ALT_F
  123. 联想=CTRL_L
  124. associative mode=CTRL_L

  125. 反查拼音=CTRL_ALT_E
  126. use word to search PinYin=CTRL_ALT_E
  127. 全半角=SHIFT_SPACE
  128. all half-angle=SHIFT_SPACE
  129. 中文标点=ALT_SPACE
  130. chinese punctuation=ALT_SPACE
  131. 上一页=,
  132. last page=,
  133. 下一页=.
  134. next page=.
  135. 第二三候选词选择键=SHIFT
  136. the select key of the second and third candidate word=SHIFT

  137. [输入法]
  138. [Input Method]
  139. 使用拼音=1
  140. use PinYin=1
  141. 拼音名称=智能拼音
  142. PinYin name=Smart PinYin
  143. 使用双拼=1
  144. use double pinyin=1
  145. 双拼名称=智能双拼
  146. double pinyin name=smart double pinyin
  147. 默认双拼方案=自然码
  148. default double pinyin scheme= ziran ma
  149. 使用区位=1
  150. use zoned=1
  151. 区位名称=区位
  152. zoned name=zoned
  153. 使用码表=1
  154. use code table=1
  155. 提示词库中的词组=1
  156. hint the phrase in the word lib=1

  157. [拼音]
  158. [PinYin]
  159. 使用全拼=0
  160. use complete pinyin=0
  161. 拼音自动组词=1
  162. auto make up phrase in PinYin mode=1
  163. 保存自动组词=0
  164. make up phrase and saved automatic
  165. 增加拼音常用字=CTRL_8
  166. add common word in PinYin mode=CTRL_8
  167. 删除拼音常用字=CTRL_7
  168. delete common word in PinYin mode=CTRL_7
  169. 删除拼音用户词组=CTRL_DELETE
  170. delete user self-made phrase in PinYin mode=CTRL_DELETE
  171. #拼音以词定字键,等号后面紧接键,不要有空格
  172. #the key of using the phrase to select the word in PinYin mode, key followed the equal symbol and no space between them
  173. 拼音以词定字键=[]
  174. the key of using the phrase to select the word=[]
  175. #重码调整方式说明:0-->不调整  1-->快速调整  2-->按频率调整
  176. the note of the duplication code adjust mode: 0->not adjust 1-> fast adjust 2->adjust by frequency
  177. 拼音单字重码调整方式=2
  178. word duplication adjust mode=2
  179. 拼音词组重码调整方式=1
  180. phrase duplication adjust mode=1
  181. 拼音常用词重码调整方式=0
  182. common duplication adjust mode=0
  183. 模糊an和ang=0
  184. Fuzzy an and ang=0
  185. 模糊en和eng=0
  186. fuzzy en and eng=0
  187. 模糊ian和iang=0
  188. ...
  189. 模糊in和ing=0
  190. 模糊ou和u=0
  191. 模糊uan和uang=0
  192. 模糊c和ch=0
  193. 模糊f和h=0
  194. 模糊l和n=0
  195. 模糊s和sh=0
  196. 模糊z和zh=0
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