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发表于 2004-2-25 21:29:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
小弟的机子:操作系统是RH9,256M RAM,swap space 256M,Free DISK 2。2G,PIII 800,请问这样能不能安装oracle10g
发表于 2004-2-25 22:13:08 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2004-2-29 09:46:47 | 显示全部楼层

               Werner Puschitz

Linux Professional since 1997
   Homepage of Werner Puschitz

Installing Oracle Database 10g on Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS 3 and 2.1, and on Red Hat 9
>>> Werner's Oracle - Linux Page <<<

The following procedure is a step-by-step guide (Cookbook) with tips and information for installing Oracle Database 10g on Red Hat Linux. Oracle10g is the easiest Oracle on Linux installation so far.

This guide shows how I installed:
- Oracle 10g (10.1.0) on Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Server 3
- Oracle 10g (10.1.0) on Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Server 2.1
- Oracle 10g (10.1.0) on Red Hat 9

And I will add much more information as time goes on. So make sure to come back!


At the time of this writing, Oracle10g (10.1.0) is supported on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 2.1 and 3, and on UnitedLinux 1.0. For Validations/Certifications, check Oracle's Certification Matrices.

This article covers the following subjects and steps:

* Downloading Oracle10g Software and Burning Oracle10g CDs
* Checking Memory and Swap Space
* Checking /tmp Space
* Checking Software Packages (RPMs)
    Checking the kernel RPM
    Checking glibc RPMs
    Checking gcc, make, and binutils RPMs
    Checking the openmotif RPM
    Checking the setarch RPM
    Checking the redhat-release RPM
* Checking Kernel Parameters
* Sizing Disk Space for Oracle10g
* Creating Oracle User Accounts
* Creating Oracle Directories
    Optimal Flexible Architecture (OFA)
* Setting Oracle Environments
* Installing Oracle10g
    Starting Oracle Universal Installer
    Using Oracle Universal Installer
    Updates after Running Oracle Universal Installer
* Oracle Post-installation Tasks
    Startup and Shutdown of the Oracle10g Database
    Shutdown of other Oracle 10g Background Processes
* Tips and Hints for Oracle10g on Linux
* Oracle10g/Linux Errors and Problems
* References

Downloading Oracle10g Software and Burning Oracle10g CDs

Download Oracle10g for Linux from OTN: ... racle10g/index.html

NOTE: To install a Oracle Database 10g (without RAC) you only need to download the file ship.db.cpio.gz.

Compute a cyclic redundancy check (CRC) checksum for the downloaded files and compare the checksum numbers against the numbers posted on OTN's website. For example:
cksum ship.db.cpio.gz
Uncompress the downloaded file(s):
gunzip ship.db.cpio.gz
Unpack ship.db.cpio:
$ cpio -idcmv < ship.db.cpio
I executed the following command to burn the Disk1 directory on a CD:
# mkisofs -r Disk1 | cdrecord -v dev=0,0,0 speed=20 -
(Drives' speed varies; you can get the dev numbers when you execute cdrecord -scanbus).

Checking Memory and Swap Space

Oracle says that the system must have at least 512MB of RAM and 1GB of swap space or twice the size of RAM. And for systems with more than 2 GB of RAM, the swap space can be between one and two times the size of RAM. You might also want to check out Sizing Swap Space.
For test sake I tried to install an Oracle Database 10g (Type: General Purpose Database) on a little PC with 256MB of RAM and 1 GB of swap space. I was able to get a 10g database up and running on this little PC without a problem.

To check the size of physical memory, execute:
grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo
To check the size of swap space, execute:
grep SwapTotal /proc/meminfo

You also can add temporary swap space to your system by creating a temporary swap file instead of using a raw device. Here is the procedure:
su - root
dd if=/dev/zero of=tmpswap bs=1k count=900000
chmod 600 tmpswap
mkswap tmpswap
swapon tmpswap

Checking /tmp Space

The Oracle Universal Installer requires up to 400 MB of free space in the /tmp directory.

