楼主 |
发表于 2003-2-9 19:42:53
其实我在执行../glibc-2.2.5/configure --prefix=/usr --disable-profile \
--enable-add-ons --libexecdir=/usr/bin就出错了
checking installed Linux kernel header files... 2.0.10 or later
*** On GNU/Linux systems it is normal to compile GNU libc with the
*** `linuxthreads' add-on. Without that, the library will be
*** incompatible with normal GNU/Linux systems.
*** If you really mean to not use this add-on, run configure again
*** using the extra parameter `--disable-sanity-checks'.
我按照提示后面加了--disable-sanity-checks可以执行了,是不是这个原因呢??这个错误又是什么呢? |