发表于 2005-12-17 17:24:54
Post by Brandybuck
Usability is a combination of several factors. One problem GNOME (and lot of other people) makes is thinking usability is only about simplicity. "Simple" is a synonym for "stupid". The simplest interface is the one with no functionality. What we need instead is a balance between simplicity and functionality.
Other elements of usability include efficiency (fitt's law), familiarity (is it similar to what you already know), directability (can you make it do what you want it to do), and aesthetics (readability, proper contrasts, not ugly, etc).
Many of these things developer CAN DO if they take the time to think about them and do them right. The GNOME idea that the developer is hopelessly inept when it comes to interfaces is a lie. The developer does need help, to be sure, but to give full control of the interface over to bureaucratic rules quoters like GNOME has done is not the solution.
Post by Hintzy
kde is purdy fresh
On the day I installed my first linux distro (Mandrake 10.0), I was presented with a choice between KDE and GNOME, and each had a screenshot. The KDE screenshot just looked cleaner and more appealing to me, so that's what I picked. Since then, I've learned more about both environments, and I still think I made the right choice! :-p
Sidenote: I even use Opie (Qtopia) on my iPAQ instead of GPE (GTK)!