
热搜: shell linux mysql
楼主: jessew

GNU 1.0

发表于 2003-12-14 23:58:29 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2003-12-15 09:32:51 | 显示全部楼层
Introduction to Scripting with Bash
   These next few paragraphs are to aquaint the user of GNU/Hurd with extended shell capabilities. The bash shell is a very powerful program.  You may have seen the term "Shell Programming", well that is what Bash can be used for. The shell can be used to write scripts to automate a handful of commands into one file. The start of a typical shell script will look like this:
  下面的几段使GNU/Hurd的用户熟悉扩展的shell性能.bash shell是一个功能十分强大的程序.你可能已经看到术语”Shell 编程”,这就是Bash可以用来做的事情.shell可以用来写脚本以自动的把一连串命令写到一个文件里面.典型的脚本的开头看起来像这样:
     # The above line has to be the very first line of your
     # script. If it's not it is taken as a comment.
     # This is a comment
     uname -a ; df /
     echo This is a shell script
     uptime &&
     cat /etc/fstab

   The very first line is a interesting one. The `#!/bin/bash' is to notify the shell of what program to use to run the script.  The next two lines are comments, the '#' character is used to allow us to type important information that the script won't execute.  Finally we get to the command `uname -a' which will tell us the operating system we are using, with the -a option it tells us everything we need. Following the first command is the ';' character which tells bash there is a compound command. The semicolon will tell bash to execute the command on the left first, then the right.  The '&&' symbols after "uptime" in the above script tell bash not to execute the next command until the uptime command is complete. The difference between the ";" and the "&&" is the first character will spit out a error and then continue to the next command.  In order to execute the above script the file attributes need to be changed to an executable format. To change file attributes you use `chmod 755'.  The `chmod' command is pretty tricky, so read the info and/or man pages to fully understand the capabilities of `chmod'.
  第一行正好是有意思的一行.`#!/bin/bash'通知shell用什么程序来运行脚本.下面的两行是注释,'#'字符用来允许我们输入脚本并不执行的重要的信息.最后到了告诉我们我们正在运行的操作系统的信息的命令'uname -a',通过-a选项它告诉我们我们所需要的每一件事.跟着第一个命令的是';'字符,它告诉bash shell有组合的命令.分号会告诉bash先执行在左边的命令,然后是在右边的.上面脚本中位于”uptime”之后的'&&'符号告诉bash不要执行下一条命令,直到uptime命令完成了.”;”和”&&”之间的不同在于第一个字符”;”会弹出一个错误然后接着执行下一条命令.要执行上面的脚本,文件属性必须设为可执行格式.使用'chmod755'来改变文件属性.'chmod'命令是十分机巧的,所以读一下info和/或者man页来完全弄懂'chmod'的性能.
   Bash has other time saving features, for instance the `export'. You can export a couple of letters to represent a full path to a directory. The export command is typically used for this, here is a example:
     bash-2.05$export SRC=/home/src
     bash-2.05#echo $SRC

