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LinuxSir.Org 2005年度总结[请弟兄们参与] 谢谢

发表于 2005-12-25 14:11:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
按LinuxSir.Org 的传统,每年度的最后几天,要对本年度进行总结;总结我们一年来的大事件;成功和失败都在里面,特别是LinuxSir.Org的人与事,这是最重要的;



发表于 2005-12-25 17:48:58 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2005-12-25 17:49:05 | 显示全部楼层
• 2005-11-29: Distribution Release: Turbolinux 11
• 2005-03-02: Development Release: Turbolinux 10 Preview (x86_64)


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发表于 2005-12-25 18:35:47 | 显示全部楼层
Ê年”月ý开始使用的linux,刚开始是买了套FC3,用了大概近半年时间,最近换上了suse 10 ,感觉都不错,由于是业余选手不是学计算机的,只凭自己的兴趣,还可以不算太吃力,目前正恶补英语中,系统只是使用在真的需要的时候才弄一下,这个系统能满足我的所有业余生活,用上linux才感觉到原来互联网是这么的精彩,哈哈,要是英语再好一点儿,噢,美死啦。。。。。。外面的世界很精彩,感谢sir带我入门!
Thanks everybody,happy new year,good luck!
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发表于 2005-12-25 19:28:03 | 显示全部楼层




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发表于 2005-12-26 08:40:36 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2005-12-26 09:07:25 | 显示全部楼层

  1. Fedora Weekly News
  2. From FedoraNEWS.ORG

  3. Welcome to Fedora Weekly News, a newsletter for the Fedora community. The latest issue can always be found here. (Validate ( rss.png (

  4. Recent issues of Fedora Weekly News:

  5.     * Fedora Weekly News Issue 27
  6.           o Issue Date: 2005-12-24
  7.           o Red Hat Magazine | December 2005, Fedora Core 5 Test 2 slipping until January 16, Fedora Logo Usage Update, Fedora Ambassadors Meeting Minutes, Open source in Africa, Fedora users and contributors - Unite, Fedora Reloaded Podcast #3, Current Gotchas in, Postfix mail server with SPAM and AntiVirus protection
  8.           o Red Hat Mailing List Announcement

  9.     * Fedora Weekly News Issue 26
  10.           o Issue Date: 2005-12-19
  11.           o Interview with Red Hat's New CTO, Special Promo Code for SCALE, Beginer Tutorials needed for SCALE, Uninet Fedora Conference, Fedora Ambassadors Meeting Minutes, NetworkManager WPA Status, GNOME 2.13.3 Development Release, Fedora Time Bug, Helix-powered launched
  12.           o Red Hat Mailing List Announcement (

  13.     * Fedora Weekly News Issue 25
  14.           o Issue Date: 2005-12-12
  15.           o Fedora Logo Approval, - Fedora report, Fedora Ambassadors FAQ, Fedora Core 5 Test 1 Review, Netcraft stats for web servers, Real Introcudes
  16.           o Red Hat Mailing List Announcement (

  17.     * Fedora Weekly News Issue 24
  18.           o Issue Date: 2005-12-05
  19.           o Red Hat Magazine - November 2005, FC5 Test 1 Announcement and Reviews, Fedora Core 3 Status Update, Announcing Fedora Directory Server 1.0, Unofficial FAQ Update: 2005-11-29, Fedora Logo Update, Newsworthy changes in Rawhide, Expanding Linux Partitions with LVM, Firefox 1.5 Released
  20.           o Red Hat Mailing List Announcement (

  21.     * There was no Fedora Weekly News on 2005-11-28 due to Thanksgiving Holidays

  22.     * Fedora Weekly News Issue 23
  23.           o Issue Date: 2005-11-21
  24.           o Fedora Community Survey, Boston FUDCon 2006, New Features Coming in moin 1.5, Fedora netdev Kernels, First Fedora Ambassadors Meeting, Fedora Logo on, New Favicon on, How to build rpm for kmenu-gnome, Building a Simple Calendar Server with Fedora, Set up the VNC Server in Fedora, Flash Player 7.0.61 Released, Firefox 1.5 RC 3 Released
  25.           o Red Hat Mailing List Announcement (

  26.     * Fedora Weekly News Issue 22
  27.           o Issue Date: 2005-11-14
  28.           o Linux Worm Lupii, *The* New Fedora Logo, Logo Lession, New Logo in FC5?, Fedora International community websites, FOSS India 2005 Fedora Slides, Firefox 1.5 RC 2 Released, Logging into KDE with your SSH passphrase
  29.           o Red Hat Mailing List Announcement (

  30.     * Fedora Weekly News Issue 21
  31.           o Issue Date: 2005-11-07
  32.           o Vote against software patents in an Internet poll, Livna Repo Availability Issue, Using Rawhide and Fedora Testing Guide, Kennards shifts 400 desktops to Linux (Fedora), Fedora Extras Steering Committee Meeting, Red Hat RPM Guide Available, 2.0 and Java, Firefox 1.5 Release Candidate 1, How to configure DNS Server
  33.           o Red Hat Mailing List Announcement (

