
热搜: shell linux mysql
楼主: 天衣无缝


发表于 2005-4-2 13:43:33 | 显示全部楼层
是不是新版本的hwd有点改动,我好久没有用了,可以hwd --help看帮助,一些文档该更新了,特别是我的那篇硬盘安装,会误导不少新手啦。
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发表于 2005-4-2 16:03:52 | 显示全部楼层

  1. [donny@LovBo:~] <16:03:58>
  2. $>>> sudo hwd

  3. hwd <option>
  4.   -s   Simple   - General hardware information.
  5.   -e   Expert   - All detected devices and modules.
  6.   -ec  Expertc  - With color.
  7.   -id  ID       - Vendor and device IDs.
  8.   -y   System   - System information.
  9.   -x   X sample - Generate X sample.
  10.   -xa  X auto   - Generate and install X.
  11.   -u   Update   - Download latest pci/pcmcia tables.
  12.   -h   Howto    - How to configure your hardwares.
  13.   --------------------------------------------------
  14.   lshwd -?      - Lshwd menu.
  15.   mkxcfg        - X menu.
  16.   --------------------------------------------------
  17.   Current PCI/USB/PCMCIA tables:
  18.   pci:      usb:      pcmcia: # snapshot Tue 2004-Sep-28
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发表于 2005-4-2 16:06:46 | 显示全部楼层
oh my god!!!!!!!!
新的hwd 太棒了。hwd -h会根据硬件情况生成一个Howto,介绍如何驱动你的硬件。
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 楼主| 发表于 2005-4-4 10:53:44 | 显示全部楼层
谁可以提供一下ARCHLINUX 0.7 安装盘里软件包的列表,我只想办公,上网,听音乐,看看电影。所以不想装那么多软件,可又不知道那些可以不装!新手的悲哀啊!
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发表于 2005-4-4 11:16:12 | 显示全部楼层
Post by 天衣无缝
谁可以提供一下ARCHLINUX 0.7 安装盘里软件包的列表,我只想办公,上网,听音乐,看看电影。所以不想装那么多软件,可又不知道那些可以不装!新手的悲哀啊!


openoffice2 (在unstable中)
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发表于 2005-4-4 11:17:25 | 显示全部楼层
2、装好后加入碧轩的源,pacman -S xorg。然后选一款中意的窗口管理器或桌面环境装上。

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 楼主| 发表于 2005-4-4 14:34:53 | 显示全部楼层
显卡的水平刷新率,垂直刷新率在哪修改啊?刚安装完重启,显示“VGA MODE NOT SUPPORT”怎么办?
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发表于 2005-4-4 16:15:46 | 显示全部楼层
/etc/X11/xorg.conf 中的

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发表于 2005-4-4 16:49:45 | 显示全部楼层
水平、垂直刷新率在Section "Monitor"中。例如我的看起来像下面这样:

  1. Section "Monitor"
  2.         Identifier "Monitor0"
  3.         Option "DPMS" "true"
  4.         DisplaySize 260 195
  5.         HorizSync    30.0 - 70.0
  6.         VertRefresh  50.0 - 160.0
  7.         ……
  8.         ……
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发表于 2005-4-4 17:17:29 | 显示全部楼层
Post by diony
2、装好后加入碧轩的源,pacman -S xorg。然后选一款中意的窗口管理器或桌面环境装上。



  1. Group        Name        Version        Description
  2. base        autoconf        2.59-1        A GNU tool for automatically configuring source code
  3. base        automake        1.9.5-1        A GNU tool for automatically creating Makefiles
  4. base        bash        3.0-6        The GNU Bourne Again shell
  5. base        bin86        0.16.16-1        A complete 8086 assembler and loader
  6. base        binutils        2.15-1        A set of programs to assemble and manipulate binary and object files
  7. base        bison        2.0-1        The GNU general-purpose parser generator
  8. base        bzip2        1.0.3-1        A high-quality data compression program
  9. base        coreutils        5.2.1-5        The basic file, shell and text manipulation utilities of the GNU operating system
  10. base        cpio        2.6-1        A tool to copy files into or out of a cpio or tar archive
  11. base        db        4.3.27-2        The Berkeley DB embedded database system
  12. base        dcron        2.9-2        Dillon's Cron Daemon
  13. base        devfsd        1.3.25-4        Manages device entries in the Device Filesystem(devfs)
  14. base        dhcpcd        1.3.22pl4-4        A DHCP client daemon
  15. base        diffutils        2.8.1-2        Utility programs used for creating patch files
  16. base        e2fsprogs        1.36-1        Ext2 filesystem utilities
  17. base        ed        0.2-2        A POSIX-compliant line editor
  18. base        file        4.13-1        File type identification utility