To check the space in /tmp, run:
$ df /tmp
If you do not have enough space in the /tmp filesystem, you can temporarily create a tmp directory in another filesystem. Here is how you can do this:
su - root
mkdir /<AnotherFilesystem>/tmp
chown root.root /<AnotherFilesystem>/tmp
chmod 1777 /<AnotherFilesystem>/tmp
export TEMP=/<AnotherFilesystem>           # used by Oracle
export TMPDIR=/<AnotherFilesystem>         # used by Linux programs like the linker "ld"
When you are done with the Oracle installation, shutdown Oracle and remove the temporary /tmp directory:
su - root
rmdir /<AnotherFilesystem>/tmp
unset TEMP
unset TMPDIR

Checking Software Packages (RPMs)

Before you install a Oracle Database 10g, you need to check the system for required RPMs. For example, when I installed Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS 3 I selected the default installation environment with the default package list. And since I used the default package list, some required RPMs were missing like gcc, redhat-release, and others.

The installation of Oracle10g on my RHELAS3 system worked fine without installing any compatibility RPMs like compat-gcc, compat-libstdc++, etc.

Checking the kernel RPM

Verify that the kernel version for RHELAS3 is 2.4.21-9.EL or higher, and that the kernel version for RHELAS2.1 is 2.4.9-e.25 or higher:
uname -a
For more information on upgrading the kernel, see Upgrading the Linux Kernel.

Checking glibc RPMs

The glibc version that comes with RHELAS3 and RH9 CDs passed Oracle's "roduct-specific Prerequisite" checks. But for RHELAS2.1 I had to upgrade glibc in order to pass this check. Oracle's recommended glibc version is or higher.

For RHELAS2.1, I downloaded the latest glibc RPMs and I executed the following command:
su - root
rpm -Uvh glibc-2.2.4-32.11.i686.rpm glibc-common-2.2.4-32.11.i386.rpm

Checking gcc, make, and binutils RPMs

Verify that the following RPMs are installed:
- For RHELAS3 and RHELAS2.1: make-3.79 or newer
- For RHELAS3 and RHELAS2.1: binutils- or newer
- For RHELAS3: gcc-3.2.3-2 or newer
- For RHELAS2.1: gcc-2.96-108.1 or newer

rpm -q gcc make binutils

On my RHELAS3 system, the make and binutils RPMs were already installed. However, I had to install a few other RPMs to satisfy dependencies of gcc which was not installed on my system. You can find these RPMs on RHELAS3 disk 3 (you can also use newer package versions).
su - root
rpm -Uvh gcc-3.2.3-20.i386.rpm \
         glibc-devel-2.3.2-95.3.i386.rpm \
         glibc-headers-2.3.2-95.3.i386.rpm \
On RHELAS2.1 system, the binutils and gcc RPMs will be missing if you did not select the "Software Development" package group during the "RedHat 2.1 Advanced Server" installation. To satisfy dependencies, execute the following command:
su - root
rpm -ivh gcc-2.96-108.1.i386.rpm \
         binutils- \
         cpp-2.96-108.1.i386.rpm \
         glibc-devel-2.2.4-32.11.i386.rpm \
On my RH9 system, the make RPM was already installed. However, I had to install a few other RPMs to satisfy dependencies of gcc which was not installed on my system (you can also a use newer gcc version). Note that RH9 is not supported by Oracle. And you will have a hard time to find the right RPM versions for Oracle10g. I tried to use the RPMs that came with my RH9 CDs which are easily available to everyone. And I did not had any problems installing an Oracle Database 10g (General Purpose Database) on RH9 with these RPMs:
su - root
rpm -Uvh gcc-3.2.2-5.i386.rpm \
         glibc-devel-2.3.2-5.i386.rpm \
         cpp-3.2.2-5.i386.rpm \
         glibc-kernheaders-2.4-8.10.i386.rpm \

