Let the Slackware's current changelog speak for itself: "In record time, this is Slackware 9.1 release candidate 2. :-)" This is mostly a security fix with new patches for OpenSSH, ProFTPd and wu-ftpd. An interesting note about PAM authentication: "If you see a security problem reported which depends on PAM, you can be glad you run Slackware. I think a better name for PAM might be SCAM, for Swiss Cheese Authentication Modules, and have never felt that the small amount of convenience it provides is worth the great loss of system security. We miss out on half a dozen security problems a year by not using PAM, but you can always install it yourself if you feel that you're missing out on the fun. (No, don't do that.) OK, I'm done ranting here. :-)" Two good lists of up-to-date Slackware mirrors are available here and here.