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GNU 1.0

发表于 2003-11-19 20:45:27 | 显示全部楼层
我现在已经转换成功了,用的是官方网站上的texi文件,pdf还是不能转换,不过已经没关系了,正在翻译hurd.pdf,如果考试前的时间足够的话,我抽空把它翻译完,这个寒假回去前尽量结束.因为太长,所以会两个文件一起翻译.如果兄台找到工作,稳定下来的话,请从后面的几章开始翻译,谢谢了,希望你赶快找到好工作,并能够enjoy it,从而身心愉快,
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发表于 2003-11-24 15:45:14 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2003-12-3 13:15:04 | 显示全部楼层


* GNU/Hurd: (gnuhurd).  Using the Official GNU Operating System

   Copyright (C) 1994-2002  Free Software Foundation, Inc.

   Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of
this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice
are preserved on all copies.

   Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of
this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided also
that the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms
of a permission notice identical to this one.

   Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this
manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified

The GNU/Hurd User's Guide
   This file documents the usage of GNU/Hurd.  This edition of the
documentation was last updated for version 0.3 of the Hurd.
   The " GNU Hurd "is the GNU Project's replacement for the Unix
kernel. The Hurd is a collection of servers that run on the Mach
microkernel to implement file systems, network protocols, file access
control, and other features that are normally implemented by the Unix
kernel or similar kernels such as Linux.
   GNU Hurd是GNU工程中Unix内核的替代品.Hurd是运行在Mach微内核上实现文件系统,网络协议,文件存取控制,以及别的通常由Unix内核或者类似内核如linux实现的特性的服务的集合
   This manual is designed to be useful to everybody who is
interested in using or administering the a GNU/Hurd system.
   If you are an end-user and you are looking for help on running the
Hurd, the first few chapters of this manual describe the essential
parts of installing, starting up, and shutting down a "GNU/Hurd"
workstation.  Subsequent chapters describe day-to-day use of the
system, setting up and using networking, and the use of translators.
   If you need help with a specific program, you can get a short
explanation of the program's use by typing `PROGRAM --help' at the
command prompt; for example, to get help on GREP, type `GREP --help'.
More complete documentation is available if you type `INFO program';
continuing with our example of GREP, type `INFO grep'.
如果你需要特定程序的帮助,你可以通过在命令行输入"程序—help"得到一个短小的解释.;例如,要得到GREP的帮助,输入"GREP ?help"如果你输入"INFO 程序",更完全的文档可以得到.继续用我们的例子,输入"INFO grep"
   This manual attempts to provide an introduction to the essential
topics with which a user of GNU/Hurd, or any free UNIX-like system.
New users of GNU/Hurd and GNU/Linux must often spend time learning
what skills they must learn; for example, users must learn what tools
are important, and what sources of information are most useful.  We
introduce the reader to the skills and concepts that must be learnt,
and tell the reader where to find further information.
   An "operating system" "kernel" provides a framework for programs to
share a computer's hardware resources securely and efficiently.  This
framework includes mechanisms for programs to communicate safely,
even if they do not trust one another.
   The GNU Hurd breaks up the work of the traditional kernel, and
implements it in separate programs.  The Hurd formally defines the
communication protocols that each of the servers understands, so that
it is possible for different servers to implement the same interface;
for instance, NFS and FTP use the same TCP/IP communication protocol.
NFS, FTP, and the TCP/IP servers are all separate user-space programs
(don't worry if these programs are not familiar to you, you can learn
about them if and when you need to).
   The "GNU C Library" provides a "OSIX" environment on the Hurd, by
translating standard POSIX system calls into interactions with the
appropriate Hurd server.
GNU C库提供一个在HURD上的"OSIX"环境,通过转换标准的POSIX系统调用到适当Hurd服务的相互作用中.
   POSIX stands for Portable Operating System Interface.  The term POSIX we hear so much about is a set standards set by the IEEE.Unix-like operating systems aim to be compliant or partially-compliant. GNU/Hurd is as compliant as any other Unix-like operating system. That is why ported applications, implementations of protocols and other essential services have been available since the introduction of GNU/Hurd. But always remember: GNU's Not Unix.GNU/Hurd complies with POSIX,  but is constantly growing to address the limitations of Unix-like operating systems.
   "Richard Stallman (RMS)" started "GNU"in 1983, as a project to
create a complete free operating system.  In the text of the GNU
Manifesto, he mentioned that there is a primitive kernel.  In the
first GNUsletter, Feb. 1986, he says that GNU's kernel is TRIX, which
was developed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Richard Stallman(RMS)
Richard Stallman (RMS)于1983年开始GNU,作为一个创建一个完全自由的操作系统的工程.在GNU宣言文本中,他提到有一个主要的内核.在早期GNU信件中,1986年2月,他说GNU的内核是TRIX,一个由麻省理工开发的程序.