  19. base        filesystem        0.7-5        Base filesystem
  20. base        findutils        4.2.19-1        GNU utilities to locate files
  21. base        flex        2.5.31-2        A tool for generating text-scanning programs
  22. base        gcc        3.4.3-2        The GNU Compiler Collection
  23. base        gdbm        1.8.3-2        GNU database library
  24. base        gettext        0.14.2-1        GNU internationalization library
  25. base        glibc        2.3.4-2        GNU C Library with NPTL and linuxthreads
  26. base        grep        2.5.1a-1        A string search utility
  27. base        groff        1.19.1-3        GNU troff text-formatting system
  28. base        grub        0.96-2        A GNU multiboot boot loader
  29. base        gzip        1.2.4b-1        GNU compression utility
  30. base        hotplug        04_09-4        Lets you plug in new USB and PCI devices and use them immediately
  31. base        initscripts        0.7-9        System initialization/bootup scripts
  32. base        iputils        021109-3        IP Configuration Utilities (and Ping)
  33. base        kbd        1.12-1        Keytable files and keyboard utilities
  34. base        less        382-2        A terminal based program for viewing text files
  35. base        libtool        1.5.14-1        A generic library support script
  36. base        lilo        22.6.1-1        A bootloader for Linux
  37. base        logrotate        3.6.5-3        Rotates system logs automatically
  38. base        m4        1.4.2-1        m4 macro processor
  39. base        mailx        8.1.1-2        A commandline utility for sending email
  40. base        make        3.80-1        GNU make utility to maintain groups of programs
  41. base        man        1.5p-1        A utility for reading man pages
  42. base        man-pages        2.01-1        Linux man pages
  43. base        mawk        1.3.3-6        An interpreter for the AWK Programming Language
  44. base        mktemp        1.5-1        A utility to create unique temporary filenames
  45. base        module-init-tools        3.1-2        Utilities for inserting and removing modules from the Linux kernel
  46. base        nano        1.2.4-3        Pico editor clone with enhancements
  47. base        ncurses        5.4-2        A System V Release 4.0 curses emulation library
  48. base        net-tools        1.60-9        Configuration tools for Linux networking
  49. base        pacman        2.9.5-1        A .tar.gz based package manager with dependency support
  50. base        pam        0.78-4        PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules) library
  51. base        patch        2.5.4-2        A utility to apply patch files to original sources
  52. base        pciutils        2.1.11-3        PCI bus configuration space access library and tools
  53. base        perl        5.8.6-2        Practical Extraction and Report Language
  54. base        popt        1.7-2        A commandline option parser
  55. base        procinfo        18~2        Displays useful information from /proc
  56. base        procps        3.2.5-1        Utilities for monitoring your system and processes on your system
  57. base        psmisc        21.5-1        Miscellaneous procfs tools
  58. base        raidtools        1.00.3-3        Utilities for managing RAID devices
  59. base        readline        5.0-3        GNU readline library
  60. base        reiserfsprogs        3.6.19-1        Reiserfs utilities
  61. base        sed        4.1.4-1        GNU stream editor
  62. base        shadow        4.0.7-1        Shadow password file utilities
  63. base        slocate        2.7-2        Provides a secure way to index and quickly search for local files
  64. base        syslog-ng        1.6.5-1        A portable syslogd replacement with enhanced, flexible configuration scheme.