   In the above example we use the `echo' to tell us what the value of 'SRC' is. Without the '$' character the `echo' would just print out 'SRC'.  The `echo' is used extensively in shell scripts to place text on our screen either for debugging purposes or to prompt the user for input.
   The great thing about shell scripts is that they have the capability of doing things just as quickly as a compiled program.  A compiled program is written, compiled, and then run.  The benefit of using a script is it is written then interpeted (interpreted)by the shell.  When scripts get too large or complicated they are sometimes re-written in a compiled language. The reasoning behind this is that the shell script can slow the machine down the larger it gets, and take away resources that could be better used elsewhere on the computer.  To get a better understanding of "Shell Programming" there are numerous books and on-line documents to be used.
  关于shell脚本最有意义的是他们有能力像编译了的程序一样快的做事情.一个编译了的程序得写出来,编译,然后才执行.使用一个脚本的好处在于它被写了以后由shell解释.当脚本变得太大或者过于复杂时它们有时会用一个编译式语言来重写.在这背后的原因是shell脚本越大它就使得机器越慢,而且占据可以在计算机的别的地方更好的利用的资源.要更好的理解”Shell 编程”,有数目众多的书籍和在线文档可以用.
   Your GNU/Hurd workstations is comprised of many shell scripts.  For instance when you login to the shell a couple scripts set up your enviroment for you.  The scripts .profile and .bashrc set things such as
  1. PATH : This is typically":/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/X11R6/bin"  and can
     be modified to suit your needs. Generally you programs
     will reside in "bin" or "sbin" directories. Instead of typing
        /usr/bin/gcc you can just type gcc and the computer knows
     where        it is.
   1.PATH:这是典型的:":/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/X11R6/bin" ,可以被修改来适合你的需要.通常你的程序会存在"bin"或"sbin"目录里.你可以只需输入gcc而不是/usr/bin/gcc,计算机也可以知道它在哪里.
  2. PS1 :  This is a bash variable that sets the look of your prompt.
           When the PS1 variable is not set you just see bash-2.05$
     as        your prompt.
  3. MANPATH:  The MANPATH variable is used so that when man is
     evoked                   It knows where all the man pages live.
  3 MANPATH:MANPATH值用来使当man被调用时它知道man页在哪里.
  4. alias : The alias command is used you disguise a command with
     anything         your heart desires except another command. A
     user can alias         the 'ls -a' to 'l' so at a bash prompt typing 'l
     <ENTER>'         will evoke 'ls -a'
  4 alias: alias命令假设你心里想要的除另外一个命令之外的任何词是一个命令的别名.用户可以把'ls -a'用别名表示成  'l',这样在bash提示符里输入'l<ENTER>'将会调用'ls -a'.
   As you get more comfortable with you GNU/Hurd workstation you will end up customizing some of these values to suit your needs.
发表于 2003-12-15 09:41:14 | 显示全部楼层

发表于 2003-12-15 17:18:08 | 显示全部楼层
File Archivers and Compression
   In this section, I want you to learn some extra things that will make life interesting.  You will need to learn about archives. Archives come in many different formats.  Archive is a general term for a software package.  You may have heard of a "tarball": this is a form of archive.  The file extensions tell us what type of archive the file is.  Generally they come in forms of .tgz, .tar.gz, .tar.bz2, .gz, etc.
  在这一节里,我想你学一些使得生活有趣一点的额外的事情.你会需要学习档案打包.档案来自于许多不同的格式.归档是软件包的一个惯用术语.你或许听过”tarball”:这是一种归档档案.文件扩展名告诉我们归档包裹文件是哪一种格式的.一般他们以 .tgz, .tar.gz, .tar.bz2, .gz等等形式存在.
   "Archiving" is a method of packaging files.  It has been around since the early days of computing.  The `tar' command that we use when working with archives stands for "tape archiver". It was originally used to create archived files for backup on large tape drives.
   Closely associated with archiving is the concept of "compressing". Various algorithms can be used to pack data into a smaller format. Archives are often compressed before being distributed; for example, a tarball may have the extension `.tar.gz', which means that the tarball is a `tar' archive that has been compressed using `gzip'. Most software that you try and install from source-code will be packaged this way.  I will try to give you some examples; if you're confused, always consult the info pages.
   Let's say we get a `tar' file that has some documents you want to read.  Make sure that you are in your home directory, then type:
     bash-2.05$ tar xv docs.tar <ENTER>

   After running this command, you would see the contents of the tar file extracted to your home directory.  The `x' stands for "extract" and the `v' means "verbose", which shows us the contents of the archive as it's being decompressed.  Compressing a file or directory is very similar.  You would use type:
     bash-2.05$ tar -cv new.tar foo1/ foo2/ <ENTER>

