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楼主: jiarry

请教在redhat 9下用modem(intel536ep)上网的问题

发表于 2005-7-9 23:38:25 | 显示全部楼层


pm_access这个符号连接。怀疑pm是power manager的缩写。查看驱动的源代码,果然是电源管理的。但内核的包含文件里的确找不到pm_access这个函数。或许是我的内核太新了,驱动不认(kernel 2.6.12) 不知道要怎么改才能用。有没有对此熟悉的大侠?
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 楼主| 发表于 2005-7-11 12:20:28 | 显示全部楼层


我的猫是wonda IDVM-CD56+是5690芯片,操作系统是redhat 9. kernel-source-2.4.20-8


[root@localhost root]# lspci
02:01.0 Communication controller: Intel Corp. 536EP Data Fax Modem
        Subsystem: Intel Corp.: Unknown device 1005
        Flags: bus master, medium devsel, latency 32, IRQ 5
        Memory at ea000000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=4M]
        Capabilities: [e0] Power Management version 2

[root@localhost root]# cat /proc/pci
    Communication controller: PCI device 8086:1040 (Intel Corp.) (rev 0).
      IRQ 5.
      Master Capable.  Latency=32.
      Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xea000000 [0xea3fffff].
[root@localhost root]#

于是,下载Intel 536EP驱动,Intel官方下载地址: ... ogle上搜搜,Intel 536EP driver,结果多的是,找到与自己内核(# uname -a 查看内核)相同的安装包.我用的是RedHat Linux 9下载了intel-536ep-4.69-rh9-up.tgz以及intel-536ep-4.69-rh9-smp.tgz. ... 536ep,537ep等等) (Linux下modem驱动下载地址,支持intel 536ep,537ep等等)

1. login as ROOT  
    #以root登录 [root@127 root]# cd /root/.gnome-desktop/Software/drivers
2. extract the archive into a directory with "tar -zxvf <archivename>.tgz"
    #解压缩档案文件 [root@127 drivers]# tar -zxvf intel-536ep-4.69-rh9-smp.tgz
3. cd into the directory it created.
   [root@127 Intel536-460]# cd /root/.gnome-desktop/Software/drivers/intel-536EP-
4. Type: make clean
   #输入make clean
5. Type: make 536
   #make 536编译536
6. Type: make install

starting module and utilities
depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.4.20-8/kernel/drivers/char/536ep.o


intel 536ep是5628芯片组,而IDVM-CD56+是5690芯片,不能使用相同驱动。[/]


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 楼主| 发表于 2005-7-11 13:31:14 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2005-7-11 13:37:57 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2005-7-11 16:18:55 | 显示全部楼层



intel 536ep是5628芯片组,而网达IDVM-CD56+是5690芯片,不能使用相同驱动。


我用wvdialocnf始终无法自动检测到猫,用minicom也提示没有拨号音。然后用kppp自动查询猫时能得到猫的相应信息,也是 intel536ep。可是一拨号,听见"嘀"一声,然后又"嘀"一声挂断。提示没有拨号音。真是奇怪。明明驱动也安装成功啦。。可是为什么没有拨号音呢?都试过fedora 2与reahat 9


[root@localhost root]# lspci
02:01.0 Communication controller: Intel Corp. 536EP Data Fax Modem
Subsystem: Intel Corp.: Unknown device 1005
Flags: bus master, medium devsel, latency 32, IRQ 5
Memory at ea000000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=4M]
Capabilities: [e0] Power Management version 2

[root@localhost root]# cat /proc/pci
Communication controller: PCI device 8086:1040 (Intel Corp.) (rev 0).
IRQ 5.
Master Capable. Latency=32.
Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xea000000 [0xea3fffff].
[root@localhost root]#


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发表于 2005-7-11 21:12:41 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2005-7-12 19:44:34 | 显示全部楼层
结果果然是intel536ep的猫,但驱动还得用intel 537的。真是晕。按照ModemData的提示,下载驱动,并按readme安装,结果还是用不了。用lsmod能显示加载了intel 537及intel 537core。用wvdialconf无法自动检测出猫。用kppp能自动查询出猫的信息,与intel536一样,只不过是intel 537的驱动信息。拨号时就连结成功,返回ok,可以一会就返回没有拨号音。。。真是奇怪。我下的是最新的7月7号的scanModem,按照提示能找出猫来的啊。。。。可是。。。诶。。。