   By December of 1986, the Free Software Foundation (FSF) had
"started working on the changes needed to TRIX" [Gnusletter, Jan.
1987].  Shortly thereafter, the FSF began "negotiating with Professor
Rashid of Carnegie-Mellon University about working with them on the
development of the Mach kernel" [Gnusletter, June, 1987].  The text
implies that the FSF wanted to use someone else's work, rather than
have to fix TRIX.
1986年的12月,自由软件基金会(FSF)开始对TRIX做必要的修改工作.[Gnusletter, Jan.1987].此后不久,FSF开始和Carnegie-Mellon大学的Rashid教授商谈在开发Mach内核上和他们合作.[Gnusletter, June, 1987]文稿暗示FSF想要使用别人的成果,而不是还得修复TRIX.
   In [Gnusletter, Feb. 1988], RMS was talking about taking Mach and putting the Berkeley Sprite filesystem on top of it, "after the parts of Berkeley Unix... have been replaced."
在[Gnusletter, Feb. 1988]中,RMS谈论关于取得Mach和将伯克利Sprite文件系统放在其上的问题."在伯克利Unix分离后...被代替"
   Six months later, the FSF is saying that "if we can't get Mach,we'll use TRIX or Berkeley's Sprite."  Here, they present Sprite as a full-kernel option, rather than just a filesystem.
   In January, 1990, they say "we aren't doing any kernel work.  It does not make sense for us to start a kernel project now, when we still hope to use Mach" [Gnusletter, Jan. 1990].  Nothing significant occurs until 1991, when a more detailed plan is announced:
在1990年1月,他们说"我们不在做任何内核工作.现在启动一个内核工程没有必要,当我们还希望使用Mach时[Gnusletter, Jan. 1990]直到1991年一个更详细的计划被宣布之前没有什么值得注意的:
     ``We are still interested in a multi-process kernel running on top of "Mach". The CMU lawyers are currently deciding if they can release Mach with distribution conditions that will enable us to distribute it. If they decide to do so, then we will probably start work. CMU has available under the same terms as Mach a single-server partial Unix emulator named Poe; it is rather slow and provides minimal functionality. We would probably begin by extending Poe to provide full functionality. Later we hope to have a modular emulator divided into multiple processes.'' [Gnusletter, Jan. 1991].
[Gnusletter, Jan. 1991]
   "RMS" explains the relationship between the Hurd and Linux in
`', where he
mentions that the FSF started developing the Hurd in 1990.  As of
[Gnusletter, Nov. 1991], the Hurd (running on Mach) is GNU's official
RMS在`',解释了Hurd和Linux的关系,在此他提到FSF1990年开始开发HURD,到[Gnusletter, Nov. 1991],Hurd(运行在Mach上)是GNU的官方内核.
   These announcements made it clear that the GNU Project was getting a Mach microkernel as a component of the GNU System.  Once Lites, a single-server 4.4BSD user land environment, had been implemented on top of Mach, Mach-based systems became usable.  Members of the GNU Project then began hacking Mach for use with the GNU Project's multi-server kernel replacement.  The individuals involved with making Mach work with the GNU Project's multi-server kernel replacement were Thomas Bushnell, BSG., and Roland McGrath. The Mach microkernel was originally developed at Carnegie Melon University(CMU);  after development subsided at CMU, the University of Utah took over and continued adding  better drivers and fixing other critical deficiencies.
这个通告使得GNU工程正在获取Mach微内核作为GNU系统的组件更加明确.Once Lites,一个单服务4.4BSD用户登陆环境,已经在Mach上实现了,基于Mach的系统成为可用的.GNU工程的成员们接着开始
   In the latest GNUmach release notes, kernel and glibc maintainer Roland McGrath clarifies the development history of the GNUmach microkernel.?
在最近的GNUmach发行记要里,内核和glibc维护者Roland McGrath阐明了GNUmach微内核的开发历史.
     "When maintenance of Mach 3.0 at CMU waned, the University of  Utah's Flux Group took over in the form of the Mach4 project,and revamped much of the i386 machine support code in the course of their research. While at Columbia University, Shantanu Goel worked on using Linux device drivers in Mach, and later continued this work at the University of Utah.  Utah Mach4 became the seat of Mach development on the 3.0-compatible line, and the microkernel underlying the GNU/Hurd multiserver operating system.  When the Flux Group's research moved on from Mach to other systems, they wanted to reuse the work they had done in hardware support and device drivers; this work (and a whole lot more) eventually evolved into the OSKit.  Meanwhile, when the Flux Group stopped maintaining Mach4,the Free Software Foundation's GNU Hurd Project had taken it up and produced the GNUmach release to go with the Hurd.  Since then, the Hurd has become an all-volunteer project whose developers are not paid by the FSF, and later GNUmach releases incorporating bug fixes and updating the Goel/Utah encapsulation of Linux device drivers have been made by volunteers including Okuji Yoshinori and Thomas Bushnell.
     This bit of history explains some of why it was so easy to replace a
     lot of the GNUmach/Mach4 hardware support code with OSKit calls--in
     many cases the OSKit code is a direct evolution of the code originally
     in Mach4 that I was replacing, with the names changed and improvements
     Utah has made since the Mach4 days."