Checking the openmotif RPM

For RHELAS3, verify that openmotif-2.2.2-16 or a newer RPM version is installed.
For RHELAS2.1, verify that openmotif-2.1.30-11 or a newer RPM version is installed.
rpm -q openmotif

For RHELAS3, execute the following command if openmotif is not installed (you can also use a newer package version):
su - root
rpm -ivh openmotif-2.2.2-16.i386.rpm
For RHELAS2.1, execute the following command if openmotif is not installed (you can also use a newer package version):
su - root
rpm -ivh openmotif-2.1.30-11.i386.rpm
On RH9, I executed the following command to install openmotif (you can also use a newer package version). Note that RH9 is not supported by Oracle. And you will have a hard time to find the right RPM version for Oracle10g. I tried to use the RPMs that came with my RH9 CDs which are easily available to everyone. And I did not had any problems installing an Oracle Database 10g (General Purpose Database) on RH9 with these RPMs.
su - root
rpm -Uvh openmotif-2.2.2-14.i386.rpm

Checking the setarch RPM

For RHELAS3, verify that the setarch-1.3-1 RPM or a newer RPM version is installed on your system:
rpm -q setarch
The setarch utility is new in RHEL3. It is used to tell the kernel to report a different architecture than the current one. It is also used to emulate a 3GB virtual address space for applications that don't run properly with a larger virtual address space.

For RHELAS3, execute the following command if setarch is not installed (you can also use a newer package version):
su - root
rpm -Uvh setarch-1.3-1.i386.rpm
For RHELAS2.1 and RH9, there is no setarch RPM.

Checking the redhat-release RPM

Verify that the redhat-release RPM is installed on your Red Hat system:
rpm -q redhat-release
This RPM is important for RHEL since RHELAS3 and RHELAS2.1 are Linux operating systems supported by Oracle. Without this RPM, Oracle10g won't be able to recognize it as a supported OS. If you selected the RHELAS3 default installation environment with the default package list, then redhat-release will probably be missing.

For RHELAS3, execute the following command if redhat-release was not installed on your system (redhat-release can be found on RHELAS3 disk 1):
su - root
rpm -ivh redhat-release-3AS-1.i386.rpm
For RHELAS2.1, execute the following command if redhat-release is not installed on your system (redhat-release can be found on RHELAS3 disk 1):
su - root
rpm -ivh redhat-release-as-2.1AS-4.noarch.rpm

NOTE: For RH9 you will have to edit the /etc/redhat-release file to make Oracle10g believe it is running on RHELAS3 since RH9 is not supported. To change the /etc/redhat-release file, you can simply copy/paste the following commands:
su - root
cp /etc/redhat-release /etc/redhat-release.backup
cat > /etc/redhat-release << EOF
Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 3 (Taroon)

After you are done with the Oracle10g installation on RH9, undo the changes you made to /etc/redhat-release:
su - root
cp /etc/redhat-release.backup /etc/redhat-release
I do not recommend to execute "runInstaller -ignoreSysPrereqs" since this will disable other checks you probably don't want to.

Checking Kernel Parameters

To see all kernel parameters, execute:
su - root
sysctl -a

For Oracle10g, the following kernel parameters have to be set to values greater than or equal to the recommended values which can be changed in the proc filesystem:
shmmax  = 2147483648     (To verify, execute: cat /proc/sys/kernel/shmmax)
shmmni  = 4096           (To verify, execute: cat /proc/sys/kernel/shmmni)
shmall  = 2097152        (To verify, execute: cat /proc/sys/kernel/shmall)
shmmin  = 1              (To verify, execute: ipcs -lm |grep "min seg size")
shmseg  = 10

semmsl  = 250            (To verify, execute: cat /proc/sys/kernel/sem | awk '{print $1}')
semmns  = 32000          (To verify, execute: cat /proc/sys/kernel/sem | awk '{print $2}')
semopm  = 100            (To verify, execute: cat /proc/sys/kernel/sem | awk '{print $3}')
semmni  = 128            (To verify, execute: cat /proc/sys/kernel/sem | awk '{print $4}')

file-max = 65536         (To verify, execute: cat /proc/sys/fs/file-max)

NOTE: Do not change the value of any kernel parameter on a system where it is already higher than listed as minimum requirement.

