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楼主: xliotx


 楼主| 发表于 2010-7-27 13:45:06 | 显示全部楼层
Post by freeobject;2105438
You don't have experienced that beta flash package years ago. So shut up.


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 楼主| 发表于 2010-7-27 13:46:56 | 显示全部楼层
Post by yafeng;2105393
我说的定制繁琐就是比如我想完全去掉某可选依赖,比如hal吧,直接删了hal不但会破坏依赖关系,软件也可能会不正常,gentoo的话直接全局去掉hal的USE,然后-uND world就可以了。

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发表于 2010-7-27 17:43:21 | 显示全部楼层
Post by freeobject;2105460
you shut up. It's good for you to hear my voice. The reasons for you of no understanding no choices. I am here to provide good experiences.

If I did a perticular thing, nobody can reach the altitude I can get. You common people knows a shit.

So what? You want to use gentoo? Arch? Ubuntu? Be polite and humble when you asking for help!!

Use your brain please. The world is not composed by so called evidences. And you want obvious evidence from me. Am I responsible for that? Am I not allowed to talk what's right?

请自重 这里不是用半通不通的英文说胡话的地方
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发表于 2010-7-27 20:31:34 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-7-27 22:35:21 | 显示全部楼层
Post by freeobject;2105460
you shut up. It's good for you to hear my voice. The reasons for you of no understanding no choices. I am here to provide good experiences.

If I did a perticular thing, nobody can reach the altitude I can get. You common people knows a shit.

So what? You want to use gentoo? Arch? Ubuntu? Be polite and humble when you asking for help!!

Use your brain please. The world is not composed by so called evidences. And you want obvious evidence from me. Am I responsible for that? Am I not allowed to talk what's right?

flash player,  flash player
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发表于 2010-7-28 09:18:53 | 显示全部楼层
Post by freeobject;2105543
shut up. you whore. is this not clear enough? 不明白这些攻击我的人,请看本人签名。这些人都不是好鸟。 本人用gentoo, kubuntu。几台机不同系统。

Wish the other a happy day. 祝其它的linuxer一天快乐。 ;)

Yah yah, you are the winner. Now stop bitching and go home.
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发表于 2010-7-28 09:21:10 | 显示全部楼层
Post by MACHINE;2105546
Yah yah, you are the winner. Now stop bitching and go home.

BS yourself. You biatch.
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发表于 2010-7-28 09:52:13 | 显示全部楼层

骂人还是中文爽啊 一句 “我x你m”就行了嘛
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发表于 2010-7-28 10:03:05 | 显示全部楼层
我不明白, 这个帖子有必要骂人么? 而且, 就你会那么几句英文骂人的话么? 张嘴就是脏话, 很带劲么?

而且, 说真的, 真的是半通不通. 你现实世界里见过哪个老外跟你和电影里那样骂人? =,=
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发表于 2010-7-28 14:03:59 | 显示全部楼层
楼上的几位,人家讨论的是Arch gentoo,关flash啥事?你们想讨论自己开帖子去,这个主题不是讨论flash的,都shut up吧……
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