DO use the following line as the email Subject Line, to alert cogent experts:
      scanModem, Red Hat Linux release 9 (Shrike)
Kernel  kernel 2.4.20-8
Occassionally reponses are blocked by an Internet Provider mail filters.
So do in a day also check the Archived responses at
Code updated on:  2005_July_7
------------ --------------  System information ------------------------
Red Hat Linux release 9 (Shrike)
on System with processor: i686
currently under kernel:   2.4.20-8
The kernel was assembled with compiler:  3.2.2
with current System compiler GCC=3.2.2

Checking for kernel-headers needed for compiling.
The kernel-headers have base folder:
/lib/modules/2.4.20-8/build -> ../../../usr/src/linux-2.4.20-8
/usr/src/linux-2.4 -> linux-2.4.20-8
Please install the package WVDIAL for modem testing and dialout.

Modem symbolic link is:  /dev/modem -> /dev/536ep
USB modem not detected.

00:1f.5 Multimedia audio controller: Intel Corp. 82801DB AC'97 Audio (rev 01)

Modem candidates are at PCI_buses:  02:01.0
Providing detail for device at  02:01.0
  with vendor-ID:device-ID
Class 0780: 8086:1040   Communication controller: Intel Corp. 536EP Data Fax Modem
  SubSystem 8086:1005   Intel Corp.: Unknown device 1005
        Flags: bus master, medium devsel, latency 32, IRQ 5
                  -----PCI_IDs-------                    --CompilerVer-
    Feature List:  Primary  Subsystem Distr  KernelVer   kernel default  CPU
./scanModem test 8086:1040 8086:1005 redhat 2.4.20-8  3.2.2 3.2.2    i686

        Use driver resource Intel-537SP-MostRecentVersion.tgz
== Checking PCI IDs through modem chip suppliers ==

Vendor=8086 is Intel, Inc. producing HaM and 536ep host controller free (HCF) modems, 537 soft modem
and AC97 and MC97 controllers managing a varierty of non-Intel soft modem Subsystems.
These subSystems often have PCI_IDs assigned by the modem assembler, rather than the chip provider.
Download available drivers through:  with Intel-537 types at: ... OSs=39&
Also check at:  
for beta releases and perhaps Already compiled drivers for some Linux distributions
A very detailed installation report cogent to 537 type modems is at:
Setup call id with:
        Type 1 : When the phone line is not in use                    at+vcid=1
        Type 2 : When the phone line is already in use on a call      at+pcw=0

  ======= PCI_ID checking completed ======
A PCMCIA CardBus is not detected on this System.
The following information blocks just query some ppp support items.

   grep -rs ppp /etc/modules.conf

PPP support module  bsd_comp.o  not found!
Resident PPP support modules are properly uncompressed .
COMM services are not active
Be sure to read the section about ppp related modules and aliases in Modem/YourModem.txt
DEVPPP=crw------- 1 root root 108, 0 2003-01-30 /dev/ppp

  The current modem symbolic link is: /dev/modem -> /dev/536ep
  The ports /dev/ttyS0 or 1,2,3 are for standard Controller chip modems

No devfsd.conf file found, indicated absense of the devfsd daemon package
for device file system (devfs) symbolic link support.

---- dmesg queries -------
apm: BIOS version 1.2 Flags 0x07 (Driver version 1.16)
For kernel-version 2.4.20-8 , a failure in automatic loading of PPP related modules
has been reported. It was necessary to manually load with:
  /sbin/modprobe /lib/modules/2.4.20-8/kernel/drivers/net ppp_generic
  /sbin/modprobe /lib/modules/2.4.20-8/kernel/drivers/net ppp_deflate
  /sbin/modprobe /lib/modules/2.4.20-8/kernel/drivers/net ppp_synctty
  /sbin/modprobe /lib/modules/2.4.20-8/kernel/drivers/net ppp_async
or dialout efforts failed.
  The Internet Configuration Wizard writes a configuration file:
  containing a line default line
    Stupid Mode = yes
  Better dialup performance may be achieved by commenting out this line as:
    # Stupid Mode = yes
  Also non-USA Users may need to add to the [Modem0] block:
    Init2 = AT+GCI=hexadecimal_country_code
  but test without it first.