On RHELAS3, RHELAS2.1 and on RH9 I had to increase the kernel parameters shmmax, semopm, and filemax to meet the minimum requirement. I added the following lines to the /etc/sysctl.conf file which is used during the boot process:
kernel.sem=250 32000 100 128
Adding these lines to the /etc/sysctl.conf file will cause the system to change these kernel parameters after each boot using the /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit script which is invoked by /etc/inittab. But in order that these new added lines or settings in /etc/sysctl.conf become effective immediately, execute the following command:
su - root
sysctl -p

For more information on shmmax, shmmni, shmmin, shmseg, and shmall, see Setting Shared Memory.
For more information on semmsl, semmni, semmns, and semopm, see Setting Semaphores.
For more information on filemax, see Setting File Handles.

Sizing Disk Space for Oracle10g

Oracle says that about 1.5 GB of disk space should be reserved for the Oracle software on Linux.

When I installed an Oracle10g ( "General Purpose Database", the Oracle software used about 1.2 GB of disk space, and the preconfigured "General Purpose Database" (datafiles, etc.) used about 710 MB of disk space.
$ du -m -s /u01
1903    /u01
$ du -m -s /u01/app/oracle/oradata
710     /u01/app/oracle/oradata
So if you install the Oracle10g software and a preconfigured database on the same disk, then 2.5 GB of disk space should be more than sufficient.

NOTE: If you don't put Oracle10g on a separate filesystems, then make sure the root filesystem "/" has enough disk space. You can check the free space of the root filesystem with the following command:
df -k /

Creating Oracle User Accounts

To create the oracle account and groups, execute the following commands:
su - root
groupadd dba          # group of users to be granted SYSDBA system privilege
groupadd oinstall     # group owner of Oracle files
useradd -c "Oracle software owner" -g oinstall -G dba oracle
passwd oracle
For more information on the "oinstall" group account, see When to use "OINSTALL" group during install of oracle.

Creating Oracle Directories

For Oracle10g you only need to create the directory for $ORACLE_BASE:
su - root
mkdir -p /u01/app/oracle
chown -R oracle.oinstall /u01

But if you want to comply with Oracle's Optimal Flexible Architecture (OFA), then you don't want to place the database files in the /u01 directory but in another directory/filesystem/disk like /u02. This is not a requirement but if you want to comply with OFA, then you might want to create the following directories as well:
su - root
mkdir -p /u02/oradata/test
chown -R oracle.oinstall /u02
In this example, "test" stands for the name of the database which will also be the name of the instance. This is typically the case for single instance databases.

Optimal Flexible Architecture (OFA)

The OFA standard is a guideline created by Oracle to ensure reliable Oracle installations. For Oracle 10g Database, the OFA recommended Oracle home path has changed.

The home path for the first 10g (10.1.0) database installation on a system would be:
If you would install a second Oracle 10g Database 10g (10.1.0) on the same system, the Oracle home directory would be as follows:
If you would install the first Oracle 10g client software on a server, the home path would be:
If the Oracle10g software is not owned by the user oracle but by the user "oraowner", then the path of the Oracle home directory would be:

The standard directory name for Oracle10g is "app":

Oracle recommends to use mount points such as /u01, /u02, etc. which complies with the OFA guidelines. But others can be used, for example:

The subtree for database files not stored in ASM disk groups should be named as follows:
The mount point /u01 should be used for the Oracle software only. /u02, /u03, /u04 etc. should be used for the database files. The db_name stands for the DB_NAME initialization parameter which is typically the same as the SID name for single instance databases.

