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楼主: jessew

GNU 1.0

发表于 2004-8-5 19:55:22 | 显示全部楼层
最初由 jessew 发表

关于声卡驱动这一点我 100% 的赞同。如果现在就做声卡驱动,确实为时过早,可以说一种浪费。现在这样的做法我认为很正确:一些固件能从 linux 里拿来的就直接拿现成的(如显卡驱动),不能直接从 linux 里拿来用的就暂时戈着以后再说(如声卡驱动)

然而,pppoe 的问题就并非如此了,如果 pppoe 能成功的在 hurd 上运行的,显然会增加很多的 GNU 用户。 我曾经作过调查,结果目前 GNU 用户最大的问题并非是我原先以为的 hurd 内核里各种棘手的问题,而是无法在家直接用 GNU 上网。

最初由 jessew 发表
New Debian GNU/Hurd Installation Method

Michael Banck has announced a new installation method for the Debian GNU/Hurd port. It uses the xattr-hurd support for ext2 by Roland McGrath mentioned earlier. Using his kernel patch and star, one can extract a base tarball and get a working Debian GNU/Hurd system immediately.

这个最近在 debian 邮件列表 ( 讨论的新安装方法现在看来似乎还有些遥远,至少在 K7 里是不大可能采用的。
不过据说 K7 之后的版本应该是 Lx ,希望能在 L1 里看到这个。
 楼主| 发表于 2004-8-30 12:52:05 | 显示全部楼层

L4Ka::Pistachio microkernel

L4Ka:istachio is the latest L4 microkernel developed by the System Architecture Group at the University of Karlsruhe in collaboration with the DiSy group at the University of New South Wales, Australia. It is the first available kernel implementation of the L4 Version 4 kernel API (currently code-named Version X.2), which is fully 32 and 64 bit clean, provides multiprocessor support, and super-fast local IPC.

The current release of L4Ka:istachio is version 0.4. Read the official announcement message.

L4Ka:istachio is built from ground up incorporating the research results of the last seven years of microkernel and multi-server research. The code is written in C++ with a strong focus on performance and portability. The current release includes many of today's widely used commodity architectures:

Alpha (21164, 21264)
AMD64 (Opteron 242, Simics)
ARM (SA1100, XScale, ARM925T)
IA32 (Pentium and higher)
IA64 (Itanium1, Itanium2, Ski)
MIPS 64bit (R4000, R5000)
PowerPC 32bit (IBM 750)
PowerPC 64bit (Power3, Power4)

The variety of supported architctures makes L4Ka:istachio an ideal research and development platform for a wide variety of systems. Additional architectural support for UltraSparc is in progress.

The different hardware architectures are maintained by specific team members located either at University of Karlsruhe (AMD64, IA32, IA64, PPC32) or at UNSW (Alpha, ARM, MIPS, PPC64).
发表于 2004-9-24 22:23:32 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2004-9-25 16:51:01 | 显示全部楼层
没想到,这个帖子从2002年一直讨论到现在。看来大家对GNU/Hurd系统项目还是非常关心的。我认为现在的问题是开发人员的跟进。眼下做为GNU项目衍生物的Linux反而比GNU最正统的Hurd项目还火,开发人员都跑去做Linux去了,致使Hurd一拖再拖。其实论系统架构微内核的Hurd比宏内核的Linux要先进;而且采用Mach核心的不单是Hurd一家,还有非常著名的MacOS X,以及它的平台核心Darwin。基于C/S概念、微内核概念的操作系统拥有很大的发展潜力,但这一系统阵营还很不成熟,需要大家积极努力地开发。希望有志之士都能关注这一先进的项目。
 楼主| 发表于 2004-9-29 09:29:12 | 显示全部楼层
感谢 chendy 朋友,贴上一段 l4-hurd 的邮件列表。

I wan't to know what exactly is Hurd-L4?

It is a project to port the Hurd to L4.

But this port is whith the original code, with a new code or is just a "server" that permits original hurd servers run in L4?

L4 is used as the microkernel, not Mach. The servers which are very close to the microkernel (and which mostly don't exist for mach AFAIK) are written from scratch. Other parts of the system will be used without much change. However, at the moment there isn't much code written, so the "other parts" don't work yet.

If you want to help, please do! Get the "hurd-l4" module from the hurd cvs and read the docs in there as a start. After that, you can read the code and try to boot it. Then find something that interests you and (help) build it :-)

发表于 2004-9-29 12:39:34 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2004-10-1 16:42:17 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2004-10-1 16:42:21 | 显示全部楼层


 楼主| 发表于 2004-10-3 19:18:37 | 显示全部楼层
按照 Richard Stallman 自己的话说,事实会说明一切的!
发表于 2004-10-6 18:54:41 | 显示全部楼层

K7 版 Hurd 光盘发布了

以下是来自 Debian 周报的消息:
Debian GNU/Hurd K7 CDs released. Philip Charles announced the
seventh iteration of the K-series Debian GNU/Hurd CDs. He said
that the main feature of the K7 set is its quality. The main addition
over previous CDs packages is XFree86 4.3. The installation
instructions for the Debian GNU/Hurd CDs are located here.
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