  redhat is not yet providing pre-compiled drivers for WinModems

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 楼主| 发表于 2005-7-12 19:48:27 | 显示全部楼层
If the Primary and Subsystem Vendor information was not adeqaute,
it may be useful to search at

The proprietary Binary component of the some current winmodem drivers were compiled with
version 2.9n gcc compiler.  Red Hat 8.0 and Mandrake 9.0 releases utilize
version 3.nn gcc compilers.  This currently is causing difficulties either
in compiling and/or insertion of updated winmodem drivers.

The gcc compiler version of this System is:   3.2.2
It will likely be necessary to force (-f) insertion of winmodem drivers, with credit to
Jos Vos:

For the ltmodem drivers with proprietary binary provided by Agere Systems,
compiling with versions gcc=3.nn is successful.
A minor edit required to compile PCTEL drivers has also been reported:

  Simple driver insertion fails in these cases with a message like:
----begin error----
% insmod lt_modem
Using /lib/modules/2.4.18-14/ltmodem/lt_modem.o
/lib/modules/2.4.18-14/ltmodem/lt_modem.o: The module you are trying to
load (/lib/modules/2.4.18-14/ltmodem/lt_modem.o) is compiled with a gcc
version 2 compiler, while the kernel you are running is compiled with
a gcc version 3 compiler. This is known to not work.
-----end error-----

It is necessary as Root to force (-f) loading with commands like:
     insmod -f pctel

respecting the dependency ordering of the drivers.
Then check for insertion with:

If driver insertion is successful, the forcing can be automated
by putting the lines (credit to Bhaskaran Raman)  like the following,
    install pctel  /sbin/insmod --force pctel

In order of preference depending on your particular Linux installation.
Put these lines into ONLY ONE of the following files,
within any modem loading subsection if present:

Then inform your System of the edit for Debian like Systems with
which rewrites and reads /etc/modules.conf . For other System types
    depmod -a
re-reads the edited      /etc/modules.conf .

Thereafter module loading should behave as previously.
For the ltmodem drivers loading,
it should suffice to either start a ppp session or
    modprobe ptserial

Within /lib/modules/You_Kernel_Version/kernel/drivers/net/
at least the following modules needed for communication should be found
BUT they may be present instead as ModuleName.o.gz
If so unpack them with a commands like:
   # gzip /lib/modules/You_Kernel_Version/kernel/drivers/net/ModuleName.o.gz
Alternatively, installing the dialer package KPPP may force their unpacking.

Following a dialout attempt, display loaded modules with:
# /sbin/lsmod
If there are not displayed lines like:

ppp_deflate             3512   1  (autoclean)
zlib_inflate           18980   0  (autoclean) [ppp_deflate]
zlib_deflate           18648   0  (autoclean) [ppp_deflate]
bsd_comp                4440   0  (autoclean)
ppp_async               7744   1  (autoclean)
ppp_generic            16380   3  (autoclean) [ppp_deflate bsd_comp ppp_async]
slhc                    5264   1  (autoclean) [ppp_generic

addition of the following lines to /etc/modules.conf or /etc/modules.conf.d/ folders may be needed:

### automate ppp modules loading ###
alias /dev/ppp          ppp_generic
alias char-major-108    ppp_generic
alias tty-ldisc-3       ppp_async
alias tty-ldisc-14      ppp_synctty
alias ppp-compress-21   bsd_comp
alias ppp-compress-24   ppp_deflate
alias ppp-compress-26   ppp_deflate
### end ppp block ####

After any edit of /etc/modules.conf or /etc/modules.conf.d/ folders ,
inform the System by logging into a console with
# su - root
and running the update command:
#  depmod -a
which re-reads /etc/modules.conf and parses all the modules dependencies.
Debian like Distros should instead use:

