发表于 2011-7-26 19:49:35
http://slackware.osuosl.org/slac ... ANGES_AND_HINTS.TXT
- The version of Xorg in Slackware 13.37 will not (in most cases) require an
- /etc/X11/xorg.conf file. Input hotplugging is no longer done using hal;
- instead, it now uses udev for input device detection and keyboard mapping.
- /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/ is the "packaged" configuration directory; all
- files ending with ".conf" in this directory are used by the X server
- unless there is an identically-named file in the local sysadmin directory.
- The local sysadmin config directory is /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ - all files
- ending with ".conf" in this directory are parsed.
- There are several default config files in /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/:
- * 10-evdev.conf
- a "catchall" file for input devices using the evdev driver; this
- should work for most hardware in the absence of a better driver
- * 50-synaptics.conf
- overrides the earlier 10-evdev.conf file and uses the synaptics
- driver for all touchpads
- * 50-wacom.conf
- overrides the earlier 10-evdev.conf file and uses the wacom driver
- for Wacom tablets
- * 90-keyboard-layout.conf
- this sample ("normal" en layout) keeps the "old" default of
- allowing Zap'ing the Xserver.
- If you need to modify any of these defaults, then copy the relevant file
- from /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/ to /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ and edit the
- copy.
- You can still create an xorg.conf file if you wish, or you can create some
- minimal xorg.conf snippets with only the specific contents that you wish
- to override (as an example, to use a binary-only video driver) as separate
- files in the /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ directory.
- Regardless of your chipset (though it seems more common with intel), if KDE
- crashes on startup, try disabling the Composite extension (which will also
- disable all of the fancy desktop effects). Place the following content in
- a file at /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/disable-composite.conf:
- Section "Extensions"
- Option "Composite" "Disable"
- EndSection
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