  65. base        sysvinit        2.86-1        Linux System V Init
  66. base        tar        1.15.1-1        Utility used to store, backup, and transport files
  67. base        tcp_wrappers        7.6-6        Monitors and Controls incoming TCP connections
  68. base        udev        054-1        The userspace dev tools (udev)
  69. base        usbutils        0.70-2        USB Device Utilities
  70. base        util-linux        2.12-6        Miscellaneous system utilities for Linux
  71. base        vim        6.3-4        VIM - Vi IMproved console
  72. base        which        2.16-1        A utility to show the full path of commands
  73. base        zlib        1.2.2-1        A compression/decompression Library
  74. daemons        acpid        1.0.4-1        Utilities for using ACPI power management
  75. daemons        apache        2.0.53-2        A high performance Unix-based HTTP server (with SSL)
  76. daemons        apmd        3.0.2-4        Set of tools for managing notebook power consumption
  77. daemons        bftpd        1.0.24-2        A very configurable (and secure) Linux FTP server
  78. daemons        bind        9.3.1-1        Berkeley Internet Name Domain - A DNS server with host and dig utilities
  79. daemons        cups        1.1.23-3        The CUPS Printing System
  80. daemons        dhcp        3.0.1-2        A DHCP server, client, and relay agent
  81. daemons        esd        0.2.35-1        Enlightened Sound Daemon
  82. daemons        exim        4.50-3        A Message Transfer Agent
  83. daemons        fam        2.7.0-3        File Alteration Monitor - used by KDE, GNOME and others
  84. daemons        gpm        1.20.1-4        A mouse server for the console and xterm
  85. daemons        imap        2004c1-1        An IMAP/POP server
  86. daemons        ipfm        0.11.5-3        IP Flow Meter, a bandwidth analysis tool
  87. daemons        ircd        2.10.3p3-4        Internet Relay Chat Daemon
  88. daemons        mysql        4.1.10-2        A fast SQL database server
  89. daemons        nfs-utils        1.0.6-2        Support programs for Network File Systems
  90. daemons        ntp        4.2.0-3        NTP (Network Time Protocol) tries to keep servers in sync
  91. daemons        openldap        2.2.23-2        LDAP Server
  92. daemons        openssh        4.0p1-1        A Secure SHell server/client
  93. daemons        pcmcia-cs        3.2.8-1        A complete PCMCIA support package
  94. daemons        portmap        5beta-9        RPC connection manager
  95. daemons        postgresql        8.0.1-1        A sophisticated object-relational DBMS
  96. daemons        ppp        2.4.3-1        A daemon which implements the PPP protocol for dial-up networking
  97. daemons        proftpd        1.2.10-2        A high-performance, scalable FTP server
  98. daemons        samba        3.0.11-1        Tools to access a server's filespace and printers via SMB
  99. daemons        sysklogd        1.4.1-9        System log daemons
  100. daemons        vsftpd        2.0.2-1        Very Secure FTP daemon
  101. daemons        xinetd        2.3.13-1        xinetd is a secure replacement for inetd
  102. daemons        ypbind-mt        1.17.3-1        A multi-threaded implementation of a NIS binding daemon
  103. daemons        ypserv        2.13-1        NIS (formerly YP) provides a simple network lookup service consisting of databases and processes
  104. devel        arch        1.3-1        a modern and remarkable revision control system
  105. devel        clisp        2.33.2-2        ANSI Common Lisp interpreter, compiler and debugger
  106. devel        cvs        1.11.19-1        Concurrent Versions System - a source control system
  107. devel        distcc        2.18.3-1        A distributed C, C++, Obj C compiler
  108. devel        gc        6.4-1        A garbage collector for C and C++
  109. devel        gdb        6.3-1        The GNU Debugger
  110. devel        mod_python        3.1.3-2        an Apache module that embeds the Python interpreter within the server
  111. devel        nasm        0.98.39-1        80x86 assembler designed for portability and modularity
  112. devel        pccts        1.33mr-3        The Purdue Compiler-Compiler Tool Set