  34.     * Fedora Weekly News Issue 20
  35.           o Issue Date: 2005-10-31
  36.           o FreeSoftwareMagazine: FUDCon London 2005, Why we should use, Fedora user testimonials, Kernel Security Update fixes NVIDIA issue, HOWTO: OpenLDAP on FC4, HOWTO: F-Spot on FC4, REVIEW: New Linux (FC4) with an Old Laptop
  37.           o Red Hat Mailing List Announcement (

  38.     * Fedora Weekly News Issue 19
  39.           o Issue Date: 2005-10-24
  40.           o Red Hat Magazine - October 2005, Largest deployment in India, FUDCon London 2005: Analysis, FUDCon Boston 2006?, Fedora Ambassadors, Downloading Fedora , Using Kexec and Kdump in Rawhide, New fontconfig and shared-mime-info in Rawhide, 2.0 in Rawhide, Great Networking in Fedora has Arrived, Meeting Minutes for Fedora Documentation, How to import Evolution mail into Thunderbird, How to implement Quotas on your system
  41.           o Red Hat Mailing List Announcement (

  42.     * Fedora Weekly News Issue 18
  43.           o Issue Date: 2005-10-18
  44.           o FUDCon3 Presentations, How to check Hotmail with KMail, How to setup disk software mirroring, Linux (Fedora) stars in MS movie?, Fedora CD Labels, How much space?, Tip of the Week: How to easily Manage GNOME menus
  45.           o Red Hat Mailing List Announcement (

  46.     * Fedora Weekly News Issue 17
  47.           o Issue Date: 2005-10-10
  48.           o Firefox 1.5 Beta 2 released, OOoCon Interviews & Keynotes, Announcing Dogtail, Fedora Security Basics, Yumex 0.42-6 released for FC4, Setting up Linux iSCSI on FC4, Updated Fedora Core 4 ISO for PPC
  49.           o Red Hat Mailing List Announcement (

  50.     * Fedora Weekly News Issue 16
  51.           o Issue Date: 2005-10-03
  52.           o Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.7 Released, RealPlayer 10.0.6 and Helix Player 1.0.6 Security Update, /proc/acpi/sleep obsoleted and removed, Fedora based distributions: An overview, Updated Fedora Core 4 ISO for PPC, RSBAC(Rule Set Based Access Control) for Fedora
  53.           o Red Hat Mailing List Announcement (

  54.     * Fedora Weekly News Issue 15
  55.           o Issue Date: 2005-09-26
  56.           o Mozilla Firefox 1.0.7 Released, Unavoidable Xorg package update problems, News for ASUS K8N-DL owners, Fedora FAQ merger effort, Meeting Minutes for Fedora Documentation and Fedora Marketing, Review: The Present and Future with Fedora Core 4, My Experience and Strategy in Migrating MS Windows to Linux, Tip of the Week: Tips for using vi/vim
  57.           o Red Hat Mailing List Announcement (

  58.     * Fedora Weekly News Issue 14
  59.           o Issue Date: 2005-09-19
  60.           o Red Hat Magazine - September 2005, November's Red Hat Magazine: All About Fedora, Release Notes - A New Era, Why not help with the Release Notes?, Revamped Fedora Project website, Meeting Minutes for Fedora Documentation and Fedora Marketing, Fedora Legacy Documents Move into Fedora Wiki, Unofficial FC4.1 i386 isos, Fedora Core 4 on Dell Inspiron 6000, Fancy GUI for your Cisco VPN client, Upgrade to the latest Gnome 2.12, Tip of the Week: Recovering your corrupted or overwritten MBR
  61.           o Red Hat Mailing List Announcement (

  62.     * Fedora Weekly News Issue 13
  63.           o Issue Date: 2005-09-12
  64.           o Firefox IDN buffer overflow, Warning to Users, Fedora CMCs, Meeting Minutes, Red Hat contributions, Fedora FAQs Revamped, PalmOS PDA, Fedora Core 4 Review, yum-updateonboot, Network with SAMBA, goes LGPL, Tip of the Week: How to get Tux to watch your Boot Screen
  65.           o Red Hat Mailing List Announcement (

  66.     * Fedora Weekly News Issue 12
  67.           o Issue Date: 2005-09-05
  68.           o FUDCon London 2005 schedule, FUDCon press release, Meeting Minutes for Fedora Documentation and Fedora Marketing, Fedora Glossary, How to Setup PortSentry, Tip of the Week: How to Install RKHunter, Speicial Page for Hurricane Katrina
  69.           o Red Hat Mailing List Announcement (

  70.     * Fedora Weekly News Issue 11
  71.           o Issue Date: 2005-08-29
  72.           o Guide to Managing Software with Yum, Yum Extender 0.42-03 Available, Setup your wireless client at home, Secure your desktop PC, Using yum localinstall packagename, Why no hat? Here's why, Fedora Myths, New CSS on, Tip of the Week: How to sync your hardware clock behind a firewall
  73.           o Red Hat Mailing List Announcement (