  Attempted or effective networking links are displayed by command:
  #  /sbin/ifconfig
  A block with "lo" is an internal loopback test and harmless.
  However, ethernet "eth0" can be problematic for PPP connections,
  because of competition for DNS (domain name service).
  The default is to use the DNS specified for etherenet and
  without expert configuration, this will block browser naviagation through PPP.
  ========== ifconfig test =============
  lo        Link encapocal Loopback  

  If is wisest to disable bootup establishment of ethernet in your Control Center.
  Depending on your Linux distribution,
      one of the following Root commands way alternatively be effective:
  # ifdown eth0
  # ifconfig eth0 down
  # /etc/init.d/network stop
  # /etc/init.d/networking stop
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2005-7-12 22:30:52 | 显示全部楼层

刚才看了大家的讨论,感觉如果解决不了,就是死猫 了。。

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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2005-7-13 10:26:29 | 显示全部楼层


我的猫型号为 idvm-cd56+ 的网达(wonda)  modem。
芯片组为intel 5690。
在fedora 2及rh 9下查到显示均是intel 536ep的猫,如下。

[root@localhost root]# lspci
02:01.0 Communication controller: Intel Corp. 536EP Data Fax Modem
        Subsystem: Intel Corp.: Unknown device 1005
        Flags: bus master, medium devsel, latency 32, IRQ 5
        Memory at ea000000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=4M]
        Capabilities: [e0] Power Management version 2

[root@localhost root]# cat /proc/pci
   Multimedia audio controller: Intel Corp. 82801DB AC'97 Audio (rev 1).
      IRQ 12.
      I/O at 0xe000 [0xe0ff].
      I/O at 0xe400 [0xe43f].
      Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xea401000 [0xea4011ff].
      Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xea402000 [0xea4020ff].
  Bus  1, device   0, function  0:
    VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV17 [GeForce4 MX440] (rev 163).
      IRQ 11.
      Master Capable.  Latency=32.  Min Gnt=5.Max Lat=1.
      Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xe8000000 [0xe8ffffff].
      Prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xd8000000 [0xdfffffff].
      Prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xe0000000 [0xe007ffff].
  Bus  2, device   1, function  0:
    Communication controller: PCI device 8086:1040 (Intel Corp.) (rev 0).
      IRQ 5.
      Master Capable.  Latency=32.
      Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xea000000 [0xea3fffff].
[root@localhost root]#

用scanModem查找显示,查看modemData.txt文件,显示如下。也能查到intel 536ep的猫,但用Intel-537SP-MostRecentVersion.tgz的驱动。

Class 0780: 8086:1040   Communication controller: Intel Corp. 536EP Data Fax Modem
  SubSystem 8086:1005   Intel Corp.: Unknown device 1005
        Flags: bus master, medium devsel, latency 32, IRQ 5
                  -----PCI_IDs-------                    --CompilerVer-
    Feature List:  Primary  Subsystem Distr  KernelVer   kernel default  CPU
./scanModem test 8086:1040 8086:1005 redhat 2.4.20-8  3.2.2 3.2.2    i686

        Use driver resource Intel-537SP-MostRecentVersion.tgz
== Checking PCI IDs through modem chip suppliers ==

Vendor=8086 is Intel, Inc. producing HaM and 536ep host controller free (HCF) modems, 537 soft modem
and AC97 and MC97 controllers managing a varierty of non-Intel soft modem Subsystems.
These subSystems often have PCI_IDs assigned by the modem assembler, rather than the chip provider.
Download available drivers through:  with Intel-537 types at: ... OSs=39&
Also check at:  
for beta releases and perhaps Already compiled drivers for some Linux distributions
A very detailed installation report cogent to 537 type modems is at:
Setup call id with:
        Type 1 : When the phone line is not in use                    at+vcid=1
        Type 2 : When the phone line is already in use on a call      at+pcw=0

  ======= PCI_ID checking completed ======
A PCMCIA CardBus is not detected on this System.
The following information blocks just query some ppp support items.

现在最关键是下载了intel 537ep的驱动,安装后,用kppp能够查询modem的信息,可是一拨号先返回ok后就返回没有拨号音。no dial tone。。。这真让人烦啊。。。。




4,intel 536ep是5628芯片组,而IDVM-CD56+是5690芯片,不能使用相同驱动


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