Setting Oracle Environments

Since the Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) "runInstaller" is run from the oracle account, some environment variables must be configured for this account before OUI is started.

Execute the following commands for the Bash shell which is the default shell on Red Hat Linux (to verify your shell run: echo $SHELL):
su - oracle
export ORACLE_BASE=/u01/app/oracle
export ORACLE_SID=test

NOTE: If ORACLE_BASE is used, then Oracle recommends that you don't set the ORACLE_HOME environment variable but that you choose the default path suggested by the OUI. You can set and use ORACLE_HOME after you finished running OUI.

So the environment variables ORACLE_HOME and TNS_ADMIN should not be set. If you already set these environment variables, you can unset them by running the following commands:

To have these environment variables set automatically each time you login as oracle, you can add these environment variables to the ~oracle/.bash_profile file which is the user startup file for the Bash shell on Red Hat Linux. To do this you could simply copy/paste the following commands to make these settings permanent for your oracle's Bash shell:
su - oracle
cat >> ~oracle/.bash_profile << EOF
export ORACLE_BASE=/u01/app/oracle
export ORACLE_SID=test

Installing Oracle10g

Installing Oracle10g on a Remote Linux Server

If you don't install Oracle on your local system but on a remote server, then you need to relink X to your local desktop. The easiest way to do this is to use the "X11 forwarding" feature of ssh. This means that you don't have to run xhost and set the DISPLAY environment variable.

Here is an example how to make use of the "X11 forward" feature of ssh. Simply run the following command from your local desktop:
$ ssh -X oracle@oracle_remote_server_name
Now when you try to run any GUI tool on the remote server, it will automatically be relinked to your local desktop. If this is not working, verify that the ForwardX11 setting is not set to "no" in /etc/ssh/ssh_config on the remote server:
su - root
# grep ForwardX11 /etc/ssh/ssh_config | grep -v "^#"
        ForwardX11 yes
If you are using telnet, however, you will have to set DISPLAY manually, see my other article Starting runInstaller for more information.

Starting Oracle Universal Installer

Insert the Oracle CD that contains the image of the downloaded file ship.db.cpio, or change to the directory that contains the image directory Disk1.

If you install Oracle10g from a CD, mount the CD by running the following commands in another terminal:
su - root
mount /mnt/cdrom

Before you execute runInstaller, make sure the Oracle environment variables are set, see Setting Oracle Environments. You can verify the settings by running the set command:
su - oracle
oracle$ set
To execute runInstaller from the mounted CD, run the following command as the oracle user:
oracle$ /mnt/cdrom/runInstaller

Using Oracle Universal Installer

The following example shows how to install the Oracle10g Database Software and a "General Purpose" database:

- Welcome Screen:   Click Next

- Specify Inventory directory and credentials:
                     - Full path of the inventory directory: Use default: /u01/app/oracle/oraInventory
                     - Specify Operating System group name:  Use default: oinstall
                     Click Next

- A window pops up to run the script:
                     Run the following command in another terminal:
                       su - root
                     Click Continue

- Specify File Locations:
                     - Source:
                       - Path: Use default, e.g. for a CD based installation: /mnt/cdrom/stage/products.xml
                     - Destination:
                       - Name: Use default: OraDb10g_home1
                       - Path: Use default: /u01/app/oracle/product/10.1.0/db_1
                     Click Next

- Select Installation Type:
                     I selected "Enterprise Edition"
                     Click Next

- Product-specific Prerequisite Checks:
                     Verify that all checks have been passed.
                     Make sure that the status of each Check is set to "Succeeded".
                     If a check failed, see Oracle10g Installation Errors on Linux.
                     Click Next

- Select Database Configuration:
                     I selected "General Purpose".
                     Click Next

- Specify Database Configuration Options:
                     - Global Database Name: I used "test".
                     - SID: I used "test".
                     Click Next

- Select Database Management Option:
                     I selected "Use Database Control for Database Management".