Who Should Use the Hurd?
   Firstly, a note for end-users: if you do not consider yourself
"computer literate," then you _definitely_ will not want to use the
Hurd.  No official release of the Hurd has yet been made, and the
system is currently unstable.  If you run the Hurd, you will
encounter many bugs.  For those people who use their computers for
web-surfing, email, word processing, etc., and just want the infernal
machine to work, the Hurd's bugs would prove extremely annoying.
   For such people, a more stable system is preferable.  Fortunately,the GNU system currently exists in a very stable state with Linux substituted for the Hurd as the kernel, so it is possible for end-users to use a powerful, stable, and Free Unix-like operating system. "Debian" "GNU/Linux", a very high-quality GNU/Linux distribution, is available; in addition, many commercial companies sell boxed GNU/Linux distributions with printed documentation, and,to various extents, take measures to hide the complexity of the system from the user.  Keep in mind that the GNU/Hurd is not the system you use for web-surfing, email, word processing, and other such tasks _now_ ... it is the system that you will use for these tasks in the _future_.
   Those who consider themselves computer-literate and are interested
in the Hurd, but do not have experience with Unix-like systems, may
also wish to learn the ropes using a more stable GNU/Linux system.
Unix-like systems are quite different from other systems you may have
used, and they take some getting used to.  If you plan to use the
GNU/Hurd in the future, we recommend you use Debian GNU/Linux.
那些认为自己是计算机学者并且对Hurd感兴趣,但是没有Unix类操作系统经验的人也许也想使用更稳定的GNU/Linux系统学习专业的技巧.类Unix系统和别的你可能使用过的系统相当不同,它们需要一些适应.如果你计划将来使用GNU/Hurd,我们建议你使用Debian GNU/Linux.
   If you consider yourself computer-literate, but are not a programmer, you can still contribute to the Hurd project.  Tasks for non-programmers include running GNU/Hurd systems and testing them for bugs, writing documentation, and translating existing documentation into other languages. At present, most GNU/Hurd documentation is available only in English and/or French.
   Anyone who might be interested in the Hurd: a student studying the
system, a programmer helping to develop the Hurd servers, or an
end-user finding bugs or writing documentation, will be interested in
how GNU/Hurd is similar to, and different from, Unix-like kernels.
   For all intents and purposes, the Hurd is a modern Unix-like kernel, like Linux and the "BSDs".  GNU/Hurd uses the GNU C Library,whose development closely tracks standards such as ANSI/ISO, BSD,POSIX, Single Unix, SVID, and X/Open.  Hence, most programs available on GNU/Linux and BSD systems will eventually be ported to run on GNU/Hurd systems.
对于所有的意图和目的,Hurd是现代Unix内核,像Linux和"BSDs"一样.GNU/Hurd使用GNU C库,GNU C库的开发紧紧跟着ANSI/ISO,BSD,POSIX,Single Unix, SVID, 和X/Open的标准.大多数在GNU/Linux和BSD系统上可用的程序会最终移植运行到GNU/Hurd系统上来.
   An advantage of all these systems - GNU/Hurd, GNU/Linux, and the BSDs - is that, unlike many popular operating systems, is that they are Free Software.  Anybody can use, modify, and redistribute these systems under the terms of the GNU General Public License (*note GNU General Public License: in the case of GNU/Hurd and GNU/Linux, and the BSD license in the case of the BSDs.  In fact, the entire GNU System is a complete Unix-like operating system licensed under the GNU "GPL".
这些系统- GNU/Hurd, GNU/Linux, 和 the BSDs 的一个好处是,不像大多数流行的操作系统,他们是自由软件.任何人可以在GNU GPL通用公共许可证下使用,修改,并重新发布这些系统实际上,整个GNU系统是一个完全的遵守GNU"GPL"的类UNIX操作系统.