  113. devel        php        5.0.3-6        A high-level scripting language
  114. devel        python        2.4-3        A high-level scripting language
  115. devel        ruby        1.8.2-4        An object-oriented language for quick and easy programming
  116. devel        strace        4.5.7-1        A useful diagnositic, instructional, and debugging tool
  117. devel        tcl        8.4.9-1        The Tcl scripting language
  118. devel        tk        8.4.9-1        A windowing toolkit for use with tcl
  119. devel        unixodbc        2.2.11-1        ODBC is an open specification for providing application developers with a predictable API with which to access Data Sources
  120. editors        emacs        21.4-2        The Emacs Editor
  121. editors        gvim        6.3-6        VIM - Vi IMproved gtk
  122. editors        joe        3.1-1        JOE has the feel of most IBM PC text editors
  123. kernels        kernel24        2.4.29-1        The Linux Kernel and modules (IDE support)
  124. kernels        kernel24-scsi        2.4.29-1        The Linux Kernel and modules (SCSI support)
  125. kernels        kernel26        The Linux Kernel and modules (IDE support)
  126. kernels        kernel26-scsi        The Linux Kernel and modules (SCSI support)
  127. lib        atk        1.9.1-1        A library providing a set of interfaces for accessibility
  128. lib        bluez-libs        2.15-1        Libraries for the Linux Bluetooth protocol stack
  129. lib        device-mapper        1.00.21-1        Device mapper ioctl library.
  130. lib        expat        1.95.8-1        An XML Parser library written in C
  131. lib        fnlib        0.5-3        Font rendering library for X11
  132. lib        fontconfig        2.3.0-3        A library for configuring and customizing font access
  133. lib        freetype1        1.3.1-2        TrueType font rendering library
  134. lib        freetype2        2.1.9-2        TrueType font rendering library
  135. lib        fribidi        0.10.4-1        A Free Implementation of the Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm
  136. lib        gd        2.0.33-1        A library used to create PNG images
  137. lib        gdk-pixbuf        0.22.0-2        Image loading and manipulation library
  138. lib        glib        1.2.10-4        Common C routines used by Gtk+ and other libs
  139. lib        glib2        2.6.3-1        Common C routines used by GTK+ 2.4 and other libs
  140. lib        glut        3.7-4        Provides functionality for small OpenGL programs
  141. lib        gmp        4.1.4-1        A free library for arbitrary precision arithmetic
  142. lib        gnutls        1.0.24-1        A library which provides a secure layer over a reliable transport layer
  143. lib        gtk        1.2.10-4        The GTK+ toolkit
  144. lib        gtk2        2.6.4-1        The GTK+ Toolkit (v2)
  145. lib        id3lib        3.8.3-4        An open-source, cross-platform software development library for reading, writing, and manipulating ID3v1 and ID3v2 tags
  146. lib        imlib        1.9.15-1        General image handling library for X11 and Gtk
  147. lib        imlib2        1.1.2-1        Imlib2 is the successor to Imlib. It is NOT a newer version -- Imlib 2 can be installed alongside Imlib 1.x
  148. lib        lesstif        0.94.0-1        LGPL'd re-implementation of Motif
  149. lib        lesstifextensions        9.0.9-2        Extensions for lesstif
  150. lib        libao        0.8.5-1        Cross-platform audio output library and plugins
  151. lib        libart-lgpl        2.3.17-1        A library for high-performance 2D graphics
  152. lib        libcroco        0.6.0-2        GNOME CSS2 parsing and manipulation toolkit
  153. lib        libgcrypt        1.2.0-1        Libgcrypt is a general purpose crypto library based on the code used
  154. lib        libglade        2.5.1-1        Allows you to load glade interface files in a program at runtime
  155. lib        libgpg-error        1.0-1        Support library for libgcrypt
  156. lib        libgsf        1.11.1-2        The GNOME Structured File Library is a utility library for reading and writing structured file formats.