- Specify Database File Storage Option:
                     I selected "File System".
                     - File System
                       - Specify Database file location: /u01/app/oracle/oradata/
                           If you want to comply with OFA, you might want to select another mount point
                           than '/u01', e.g. /u02/oradata.
                     Click Next

- Specify Backup and Recovery Options:
                     For my test installation I selected "Do no enable Automated Backups".
                     Click Next

- Specify Database Schema Passwords:
                     Either provide the passwords for SYS, SYSTEM, SYSMAN, DBSNMP separately, or select
                     "Use the same password for all the accounts".
                     Make sure that the password(s) don't start with a digit number! Otherwise you will
                     get error message(s) later.
                     Click Next

- Summary:          Click Install

- Configuration Assistant:
                     When a window pops up to run the script, execute the following
                     commands in a terminal:
                       su - root
                     Click OK

- End of Installation:
                     Click Exit

Updates after Running Oracle Universal Installer

After Oracle10g has been installed, make sure that ORACLE_HOME and PATH are set for the oracle account:
oracle$ export ORACLE_HOME=$ORACLE_BASE/product/10.1.0/db_1
oracle$ export PATH=$PATHORACLE_HOME/bin

To have these environment variables set each time you login as oracle, add the configuration of the above Oracle environment variables to the ~oracle/.bash_profile file if you use bash (echo $SHELL).

Oracle Post-installation Tasks

Before you continue, make sure you followed the steps at Updates after Running Oracle Universal Installer.

Startup and Shutdown of the Oracle10g Database

To startup the database:
oracle$ sqlplus /nolog
SQL> connect / as sysdba
SQL> startup
To shutdown the database:
oracle$ sqlplus /nolog
SQL> connect / as sysdba
SQL> shutdown
The slash connects you to the schema owned by SYS. In the above example you will be connected to the schema owned by SYS with the privilege SYSDBA. SYSDBA gives you the following privileges:
  - sysoper privileges WITH ADMIN OPTION
  - create database
  - recover database until

Shutdown of other Oracle 10g Background Processes

If you installed a preconfigured database using OUI, then several Oracle background processes are now running on your server. Execute the following command to see the background processes:
ps -ef

To shutdown the Oracle background processes after an Oracle Database 10g installation, you can execute the following commands.

To stop isqlplus:
su - oracle
isqlplusctl stop
To stop the Oracle Management Agent:
su - oracle
emctl stop agent
To stop the listener:
su - oracle
lsnrctl stop
To shutdown Oracle CSS daemon:
su - root
/etc/rc.d/init.d/init.cssd stop

Tips and Hints for Oracle10g on Linux

To reinstall Oracle10g after a failed installation attempt, you might want to execute the following commands.
Make sure you first used the De-installation option in OUI.
su - oracle
rm -rf /u01/app/oracle/*
rm -f /etc/oraInst.loc /etc/oratab /etc/oracle

su - root
export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/10.1.0/db_1
$ORACLE_HOME/bin/localconfig delete     # stops the Oracle CSS daemon and deletes configuration
rm -f /etc/inittab.cssd
rm -f /usr/local/bin/coraenv /usr/local/bin/dbhome /usr/local/bin/oraenv

Oracle10g/Linux Errors and Problems

Here is a list of common Oracle10g installation problems and other issues.

Note that most of the issues are due to not following correctly the installation procedure. And some errors are due to not using an Oracle supported Linux OS.

The Installation log file can be found in $ORACLE_BASE/oraInventory/logs.
The Database Creation log file can be found in $ORACLE_BASE/admin/$ORACLE_SID/create.

Starting Oracle Universal Installer...

  Checking installer requirements...

