发表于 2008-11-29 00:50:38
Post by carbonjiao;1915852
在 ubuntu论坛上有,需要另外加装字体。。。
有人还搞了天气预报,从weather.com yahoo.com 还有 从265.com获取天气数据
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- ${voffset -20}${color}${font StyleBats:size=12}O ${font}${color slate grey}UpTime:$alignr${color }$uptime
- ${color}${font StyleBats:size=12}Q ${font}${color slate grey}Kern:$alignr${color }$kernel
- ${color}${font StyleBats:size=12}A ${font}${color slate grey}CPU:$alignr${color } $cpu% ${acpitemp}C
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- ${color lightgrey}${top name 2}$alignr${top pid 2}${top cpu 2}
- ${color lightgrey}${top name 3}$alignr${top pid 3}${top cpu 3}
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- ${color}${font PizzaDude Bullets:size=12}M${font} Tot.up. ${totalup eth0} Kb/s
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- ${color}${font weather:size=22}${execi 600 ~/.conky/conditions.sh}${color slate grey}${font} Weather:
- ${color} ${font}${execi 1800 ~/.conky/pogodynka.sh}
- ${voffset -14}${color}${font Martin Vogel's Symbols:size=22}B${font}${color slate grey}Mail:
- ${color} You have ${color3}${texeci 1800 perl ~/.conky/check_gmail.sh} ${color}new mail(s)
- ${color}${font SimpMusic Base:size=22}~${color slate grey}${font} Music:
- ${color slate grey}State:${alignr}${color}Now $mpd_status
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- ${color slate grey}${font}Artist:${color}${font DejaVu Sans YuanTi:size=8}${alignr}$mpd_artist
- ${color slate grey}${font}Volume:${color}$mpd_vol%${alignr}${color slate grey}Bitrate:${color}$mpd_bitrate kbps
- ${color}${mpd_bar 3,160}
265.com会准些么,他们的数据是人肉的还是直接去国家气象总局网站读的 yahoo那个害了我三四次了 |