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楼主: jessew

GNU 1.0

发表于 2005-6-16 22:24:41 | 显示全部楼层
Post by LYOO



Plan 9 好象是Free 的,只不过有个条件:不用于非美国的政府和军事中,呵呵
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发表于 2005-6-16 22:35:07 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2005-6-16 23:56:02 | 显示全部楼层
Post by daxiawj
Plan 9 好象是Free 的,只不过有个条件:不用于非美国的政府和军事中,呵呵

Plan 9 的许可协议是非常卑鄙的。好象是说,你对 Plan 9 所做修改的代码和专利都属于 Bell 实验室。结果大家当然让它去死。

分布式操作系统有很多的,有 GPL 的也有其它许可的。
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发表于 2005-6-17 09:06:16 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2005-6-17 10:26:18 | 显示全部楼层
Post by mopz0506
Plan 9 的许可协议是非常卑鄙的。好象是说,你对 Plan 9 所做修改的代码和专利都属于 Bell 实验室。结果大家当然让它去死。

分布式操作系统有很多的,有 GPL 的也有其它许可的。

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 楼主| 发表于 2005-7-21 22:32:33 | 显示全部楼层
Post by JustinLei

哈,当然不是啦,我是学电子的  :rolleyes:

对 GNU 的了解开始于大二的时候无意中发现的 RedFlag,随即到联邦软件将之买下。其实,在那之前,买第一台 PC 的时候,就随机预装了 Bluepoint,但是可恶的销售商未经我同意,把 bluepoint 的分区无情地删掉了。但也正是这个举动,使我对 linux 的兴趣越发浓烈起来,直到看了很多文章,买了很多发行版和书籍,才逐渐了解了 GNU 与 Linux 的关系。

后来,在 逛了一阵之后,发觉自己可以做一些贡献,虽然不能贡献代码,但至少可以做些翻译的工作,让更多人特别是国人,了解 GNU,如果悉心观察的话,可以在 的几个中文网页(特别是 Hurd 的网页)上发现我的名字。

我是 2003 年 7 月拿到学士学位的,然而到了 2004 年 11 月才找到了第一份工作,也就是现在的工作。工作以后有很多事情是上学的时候无法想像到的,所以来 linuxsir 的机会也少了。不过,偶尔来看自己发的帖子,看到这么多热心而富有朝气的人们在关心 GNU,心里感到舒服了很多。

其实,老实说,自己也经常扪心自问,“Windows 这么流行,操作这么熟练,为什么还要用 GNU/Linux 呢?”。现在,答案慢慢地浮出水面了。刚开始的时候,是一种冲动,来自于对自由的向往,随着时间的流逝,当这种热情的温度逐渐降低的时候,发现更多的是一种精神,一种爱好,一种愿意求新的观念,另外,看到自由软件不断发展壮大,与自己一同成长,心里也有一种依恋,起码作为普通用户来讲是这样的。
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发表于 2005-7-21 22:38:08 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2005-7-21 23:54:30 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2005-7-24 11:39:08 | 显示全部楼层
7月的 Debian GNU/Hurd 状态报告



This is a status update for the Debian GNU/Hurd port[1] (for general
information about the GNU Hurd, see [2]).  While the port was limping
along for a couple of years, it has picked up speed again.  The current
state is still far from being on par with Debian's established Linux
ports, but it is mostly up to date and reasonably usable.  Improvements
over the last year and a half include:

* For quite a while now, we have a mostly uptodate (as in, at most a
   couple of Debian revisions behind) toolchain and most of the core
   Debian packages are in good shape.

* A buildd is up and ready to go, pending its addition to the
   wanna-build database.  In the meantime, Santiago Vila and Michael
   Banck have been semi-automatically building and uploading hurd-i386

* Several major packages have been ported, though some of them are not
   in the official archive as they need patches which have not been
   applied yet.  Ported packages include Apache, Qt and much of KDE and
   GNOME.  Further, several important missing features have recently
   been implemented upstream, like POSIX semaphores and SysV Shared

* Jeff Bailey wrote the crosshurd[3] method of installing Debian
   GNU/Hurd (as well as other Debian ports) from a Debian system into a
   new partition which makes the installation of Debian GNU/Hurd much

* The packaging of the GNU/Hurd core components (hurd, gnumach, mig)
   has been switched to team-maintenance using (pkg-hurd
   project).  Michael Banck, Jeff Bailey and Guillem Jover have been
   added to the list of uploaders, which has resulted in more frequent
   releases.  The Debian packages are also taking a lead in GNU Hurd
   development: many of the recent Hurd patches have been incorporated
   into the Hurd package first to provide a wider testing audience.

* Similarly, the coordination of porting has been centralized in an
   Alioth project, debian-hurd, where patches, tasks and bugs are being
   tracked.  This has considerably increased the productivity of the
   porting team.

* The above was necessary as several more people have stepped in to
   porting Debian packages to GNU/Hurd and some duplications of effort
   became apparent.  Members of the french HurdFR organization have done
   much work in this regard, as have individuals including Christoper
   Bodenstein and Barry deFreese.

As stated initially, GNU/Hurd is still far from being comparable to
GNU/Linux systems, but at this point, the stability is sufficient such
that interested developers should be able to use it with little trouble
provided their hardware is supported by GNU Mach (GNU Mach has been
basically unmaintained for several years now: it has few drivers, but
IDE and many network drivers work reliably).  A convenient way to try
the Hurd is to check out the GNU/Hurd Live CD provided by Ben

There a still a lot of things to do and help is needed.  Please contact
us at if you want to help:

* More packages need to be ported.  Currently, only around 40% of all
   Debian packages are built for the Hurd.  A lot of the others have
   portability issues which needs to be addressed, but the current
   porting team is lacking manpower to do so.  People already familiar
   with Debian development are especially sought after, as we are too
   few to mentor many people along the way.

* Debian-installer needs to be ported.  Colin Watson started some work
   on this a while ago, but other basic things like debootstrap or
   base-config still need porting as well.

* Upstream development of the GNU Hurd is carried out by only a few
   people in their spare time; help from experienced programmers is
   always appreciated, especially for enhancing important applications
   with Hurd-specific features or writing new ones exploiting the Hurd.

* Possibly get an official GNU/Hurd box up and keep it
   running.  Several people are currently running internet-accessible
   Hurd machines though, so if somebody wants an account in order to do
   some serious work, please contact us.

* An NMU policy for unreleased ports might have to be established in
   coordination with the release team and other ports, in order to
   faciliate further development by fixing central Build-Dependencies or
   otherwise important packages after some time.

To summarize, the Debian GNU/Hurd is alive and kicking, though it could
need some more help.  Other GNU/Hurd ports like Gentoo GNU/Hurd and Bee
GNU/Hurd seem to be mostly stalled, so Debian is currently the only
distribution actively developing the GNU/Hurd system, thus providing an
invaluable service to the Hurd community.


The Debian GNU/Hurd porters
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发表于 2005-7-24 13:23:32 | 显示全部楼层
hurd is good
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