  157. lib        libgtop        2.10.0-1        A library that read information about processes and the running system
  158. lib        libid3tag        0.15.1b-1        library for id3 tagging
  159. lib        libidl2        0.8.5-1        A front-end for CORBA 2.2 IDL and Netscape's XPIDL
  160. lib        libjpeg        6b-3        Library of JPEG support functions
  161. lib        libmad        0.15.1b-1        A high-quality MPEG audio decoder
  162. lib        libmikmod        3.1.11-1        A portable sound library
  163. lib        libmng        1.0.8-1        A collection of routines used to create and manipulate MNG format graphics files
  164. lib        libogg        1.1.2-1        Ogg bitstream and framing library
  165. lib        libol        0.3.14-1        libol is a library for the syslog-ng logging daemon
  166. lib        libpcap        0.8.3-1        A system-independent interface for user-level packet capture
  167. lib        libpng        1.2.8-1        A collection of routines used to create PNG format graphics files
  168. lib        librsvg        2.9.5-1        SAX-based renderer for SVG files into a GdkPixbuf
  169. lib        libsndfile        1.0.11-1        a C library for reading and writing files containing sampled sound
  170. lib        libtar        1.2.11-2        C library for manipulating POSIX tar files
  171. lib        libtasn1        0.2.13-1        The ASN.1 library used in GNUTLS
  172. lib        libtheora        1.0alpha4-1        An open video codec developed by the
  173. lib        libtiff        3.7.1-2        Library for manipulation of TIFF images
  174. lib        libungif        4.1.3-1        A library for reading and writing gif images without LZW compression
  175. lib        libusb        0.1.8-5        Library to enable user space application programs to communicate with USB devices
  176. lib        libvorbis        1.1.0-1        Vorbis codec library
  177. lib        libxml2        2.6.17-1        XML parsing library, version 2
  178. lib        libxslt        1.1.12-1        XML stylesheet transformation library
  179. lib        lzo        1.08-1        LZO is a portable lossless data compression library written in ANSI C
  180. lib        mm        1.3.1-1        A shared memory abstraction library
  181. lib        nss-nspr        3.9.2-1        NSS and NSPR from
  182. lib        opencdk        0.5.5-1        The Open Crypto Development Kit provides basic parts of the OpenPGP message format
  183. lib        openssl        0.9.7e-1        The Open Source toolkit for Secure Sockets Layer and Transport Layer Security
  184. lib        pango        1.8.1-1        A library for layout and rendering of text
  185. lib        pcre        5.0-1        A library that implements Perl 5-style regular expressions
  186. lib        qt        3.3.4-5        The QT gui toolkit.
  187. lib        sdl        1.2.8-1        A library for portable low-level access to a video framebuffer, audio output, mouse, and keyboard
  188. lib        sqlite2        2.8.16-1        A C library that implements an SQL database engine
  189. lib        sqlite3        3.1.3-1        A C library that implements an SQL database engine
  190. lib        startup-notification        0.8-1        Monitor and display application startup
  191. lib        wvstreams        4.0.1-1        A network programming library written in C++
  192. lib        xaw3d        1.5-2        Athena widgets (libXaw) drop-in replacement
  193. multimedia        alsa-driver        1.0.8-2        An alternative implementation of Linux sound support
  194. multimedia        alsa-lib        1.0.8-1        An alternative implementation of Linux sound support
  195. multimedia        alsa-oss        1.0.8-1        OSS compatibility library
  196. multimedia        alsa-utils        1.0.8-1        An alternative implementation of Linux sound support
  197. multimedia        audiofile        0.2.6-1        Silicon Graphics Audio File Library
  198. multimedia        aumix        2.8-1        A color text mode sound mixer with GPM support
  199. multimedia        cdparanoia        9.8-4        A CD ripping application
  200. multimedia        codecs        20050115-1        Non-linux native codec pack. (Win32, Real9, QuickTime)
  201. multimedia        divx4linux        5.10-3        DivX libraries (nonfree)
  202. multimedia        faad2        2.0-5        ISO AAC audio decoder
  203. multimedia        flac        1.1.1-2        Free Lossless Audio Codec
  204. multimedia        gimp        2.2.4-1        GNU Image Manipulation Program
  205. multimedia        gqview        2.0.0-1        An image browser and viewer
  206. multimedia        imagemagick        6.2.0-1        A image viewing/manipulation program
  207. multimedia        lame        3.96.1-2        An MP3 encoder and graphical frame analyzer
  208. multimedia        madplay        0.15.2b-1        A curses front-end for various audio players.