  74.     * Fedora Weekly News Issue 10
  75.           o Issue Date: 2005-08-22
  76.           o Red Hat Magazine Issue 10, Meeting Minutes for Fedora Documentation and Fedora Marketing, Need more speakers for FUDCon London 2005, Linux User Groups, Setting up GnoCHM reader on FC4, Which Services Can I Disable?, Tip of the Week: How to Chart Your Boot Process, Adobe Reader Security Advisory
  77.           o Red Hat Mailing List Announcement (

  78.     * Fedora Weekly News Issue 9
  79.           o Issue Date: 2005-08-15
  80.           o Global File System, Fedora in LinuxWorld San Francisco 2005, LinuxWorld Expo Blogs and Stories, Unofficial FAQ Update: 2005-08-10, Launch of Fedora Foundation delayed, Beagle on Fedora Core 4, needs to be revamped, Tip of the Week: How to Have Tasks Run at Specified Times
  81.           o Red Hat Mailing List Announcement (

  82.     * Fedora Weekly News Issue 8
  83.           o Issue Date: 2005-08-08
  84.           o Fedora Project booth at LinuxWorld San Franicsco, Auditd Initscript Reports Errors, Mozilla Foundation Forms New Organization, Mozilla 1.7.11 Released, mplayerplug-in 3.05 Released, Test de Fedora Core 4, Cooperative Bug Isolation Project, Tip of the Week: Use a USB stick for Authentication
  85.           o Red Hat Mailing List Announcement (

  86.     * Fedora Weekly News Issue 7
  87.           o Issue Date: 2005-08-01
  88.           o Fedora Bug Day Event, Fedora Extras Build System, The Unofficial FAQ, The Unofficial Guide, Acrobat Reader 7 RPM?, Boot Fedora Linux Faster, QEMU Version 0.7.1, Thomas Guide: Wallpaper, Tip: Check Update Script
  89.           o Red Hat Mailing List Announcement (

  90.     * Fedora Weekly News Issue 6
  91.           o Issue Date: 2005-07-25
  92.           o Red Hat Magazine July 2005, Fedora BugZappers Triage Team, FUDCon London 2005, Introducing Deer Park, Rev'ing up Your Backups, Thomas Guide: Remote Desktop, Current Status of, Firefox 1.0.6, mplayerplug-in 3.01, Safe way to remove old kernels, Critical Bug from Livna Fixed
  93.           o Red Hat Mailing List Announcement (

  94.     * Fedora Weekly News Issue 5
  95.           o Issue Date: 2005-07-18
  96.           o Fedora at LinuxWorld SF, Recent Kernel Update for FC4, ATrpms for FC4, Fedora Core 4 LiveCD, Thomas Guide: RealPlayer, Review: Fedora Core 4, Firefox 1.0.5 Release, FUDCon in London?
  97.           o Red Hat Mailing List Announcement (

  98.     * Fedora Weekly News Issue 4
  99.           o Issue Date: 2005-07-11
  100.           o FC4 Syslinux Crash Bug, sha1sum for Windows?, DAG Repo Status, FC4 Books, FC5 Schedule, FUDCon 2 Materials, Fedora Logo Ideas, Technetra FC4 Review, Adobe Security Advisories, Open Source News
  101.           o Red Hat Mailing List Announcement (

  102.     * Fedora Weekly News Issue 3
  103.           o Issue Date: 2005-07-04
  104.           o Livna Repo Status, JPackage Java, Bluetooth Dialup Networking, Caveats and Known Bugs, FC4 Upgrade Question, More FC4 Reviews, Up2date Issue, Flash Plugin Finder Serivce, and Tip of the Week.
  105.           o Red Hat Mailing List Announcement (

  106.     * Fedora Weekly News Issue 2
  107.           o Issue Date: 2005-06-27
  108.           o FC4 Erratum, Status of Third Party Repos, Livna Repo HOWTO, Yum Grouplist Issue, YumEx News, YumFix Script, Java Plugin HOWTO, FC4 Reviews, FWN at DistroWatch, New Security Updates from RealNetworks
  109.           o Red Hat Mailing List Announcement (

  110.     * Fedora Weekly News Issue 1
  111.           o Issue Date: 2005-06-20
  112.           o FC4 Release, Installation Guide, Tour de Fedora Core IV, Upgrade to FC4, Missing Screensavers, Red Hat Magazine Issue 8, and FC4 Linux Installation Notes by Stanton Finley
  113.           o Red Hat Mailing List Announcement
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发表于 2005-12-26 10:10:38 | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 2005-12-26 10:54:17 | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 2005-12-26 10:59:25 | 显示全部楼层
2005年的"Linux 认证考试学习与经验交流"版,依旧很热闹!发广告和重复问题贴子的人络绎不绝,且临到年末又引来一跳梁小丑反复骚扰!本着见广告就删,重复者引导的宗旨忙了大半年,感觉版面清爽整洁了许多!
2006年"Linux 认证考试学习与经验交流"版,依旧始终如一为广大linux爱好者提供学习和考试辅导,但这里永远不会有广告也不会有考试题目!
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