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发表于 2008-12-6 22:13:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <netdb.h>
//#include <syslib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <netinet/ip.h>
#include <netinet/ip_icmp.h>
#include <setjmp.h>

//#define ICMP_HEADSIZE 8
//#define IP_HEADSIZE 20
#define datalen 56

#define MAX(a,b)  ((a)>(b))?(a)b)
#define MIN(a,b)  ((a)>(b))?(b)a)

/*typedef struct tagIpHead
  u_char   ip_verlen;
  u_char   ip_tos;
  u_char   ip_len;
  u_char   ip_id;
  u_char   ip_flagoff;
  u_char   ip_ttl;
  u_char   ip_proto;
  u_short  ip_chksum;
  u_long   ip_src_addr;
  u_long   ip_dst_addr;

typedef struct tagIcmpHead
  u_char icmp_type;
  u_char icmp_code;
  u_short icmp_chksum;
  u_short icmp_id;
  u_short icmp_seq;
  u_char icmp_data[1];

u_short ChkSum(u_short *pIcmpData,int iDataLen)
  u_short iSum;
  u_short iOldByte=0;
  unsigned short *w=pIcmpData;
  int len=iDataLen;
      iSum +=*w++;
  printf("chsum is %d\n",iOldByte);

long time_now()
  struct timeval now;
  long lPassed;
  lPassed=now.tv_sec*1000000 + now.tv_usec;//化为微妙计算
  return lPassed;
int time=1;
char * host;
char * prog;
extern errno;
long lSendTime;
u_short seq;
//int iTimeOut;
int sock,sent=0,recvd;
float max,min,total;
u_long lHostIp;
char buf[200];//发送缓冲区
char buf1[200];//接收缓冲区
struct sockaddr_in it;
struct sockaddr_in from;
pid_t pid;
int fromlen=sizeof(from);
int ping();
void stat();
main(int argc,char ** argv)
  struct hostent*h;
  //char buf1[200];
  char dst_host[32];
  int i,namelen;
  int flag;
  struct ip* pIpHead;
  struct icmp* pIcmpHead;
  struct protoent *protocol;
  int size1=50*1024;


  else if(h=gethostbyname(host))
      fprintf(stderr,"bad IP or host\n");
  printf("\nDigger pinging %s,send %d bytes\n",dst_host,datalen);
      register  int  size;//寄存器变量占用单独的一个寄存器,这样频繁使用该寄存器相对于读取内存来说效率就提高了 , 该类型变量只有int和char变量
      register u_char ttl;
      float  delta;
      register iIpHeadLen;
      int len1;
     size=recvfrom(sock,buf1,sizeof(buf1),0,(struct sockaddr *)&from,&fromlen);
     if(size==-1 && errno==EINTR)
      pIpHead=(struct ip*)buf1;
          printf("ICMP packets length is less than 8\n");
          return (-1);
      pIcmpHead=(struct icmp*)(buf1+iIpHeadLen);//越过IP报头,直接访问ICMP报头
          fprintf(stderr,"i will continue for ICMPHEAD->type\n");
      if(pIcmpHead->icmp_id!=pid || pIcmpHead->icmp_seq!=seq)
          fprintf(stderr,"i will continue for ICMPHEAD->id/seq\n");
      sprintf(buf1,"icmp_seq=%u bytes=%d ttl=%d",pIcmpHead->icmp_seq,len1,ttl);
      fprintf(stderr,"reply from %s:%s time=%f ms\n",host,buf1,delta);
      printf("and now seq is %d\n",seq);

  //char buf[200];
  int iPacketSize;
  struct timeval *tval;
  long data=20;
  struct icmp*pIcmpHead1=(struct icmp*)buf;
  fprintf(stderr,"but icmp_seq is %d\n",seq);
  //tval=(struct timeval *)pIcmpHead1->icmp_data;
  if(sendto(sock,buf,iPacketSize,0,(struct sockaddr*)&it,sizeof(it))<0)
      perror("send failed");
  printf("this time is No.%d\n",time++);


void stat()
      printf("\n----%s ping statistics summerized by Digger----\n",host);
      printf("%d packets sent,%d packets received,%.2f%%lost\n",sent,recvd,(float)(sent-recvd)/(float)sent*100);
      printf("round_trip min/avg/max:%f/%f/%f ms\n\n",min,total/recvd,max);
letueo@letueo:/usr/local/program$ sudo ./ping letueo

Digger pinging letueo(,send 56 bytes
but icmp_seq is 0
chsum is 59363
this time is No.1
i will continue for ICMPHEAD->type
but icmp_seq is 0
chsum is 59363
this time is No.2
reply from letueo:icmp_seq=0 bytes=64 ttl=64 time=1000.153015 ms
and now seq is 1
but icmp_seq is 1
chsum is 59362
this time is No.3
i will continue for ICMPHEAD->type
but icmp_seq is 1
chsum is 59362
this time is No.4
i will continue for ICMPHEAD->id/seq
but icmp_seq is 1
chsum is 59362
this time is No.5
i will continue for ICMPHEAD->type
but icmp_seq is 1
chsum is 59362
this time is No.6
reply from letueo:icmp_seq=1 bytes=64 ttl=64 time=1000.166016 ms
and now seq is 2
but icmp_seq is 2
chsum is 59361
this time is No.7

----letueo ping statistics summerized by Digger----
6 packets sent,2 packets received,66.67%lost
round_trip min/avg/max:1000.153015/1000.159546/1000.166016 ms
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