  209. multimedia        mpg321        0.2.10-2        A commandline mp3 player
  210. multimedia        mplayer        1.0pre6a-1        A movie player for linux
  211. multimedia        ripperx        2.6.4-1        GTK program to rip and encode mp3 files
  212. multimedia        vorbis-tools        1.0.1-5        Extra tools for Ogg-Vorbis
  213. multimedia        xine-lib        1.0-1        A free video player for Unix
  214. multimedia        xine-ui        0.99.3-2        A free video player for Unix
  215. multimedia        xmms        1.2.10-3        The X MultiMedia System
  216. network        bridge-utils        1.0.4-1        Layer2 ethernet bridging for Linux
  217. network        curl        7.13.0-2        An URL retrival utility and library
  218. network        cvsup        16.1h-2        CVS-Aware Network File Distribution System
  219. network        dillo        0.8.4-1        A small, fast graphical web browser built on GTK+
  220. network        ethereal        0.10.9-1        A free network protocol analyzer for Unix/Linux and Windows
  221. network        fetchmail        6.2.5-1        A remote-mail retrieval utility
  222. network        gaim        1.1.4-1        A GTK+-based messaging client
  223. network        gftp        2.0.18-1        A multithreaded ftp client for X Windows
  224. network        ifenslave        1.1.0-1        Utility for bonding ethernet interfaces
  225. network        iproute        041019-1        IP Routing Utilities
  226. network        ircii-pana        1.1-2        A console-based IRC client (BitchX)
  227. network        irssi        0.8.9-6        Modular text mode IRC client with Perl scripting
  228. network        isdn4k-utils        3.2p1-2        User space administration programs and tools for ISDN
  229. network        lftp        3.1.0-1        Sophisticated command line based FTP client
  230. network        licq        1.3.0-2        Advanced graphical ICQ clone and more for Unix
  231. network        links        2.1pre16-2        A text WWW browser, similar to Lynx
  232. network        mozilla-common        1.0-2        Common Initialization Profiles for products
  233. network        mozilla-firefox        1.0.1-1        Standalone web browser from
  234. network        mozilla-thunderbird        1.0-1        Standalone Mail/News reader from
  235. network        mutt        A small but very powerful text-based mail client
  236. network        naim        An ncurses AOL Instant Messenger and IRC client.
  237. network        netcat        1.10-5        A network piping program
  238. network        netkit-bootparamd        0.17-1        This is netkit-bootparamd for Linux
  239. network        netkit-bsd-finger        0.17-3        bsd-finger ported to Linux
  240. network        netkit-ftp        0.17-3        Commandline ftp client
  241. network        netkit-ntalk        0.17-2        Network talk daemon
  242. network        netkit-rsh        0.17-2        This is netkit-rsh for Linux
  243. network        netkit-telnet        0.17-6        A telnet client (and server)
  244. network        netkit-tftp        0.17-3        This is netkit-tftp for Linux
  245. network        ngrep        1.43-1        A grep-like utility that allows you to search for network packets on an interface
  246. network        nmap        3.81-1        A network exploration tool and security/port scanner
  247. network        ntop        3.1-1        A network traffic probe that shows the network usage, similar to what the popular top Unix command does
  248. network        openvpn        1.6.0-1        An easy-to-use, robust, and highly configurable VPN (Virtual Private Network)
  249. network        pine        4.62-1        Tool for reading,sending, and managing electronic messages
  250. network        procmail        3.22-1        Highly configurable auto mail processing.
