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发表于 2010-5-12 11:00:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式





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发表于 2010-5-12 17:43:39 | 显示全部楼层
右键->终端 即 gnome-terminal.?我猜的 哈哈
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-5-13 12:07:41 | 显示全部楼层


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 楼主| 发表于 2010-5-18 09:15:23 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-5-19 15:30:40 | 显示全部楼层
I had posted a somewhat longer writeup about the 3 classes I tested in the general forums. The only negative opinion I had was about the mage class this coming expansion. I was just curious if the mage community felt the same way as I do about the class. When you see a mage coming at you in the arena/BG people should not think "lol mage". From a pvp aspect they should be feared and from a pve aspect they should be waned for some heavy damage. This was my feedback on the mage class. Agree or disagree if you want this is just my opinion.  wow power leveling

Mages are...... well, they are just kinda there. Ever since Burning Crusade they mage has just seemed to be a "watered down" caster. There for a little bit the mage seemed to be getting some "fire" back but with the recent updates they are mundane once more. Arcane Barrage is pretty fun and worth taking of your going to be arcane spec. Mirror Image "was" a great spell and an amazing idea. But with the recent changes its just a novelty spell it seems. If I had to spec to get the spell I would not waste the point on it. From a PvE perspective the mage will be a sheeper / waterboy once more. (sorry mages)
However, the Frostfire Bolt build seems it will put
wow power leveling aion gold wow gold wedding dresses louis vuitton handbags wow power leveling By identifying kjdslfkwzf these items, you can play the market. Buying low and then relisting at the market norm.
Another vital mod to have, atleast to be a successful master of the auction. Here we have the latest update to Auctioneer, which works with exactly what the name says, the Auction! It helps you choose the best choice when putting items up for auction, and assist you in finding what your looking for with a search choice. Even if your out in the middle of the Eastern plaguelands, you will know how much your loot is worth on the auction just by putting your cursor over it. Theres plenty of other features too, so go on and download one of the many famous mods for WoW here.Readme File:This plugin provides you aion gold in-game data on data that is collated by you at the auction house. You trigger the data gathering by either clicking the 'Scan' button on the main page of the Auction House, or by typing '/auctioneer scan' manually.
It provides you with methods to identify the bargains at the auction house (the percentless and bidbroker commands) by identifying price trends and then finding items that will buyout or bidout for less than the trend data suggests should be it's correct price. By identifying these items, you can play the market. Buying low and then relisting at the market norm. wow gold This plugin also provides you with a database of vendor buy and sell prices, what professions will use the item and stack sizes for a relativly large set (about 7000) of common in-game items. This data is presented when you mouse over an item, and the tooltip appears (Yes, even when looting)
I would like to personally thank Araband for the massive amount of work that he did getting this new version of Auctioneer out, and I fear that without his help, you would not be seeing such a great product as it is today. wedding dresses I would also like to thank the many people who helped with the beta's bug testing, and numerous suggestions for improvements. We really appreciate the work that you've all done with the testing and appreciate you taking with methods to identify the bargains at the auction house (the percentless and bidbroker commands) by identifying price trends and then finding items that will buyout or bidout for less than the trend data suggests should be it's correct price. By identifying these items, you can play the market. Buying low and then relisting at the market norm.
This plugin also provides you with a database of vendor buy and louis vuitton handbags sell prices, what professions will use the item and stack sizes for a relativly large set (about 7000) of common in-game items. This data is presented when you mouse over an item, and the tooltip appears (Yes, even when looting) I would like to personally thank Araband for the massive amount of work that
he did getting this new version of Auctioneer out, and I fear that without his help, you would not be seeing such a great product as it is today.I would also like to thank the many people who helped with the beta's bug testing wow gold I fear that without his help, you would not be seeing such a great product as it is today.I would also like to thank the many people who helped with the beta's bug testing, and numerous suggestions for improvements. We really appreciate the work that you've all done with the testing and appreciate you taking the time out to give us the feedback that we needed to make this release as good as it is. I know I speak for both Araband and myself when I say we couldn't have done as well without xll
out a somewhat respective amount of damage until you start going oom after evocation and mana gems run out. PvP on the mage is so so. Deep Frost is still the way to go due to higher survivability and shatter combos. The improved ice barrier is very nice. Deep freeze i am still iffy about spending the point in this. Reasoning would be because I can't justify spending a talent point for a 5 second stun that might require me to blow a frost nova CD to use it. Maybe if it was a 5 second stun that didn't require than and the target counted as frozen while stunned by it. The fire tree is alright with the new talents its just really mana demanding. Living Bomb is just a pretty looking Icon in my opinion. Not worth the point to spend since blizzard is doing the best AoE damage now. The mage class is just missing something... there is a hole in the heart of this class. That is the best way I can sum it up.
are you SERIOUS?

I play a mage on murmur, and its the most FUN and one of the best PVP characters right up there with unholy dk, and ret paladins, and i still pwn them in duels, skirmishes as mages are the cryptonite for does easy to kite classes.

Arcane fire and frost arcane are both extreamlly good right now.

I think they are right now where they should be, while there are many classes that still need improvements like locks, rogues, priest all need help.

Deepfreeze- Its insanelly good i mean if you are debating if this spell is good or not, A) are you a complete moron B) just suck or C) never tried it. The fact of a matter is that deefreeze does damage if you take advantage of it, first of all nova brakes after 1-2 icelance on a deepfreeze u can get 3 icelances easy so thats extra frozen dmg, becouse deepfreze does not brake and makes the character frozen so they take xtra dmg in itself xll
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2010-5-20 13:09:40 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-5-20 14:45:35 | 显示全部楼层
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