   Although it is similar to other Free Unix-like kernel projects,the Hurd has the potential to be much more.  Unlike these other projects, the Hurd has an object-oriented structure that allows it to evolve without compromising its design. This structure will help the Hurd undergo major redesign and modifications without having to be entirely rewritten.  This extensibility makes the Hurd an attractive platform for learning how to become a kernel hacker or for implementing new ideas in kernel technology, as every part of the system is designed to be modified and extended.  For example, the MS-DOS FAT filesysetem was not supported by GNU/Hurd until a developer wrote a translator that allows us to access this filesystem. In a standard Unix-like environment, such a feature would be put into the kernel.  In GNU/Hurd, this is done in a different manner and recompiling the kernel is not necessary, since the filesystem is implemented as a user-space program.
虽然和别的自由类Unix内核工程相似,Hurd还是有潜在的许多不同而不像这些别的工程.,Hurd有一个面向对象的结构允许它发展而不需妥协于它的设计.这个结构会帮助Hurd经历主要的重设计和修改而不需要整个重写.这个扩展使得HUrd成为一个吸引人的学习如何成为一个内核黑客或者在内核技术上实现新的想法的平台,因为系统的每一部分都设计成可修改和扩展的.例如,MS-DOS FAT文件系统并不被支持,直到一个开发者写了一个translator允许我们存取这个文件系统.在标准的类UNix环境中,这样一个特性会被放到内核里去.在GNU/Hurd中,这个被以一种不同的方式实现,重新编译内核是不必要的,因为文件系统是作为一个用户空间程序实现的.
   Scalability has traditionally been very difficult to achieve in Unix-like systems.  Many computer applications in both science and business require support for symmetric multiprocessing (SMP).  At the time of this writing, Linux could scale to a maximum of 8 processors.By contrast, the Hurd implementation is aggressively multi-threaded so that it runs efficiently on both single processors and symmetric multiprocessors.  The Hurd interfaces are designed to allow transparent network clusters ("collectives"), although this feature has not yet been implemented.
   Of course, the Hurd (currently) has its limitations.  Many of these limitations are due to GNU Mach, the microkernel on which the Hurd runs.  For example, although the Hurd has the potential to be a great platform for SMP, no such multiprocessing is currently possible,since GNU Mach has no support for SMP.  The Hurd has supports less hardware than current versions of Linux, since GNU Mach uses the hardware drivers from version 2.0 of the Linux kernel.  Finally, GNUMach is a very slow microkernel, and contributes to the overall slowness of GNU/Hurd systems.
当然,Hurd(目前)还有它的限制.许多这样的限制归结于GNU Mach,Hurd运行所在的微内核.,例如,虽然Hurd潜在性的是一个SMP的好平台,目前却没有这样的多处理是可行的,因为GNU Mach还不支持SMP.Hurd支持的硬件比当前的版本的Linux少,因为GNU Mach使用从2.0版本Linux内核来的硬件驱动.最后,GNUMach上一个非常慢的微内核,这样导致整个的GNU/Hurd系统的缓慢.
   "Mach" is known as a 1st-generation "microkernel" - much work has gone into the much-improved 2nd-generation microkernels currently being developed.  A long-term goal is to port the Hurd to L4, a very fast 2nd-generation microkernel.  This port will offer substantial improvements to the system.  In the short term, the Hurd developers plan to move the Hurd to OSKit Mach, an improved version of Mach being developed at the University of Utah.
"Mach"被认为是上一代的微内核-许多的工作已经投入改善的多的正在开发中的第二代的微内核..一个长期的目标是移植Hurd到L4,一个非常快的第二代微内核.这个移植会提供巨大的对系统的改善.短期内,Hurd开发者计划把Hurd移到OSKit Mach,一个在犹它大学开发的提高版本的Mach.
   The Hurd is still under active development, and no stable release has been made.  This means that the Hurd's code base is much less mature than that of Linux or the BSDs.  There are bugs in system that are still being found and fixed.  Also, many features, such as a DHCP client, and support for several filesystem types, is currently missing.
   The deficiencies in the Hurd are constantly being addressed; for example, until recently, _pthreads_ (POSIX threads), were missing. This meant that several major applications, including GNOME, KDE, and Mozilla, could not run on GNU/Hurd.  Now that the Hurd has a preliminary _pthreads_ implementation, we may soon see these applications running on GNU/Hurd systems.
Hurd的不足正在不断的改变;例如,到目前为止_pthreads_ (POSIX 线程)还缺乏.这意味着许多主要的应用程序,包括GNOME,KDE和Mozilla,无法在GNU/Hurd上运行.现在Hurd有了一个初步的_pthreads_实现,我们可能很快会见到这些程序运行在GNU/Hurd系统上.