  251. network        rp-pppoe        3.5-1        Roaring Penguin's Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet client
  252. network        rsync        2.6.3-1        A file transfer program to keep remote files in sync
  253. network        snarf        7.0-2        Command-line URL retrieval tool (http/ftp/gopher)
  254. network        tcpdump        3.8.3-2        A tool for network monitoring and data acquisition
  255. network        tin        1.7.5-1        Curses based threaded NNTP and spool based UseNet newsreader
  256. network        traceroute        1.4a12-2        Utility for tracing IP packet routes
  257. network        vconfig        1.8-1        VLAN configuration utility
  258. network        w3m        0.5.1-1        A pager/text-based WWW browser
  259. network        wget        1.9.1-3        A network utility to retrieve files from the Web
  260. network        whois        4.6.23-1        The whois client by Marco d'Itri
  261. network        wireless_tools        27~1        Wireless Tools
  262. network        wvdial        1.54.0-3        A dialer program to connect to the Internet
  263. network        xchat        2.4.1-2        A GTK+ based IRC client
  264. office        abiword        2.2.4-1        A fully-featured word processor
  265. office        acroread        5.0.10-2        Adobe Acrobat Reader for viewing PDF files
  266. office        aspell        0.60-4        A Free and Open Source spell checker designed to eventually replace Ispell
  267. office        docbook-xml        4.1.2-2        A widely used XML scheme for writing documentation and help
  268. office        docbook-xsl        1.68.0-1        XML stylesheets for Docbook-xml transformations.
  269. office        doxygen        1.4.1-1        A documentation system for C++, C, Java, IDL and PHP
  270. office        enchant        1.1.5-1        A wrapper library for generic spell checking
  271. office        gtkspell        2.0.9-1        GtkSpell provides MSWord-style highlighting and replacement of misspelled words in a GtkText widget
  272. office        ispell        3.2.06-4        An interactive spell-checking program for Unix
  273. office        scrollkeeper        0.3.14-2        A cataloging system for documentation on open systems
  274. system        acpi        0.07-1        Linux ACPI Client.
  275. system        at        3.1.8_11-1        AT and batch delayed command scheduling utility and daemon.
  276. system        bc        1.06-2        An arbitrary precision calculator language
  277. system        bluez-utils        2.15-1        Utilities for the Linux Bluetooth protocol stack
  278. system        cdrdao        1.1.9-2        Records audio/data CD-Rs in disk-at-once (DAO) mode
  279. system        cdrtools        2.01-3        Tools for recording CDs
  280. system        cryptsetup        0.1-1        A userspace setup tool for transparent encryption of block devices using the Linux 2.6 cryptoapi
  281. system        dialog        1.0-2        A tool to display dialog boxes from shell scripts
  282. system        dosfstools        2.10-1        DOS filesystem utilities
  283. system        fakeroot        1.2.2-2        Gives a fake root environment, useful for building packages as a non-privileged user
  284. system        fbset        2.1-1        Framebuffer setup util
  285. system        gentoo        0.11.53-1        A lightweight file manager for GTK
  286. system        ghostscript        7.07.1-5        An interpreter for the PostScript language
  287. system        gimp-print        4.2.7-2        Top quality printer drivers for POSIX systems
  288. system        gkrellm        2.2.4-1        System monitor package for GTK2
  289. system        gnupg        1.4.0-1        GNU Privacy Guard - a PGP replacement tool
  290. system        gv        3.5.8-4        A program to navigate PostScript and PDF documents
  291. system        hdparm        5.9-1        A shell utility for manipulating Linux IDE drive/driver parameters
  292. system        intltool        0.33-1        The internationalization tool collection
  293. system        iptables        1.3.1-2        A Linux kernel packet control tool