  Checking operating system version: must be redhat-2.1, UnitedLinux-1.0 or redhat-3
                                        Failed <<<<

  Exiting Oracle Universal Installer, log for this session can be found at ...

At the time of this writing, Oracle10g (10.1.0) is supported on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 2.1 and 3, and on UnitedLinux 1.0.

If you get this error on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3, then the redhat-release RPM is not installed. To rectify this problem, execute the following command:
su - root
rpm -ivh redhat-release-3AS-1.i386.rpm openmotif-2.2.2-16.i386.rpm

For all other Linux systems that are not supported by Oracle, you have to edit the /etc/redhat-release file to make Oracle10g believe it is running on a supported Linux operating system. For RH9, you can simply copy/paste the following commands:
su - root
cp /etc/redhat-release /etc/redhat-release.backup
cat > /etc/redhat-release << EOF
Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 3 (Taroon)

After you are done with the Oracle10g installation, undo the changes you made to /etc/redhat-release:
su - root
cp /etc/redhat-release.backup /etc/redhat-release
I do not recommend to execute "runInstaller -ignoreSysPrereqs" since this will disable other checks you probably don't want to.

Checking for gcc-2.96; found Not found. Failed <<<<

See Checking gcc, make, and binutils RPMs.

Note that "Retry" in the "roduct-specific Prerequisite Checks" window does not work. So you either set it manually to Passed or you restart OUI.

Checking for openmotif-2.1.30-11; found Not found.      Failed <<

See Checking the openmotif RPM.

Note that "Retry" in the "roduct-specific Prerequisite Checks" window does not work. So you either set it manually to Passed or you restart OUI.

Checking for shmmax=2147483648; found shmmax=33554432.  Failed <<<<

Increase the shmmax kernel parameter.

For more information on shmmax, see Checking Kernel Parameters.

Note that "Retry" in the "roduct-specific Prerequisite Checks" window does not work. So you either set it manually to Passed or you restart OUI.

Checking for semopm=100; found semopm=32.       Failed <<<<

Increase the semopm kernel parameter.

For more information on semopm, see Checking Kernel Parameters.

Note that "Retry" in the "roduct-specific Prerequisite Checks" window does not work. So you either set itmanually to Passed or you restart OUI.

Checking for filemax=65536; found filemax=26163.        Failed <<<<

Increase the file-max kernel parameter:

For more information on file-max, see Checking Kernel Parameters.

Note that "Retry" in the "roduct-specific Prerequisite Checks" window does not work. So you either set it manually to Passed or you restart OUI.

ORA-00988 missing or invalid password(s).

During the Oracle10g installation you probably provided a password for the Oracle database accounts that started with a digit number. Ignore this error message and change the password when you are done with the Oracle10g installation.

X11 connection rejected because of wrong authentication.
  X connection to localhost:10.0 broken (explicit kill or server shutdown).

To rectify this problem, try to login to the remote Oracle server again by using the "X11 forward" feature of ssh. Execute the following command from your local desktop:
$ ssh -X oracle@oracle_remote_server_name
Now when you try to run any GUI tool on the remote server, it will automatically be relinked to your local desktop. If this is not working, verify that the ForwardX11 setting is not set to "no" in /etc/ssh/ssh_config on your remote server:
su - root
# grep ForwardX11 /etc/ssh/ssh_config | grep -v "^#"
        ForwardX11 yes
If you are using telnet, however, you will have to set DISPLAY manually, see my other article Starting runInstaller for more information.


Oracle Database 10g Release 1 (10.1) Documentation
Werner's Oracle/Linux Portal Site

Copyright Notice
This article may not be published, sold, reproduced or copied in whole or in part without obtaining permission first. But you are welcome to put links from your site to the article.

The information provided in this article shows how I installed Oracle10g on my server(s) and is distributed AS IS. Every effort has been made to provide the information as accurate as possible, but no warranty or fitness is implied. The use of this information described herein is your responsibility, and to use it in your own environments do so at your own risk.

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