   The Hurd is a very modern design.  It is more modern than Linux or the BSDs, because it uses a microkernel instead of a monolithic kernel.  It is also more modern than Apple's Darwin or Microsoft's NT microkernel, since the it has a multi-sever design, as opposed to the single-server design of Darwin and NT.  This makes the Hurd an ideal platform for students interested in operating systems, since its design closely matches the recommendations of current operating system theory.  In addition, the Hurd's modular nature makes it much easier to understand than many other kernel projects.
   GNU/Hurd is also an excellent system for developers interested in kernel hacking.  Whereas Linux and the BSDs are quite stable, there is still much work to be done on the Hurd; for example, among all the filesystem types in use today, the Hurd only supports ext2fs (the Linux filesystem), ufs (the BSD filesystem), and iso9660fs (the CDfilesystem).  GNU/Hurd offers a developer the opportunity to make a substantial contribution to a system at a relatively-early point in its development.
Hurd Today
   The GNU operating system is alive and well today.  In 1998 Marcus Brinkmann brought the Hurd to the "Debian Project".  This allowed GNU/Hurd to have a software management system(apt and dpkg), world wide access to the latest free software, and a extreme increase of popularity.
GNU操作系统今天是富有活力而且健康的.在1998年Marcus Brinkmann把Hurd引进了"Debian工程"这允许GNU/Hurd有了一个软件管理系统(apt和dpkg),世界范围内的最新自由软件的使用,和普及的极度的提高.
   The original architect, Thomas Bushnell, BSG, is involved on the mailing lists helping the young hackers design and help with Hurd development.  There is now a team of individuals from around the world.  They are constantly giving talks at conferences about the importance of design and implementation of the Hurd's unique multiserver microkernel environment.  There is  also work on porting the Hurd to two other micro-kernels and another architecture.
最早的设计者Thomas Bushnell, BSG参与邮件列表帮助年轻的黑客们设计和帮助Hurd的开发.现在还有一个独立的从世界各地来的开发小组.他们经常的在会议上做报告,关于设计和实现Hurd独特多服务微内核环境的重要性.另外还有工作是关于移植Hurd到另外两个别的微内核和别的架构的.
   Debian GNU/Hurd has been Debian's most active non-Linux port.  The user applications that are ported to GNU/Hurd are very current and are actively being improved.  Development of GNU/Hurd within the Debian project has also contributed to incremental development releases on sets of CDs.  Also, new developers are allowed to get the source code to the Hurd from anywhere on the planet via Debian's packaging tool apt, and can get an even-more recent snapshot release from the the GNU project's ( server.
Debian GNU/Hurd已经成为Debian最活跃的非Linux的移植.被移植到GNU/Hurd上的用户程序非常流行并且积极的被改进.Debian工程的GNU/Hurd的开发也增加了在一套CD上的发行工作.另外,新的开发人员也允许在地球上的任何地方使用Debian的包裹工具APT获得Hurd的源代码.甚至可以从GNU工程的 (服务器上获得更多的快照发布.
发表于 2003-12-3 15:52:34 | 显示全部楼层
As far as a multi-server microkernel based operating systems are concerned: GNU/Hurd has had it's share of critisim.  Many people have criticized the Hurd for its lack of a stable release, its design,which is unfamiliar to those used to monolithic kernels such as Linux and the BSD kernels, and its connection to the strong ideals of the GNU Project; however, GNU/Hurd is a cutting-edge operating system. Other operating systems with designs similar to GNU/Hurd are QNX and Sawmill.  QNX is meant for embedded systems and many of the GNU Projects most famous programs are available for it .  Sawmill was a research project set up by IBM.  It was never released outside the academic community.  Sawmill is a version of the Linux kernel running as multi-server on top of the L4 microkernel.  It used some of the same ideas as GNU/Hurd but with members of the L4( Project influencing some of there research in microkernel based technology.
   The Hurd is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
License (*note GNU General Public License:. The GNU "GPL" protects
your right to use, modify, and distribute all parts of the GNU system.

