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发表于 2003-8-4 11:18:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Linux 发行版Debian专题

发表于 2003-8-4 12:25:13 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2003-8-4 12:34:27 | 显示全部楼层

100% pure free software应该是Debian最大的特色,也是Debian的目标
发表于 2003-8-4 13:01:18 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2003-8-4 14:09:43 | 显示全部楼层
pure free , pure linux。   

发表于 2003-8-4 15:55:43 | 显示全部楼层
pure free, pure debian ;)

debian可不只是linux,还有debian gnu/hurd, debian gnu/freebsd等等
 楼主| 发表于 2003-8-4 15:57:26 | 显示全部楼层
pure free, pure debian, pure OS!   :p
发表于 2003-8-4 16:53:40 | 显示全部楼层
:) 一定要想个好的。。

Appendix A - The Debian Manifesto

Written by Ian A. Murdock, Revised 01/06/94


A.1 What is Debian Linux?
Debian Linux is a brand-new kind of Linux distribution. Rather than being developed by one isolated individual or group, as other distributions of Linux have been developed in the past, Debian is being developed openly in the spirit of Linux and GNU. The primary purpose of the Debian project is to finally create a distribution that lives up to the Linux name. Debian is being carefully and conscientiously put together and will be maintained and supported with similar care.

It is also an attempt to create a non-commercial distribution that will be able to effectively compete in the commercial market. It will eventually be distributed by The Free Software Foundation on CD-ROM, and The Debian Linux Association will offer the distribution on floppy disk and tape along with printed manuals, technical support and other end-user essentials. All of the above will be available at little more than cost, and the excess will be put toward further development of free software for all users. Such distribution is essential to the success of the Linux operating system in the commercial market, and it must be done by organizations in a position to successfully advance and advocate free software without the pressure of profits or returns.

我觉得强调pure free 固然重要,但还有gentoo 和 LFS阿,

还应该强调下面这一点“The Debian design process is open to ensure that the system is of the highest quality and that it reflects the needs of the user community.”
“Debian 是从 1993 年由 Ian Murdock 开始的,由于 Linux 与 GNU 的鼓舞,目的能够成为一个公开的发行套件 (distribution)。Debian 意味着谨慎与良心,被小心翼翼的维护与支持。它从一个小型紧密的自由软件骇客 (hacker) 小组,逐渐成长成今日庞大且运作良好的开发者与用户社群。您可以在这儿找到一份详细的 Debian 历史。”



apt-get upgrade now > 体验Debian,体验纯粹、自由、高效的骇客哲学。"

or 简洁一点

apt-get upgrade pure-free pure-debian now!
发表于 2003-8-4 16:56:13 | 显示全部楼层
pure Debian , pure Freedom! -- It's not a dream!
发表于 2003-8-4 17:28:05 | 显示全部楼层
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