   The `-c' is to create the tar file.  We add the name of the tar file, then the contents that we want.  In the above example, we created a file called `new.tar' and we added the directories `foo1/' and `foo2/' to the tar file.  With the `-v' option we see what is being added.
   The `gzip' compression format is commonly used in the GNU system. Files with the extionsion `.gz' are associated with `gzip'.  The utilities `tar' and `gzip' work so well together that people have patched the tar command so that it can compress and decompress `gzip'ed files.  Note, however, that `tar' cannot be used to decompress `gzip'ed files that are not `tar' archives.
     bash-2.05$ tar -zxv file.tar.gz <ENTER> #This file was compressed once with tar then with gzip
     bash-2.05$ gzip -d file.gz <ENTER>     #notice no tar in filename means you

   In the first example, the `z' after the `tar' command is the option that tells `tar' that the file has been `gzip'ed.  The second example is the `gzip' command, using the `d' option to decompress `file.gz'. `gunzip' is a command that is equivalent to `gzip -d', but more intuitive.
   在第一个例子里,跟在'tar'命令后的'z'是一个告诉'tar'文件是被'gzip'过的.第二个例子是'gzip'命令,使用'd'选项解压'file.gz'.'gunzip'是一个等效于'gzip -d'的命令,但是更直观点.
     bash-2.05$ gunzip file.gz <ENTER>

   To compress a `tar' files, or any file, using `gzip',  you would type:
     bash-2.05$ gzip -9 file.tar <ENTER>

   The `-9' means best compression.  There are many options available for `gzip'.  A quick browse through the info pages will tell you everything you need to know.
   Another common form of compression is the `bzip2' format. `tar' archives compressed using `bzip2' usually have the extension `.tar.bz2'.  This format is known to be one of the best compression utilities.  To extract a bzip2 file you would type:
     bash-2.05$ bunzip2 file.bz2 <ENTER>

   Like the `gzip' format, the `bzip2' format has many options.  You will probably see `bzip2' compressing `tar' files.  The `bzip2' utility many other commands linked to it.  To extract a file that has been archived with `tar' and compressed with `bzip2', you would do something similar to the following:
     bash-2.05$ bzcat file.tar.bz2 |tar -xv <ENTER>

   The `bzcat' command is a combination of `bunzip2' and `cat'.  We `bzcat' the file, then pipe(|) the file to the `tar' command.  Once again, I use `-x' to extract the file, and `-v' to see its contents. To compress a file using `bzip2' you would type:
     bash-2.05$ bzip2 -z file1.txt <ENTER>

   This command compresses `file1.txt' to `file1.txt.bz2'.  You can also use the `'-9'' option for best compression.
   Hopefully, this little chapter has gotten you more interested in using GNU/Hurd.  If you are still confused, please read the info pages for the command that's giving you trouble.  The command `info' will give you a list of all the programs on your Hurd machine that have documentation with them.  The best way to learn GNU utilities is to read and practice.  GNU/Hurd is just like music or sports: you can never learn enough.  This chapter is meant to give you a stepping stone to freedom.
发表于 2003-12-16 13:53:07 | 显示全部楼层
   After the last chapter, you're probably wondering about this "root user" that everyone is so fond of.  The Hurd is trying to get all things root out of the picture and allow you the freedom of doing things only root can do on legacy Unix systems.  The designers and developers want you, the user, to be able to do things that you cannot do on a traditional Unix-like operating system.
   For the time being, though, you will have to deal with the root user.
   One reasonable request of the Unix-type gurus is making a normal user account.  A normal user can only write to his or her home directory, and has limited access to system configuration.  The reasoning behind this is that a normal user can not mess up the computer.  This is a decent compromise because the more we explore and play, the more likely we'll lose a important file or make some other fatal mistake.  So what we'll do is set up a user account for you. You must be root to do this.
     bash-2.05# adduser <ENTER>

   That's it!  The computer will prompt you for a username and password, then you can just answer yes or whatever you require to the rest of the requests.  To change the password on your account you just created you would type:
     bash-2.05# passwd <USER_NAME> <ENTER>
     Please Enter a Password:

   There is a command that helps you become root while logged in as a normal user.  This command is called `su'.  When you type `su', you are required to enter a password (if you have one) for the root account. If a `ssh' (Secure Shell) server doesn't allow root logins, as root you can `su' to a another user that has an access to that server.  When you are done being another user you type `exit' and your back as root.
   当你登陆为一个普通用户时有一个命令可以帮助你变成根用户.这个命令叫做'su'.当你输入'su'时,会要求你输入密码(如果你有密码的话)来获得根用户帐号权限.如果'ssh'(Secure Shell安全Shell)服务器不允许根用户登陆,作为根用户你可以'su'成对那台服务器有存取权限的另一个用户.当你变成另一个用户时你输入'exit'会变回根用户.
     bash-2.05$ su <ENTER>

   There are many commands related to the Administering Unix-like operating systems.  As a normal user, much is unneeded.  Making a new user and giving him/her a password is enough for now.  If you are interested in becoming a Administrator there are plenty of books and classes out there.
发表于 2003-12-16 14:17:04 | 显示全部楼层
Accessing the cdrom
   Traditionally, Unix-like systems have used a command called `mount' to merge removable storage devices, such as CDs and floppy disks, into the file system. On GNU/Hurd, we don't `mount' anything.  The Hurd has a similar mechanism for accessing devices called "setting a translator".
   We use the `settrans' command to do this.  `settrans' is a program that aligns a type of Hurd server called a "translator" to a device supported by the kernel.  For instance, on my GNU/Hurd system my cdrom device was detected as hd2.  To get to my data on a iso9660 CD, I first had to make the device.  Then I had to run the `settrans' command.  This had to be done as the root user (root is the only user that has these privileges).
  我们使用'settrans'命令来做这件事.'settrans'是对应一种叫做”translator”的内核设备支持服务的一个程序.举个例子,在我的GNU/Hurd系统里我的cdrom设备被探测为hd2.要取得我在一个ISO9660 Cd上的数据,我首先得创建这个设备,然后我必须运行'settrans'命令.这些必须作为根用户来做(根用户是唯一有这些特权的用户).
   The term iso9660 is a standard set by the Industry Standards Organization.The ISO has set the universal access to CDROM media as standard number 9660. Some systems use an extension to this standard called Joliet.  The Joliet extension is typical of Microsoft Windows. It is also supported on GNU/Hurd, GNU/Linux, and the BSDs.
   专有名词iso9660是一个由工业标准化组织制定的一个标准.ISO设置了通用的访问CDROM媒体的的标准即是标准号9660.一些系统使用对这个标准的一个扩展叫做Joliet.Joliet扩展的典型是Microsoft Windows.在GNU/Hurd,GNU/Linux和BSDs里也获得支持.
     bash-2.05# cd /dev <ENTER>
     bash-2.05# ./MAKEDEV hd2 <ENTER>
     bash-2.05# settrans -ac /cdrom /hurd/isofs /dev/hd2 <ENTER>

   This isn't too hard, is it?  Those options after `settrans' are very important.  The `-a' makes the `/hurd/isofs' translator active. The `-c' creates the translator, and is only needed the first time.
  Now you can type `cd /cdrom' and see the data on your CD.
  现在你可以输入'cd /cdrom',看到你的CD上的数据.
 楼主| 发表于 2003-12-20 12:16:25 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2003-12-23 10:04:19 | 显示全部楼层
At this time, I would like to send my warmest wishes of Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all of GNU/HURD fans and contributors.

By the way, a big thank you for visiting and Happy Holidays, wherever you are! :thank
 楼主| 发表于 2003-12-30 17:16:50 | 显示全部楼层
希望采用 L4 微内核的 GNU 系统早日诞生!
发表于 2004-1-1 13:14:36 | 显示全部楼层
今天第一次装(K5),就一个基本系统,是从slackware 9.1下装的。
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