Conventions used in this manual
   We often show command prompts in this manual.  When doing so, the command prompt for the "root user" (System Administrator) includes a '#' character, and the command prompt for a regular user includes a '$' character.  For example, if we were discussing how to shut down the system, which only the root user may do, the prompt may look like this:

     # halt <ENTER>

   When discussing how to list the contents of a directory, which regular users can do, provided they have read permission for the directory (more on this later), the prompt may appear as:
当讨论到如何列出一个目录的上下文内容列表时,而这常常可以由用户来做,倘若他们有对目录的读取权限(more on this later),提示符可能呈现如下:
     $ ls <ENTER>

   Prompts may include additional characters, for example:
     bash-2.05# mke2fs -o hurd /dev/hda3 <ENTER>

   Hyperlinks in this manual look like this: `'.
   A "definiton" is typeset as shown in this sentence.
   There is a footnote at the end of this sentence. (1)

   The names of commands are appear like this: `info'.  Files are indicated like this: `README.txt'.
   This document includes cross-references, such as this one to the *Note GNU General Public License::, and this parenthetical one to the *note GNU General Public License::.
这个文档包括跨段的引用,像这个*Note GNU General Public License::,和这个插入形式的*note GNU General Public License::
   ---------- Footnotes ----------

   (1) This is a footnote.
 楼主| 发表于 2003-12-4 18:22:12 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2003-12-4 23:37:54 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2003-12-5 00:45:08 | 显示全部楼层


 楼主| 发表于 2003-12-12 15:11:34 | 显示全部楼层
最初由 SKyPP 发表

不是这个帖子厉害,而是我们大家,这些使用 GNU,热爱自由,渴望自由的人们厉害罢了。所以,我还是那句话,“如果大家拥护 GNU,那就从使用 GNU 开始吧”!
 楼主| 发表于 2003-12-12 15:18:48 | 显示全部楼层
最初由 pacer 发表



From my side, 'Free' is the greatest advantage which Debian is known for.
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