  294. system        isapnptools        1.26-1        allow ISA Plug-And-Play devices to be configured on a Linux machine
  295. system        jfsutils        1.1.7-1        JFS filesystem utilities
  296. system        lsof        4.74-1        lsof (LiSt Open Files) lists information about files that are open by the running processes
  297. system        lvm2        2.00.33-1        Logical Volume Manager 2 utilities
  298. system        mailman        2.1.5-2        Mailing list manager with built in web access
  299. system        makedev        3.3.10-1        The ubiquitous script to create static device nodes
  300. system        mc        4.6.0-4        A filemanager/shell that emulates Norton Commander
  301. system        mdadm        1.9.0-1        A tool for managing/monitoring Linux md device arrays, also known as Software RAID
  302. system        mt-st        0.8-1        Linux SCSI tape driver aware magnetic tape control
  303. system        mtx        1.2.18-1        Send robot commands to tape changer
  304. system        parted        1.6.21-1        A program for creating, destroying, resizing, checking and copying partitions
  305. system        perlxml        2.34-3        XML::Parser - an XML parser module for perl
  306. system        pkgconfig        0.15.0-1        A system for managing library compile/link flags
  307. system        quota-tools        3.12-1        Tools to manage kernel-level quotas in Linux
  308. system        rar        3.4.1-1        The RAR compression program
  309. system        rcs        5.7-3        Revision Control System
  310. system        rdate        990821-2        A tool that allows you to synchronize your local time with a network host
  311. system        rssh        2.2.2-1        A restricted shell for use with OpenSSH, allowing only scp and/or sftp
  312. system        screen        4.0.2-1        Full-screen window manager that multiplexes a physical terminal
  313. system        sudo        1.6.8-5        Allows a system administrator to give certain users the ability to run some commands as root
  314. system        tcsh        6.13-4        Enhanced version of the Berkeley C shell
  315. system        unzip        5.52-1        Unpacks .zip archives such as those made by PKZIP
  316. system        xfsprogs        2.6.25-1        XFS filesystem utilities
  317. system        yp-tools        2.8-1        yp-tools is an implementation of the NIS client tools for Linux
  318. system        zip        2.3-3        Creates PKZIP-compatible .zip files
  319. x11        aterm        0.4.2-4        An xterm replacement with transparency support
  320. x11        blackbox        0.65.0-4        A window manager for X11
  321. x11        desktop-file-utils        0.10-1 Shared MIME Info
  322. x11        enlightenment        A fast, flexible, and very extensible Window Manager
  323. x11        fvwm        2.4.19-1        A multiple large virtual desktop window manager originally derived from twm
  324. x11        gtk-engines        2.6.2-1        Themes for GTK+ 2
  325. x11        icewm        1.2.20-1        A Window Manager designed for speed, usability, and consistency
  326. x11        rxvt        2.6.4-2        A colour vt102 terminal emulator
  327. x11        windowmaker        0.91.0-1        An X11 window manager with a NEXTSTEP look and feel
  328. x11        wine        20050310-1        Emulator of the Windows 3.x and Win32 APIs
  329. x11        x2x        1.27-3        Control one X display from another
  330. x11        xapps        20040920-1        Some new and unstable X11 utilities (xcompmgr and transset)
  331. x11        xautolock        2.1-2        An automatic X screen-locker/screen-saver
  332. x11        xfce        3.8.18-3        A lightweight desktop environment for various UNIX systems
  333. x11        xlockmore        5.15-1        screen saver / locker for the X Window System
  334. x11        xorg        11R6.8.2-2        A fork of the XFree86 Project with a GPL-compatible license
  335. x11        xplanet        1.1.1-1        An Xearth wannabe
  336. x11        xscreensaver        4.20-1        Screen saver and locker for the X Window System
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