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XFree86 4.4.0已经收入slackware-current

发表于 2004-3-25 08:45:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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* Recent changelog activity *

There have been a lot of updates on March 23, which are interesting for almost all users. First of all, the controversial XFree86 4.4.0 has been added to slackware-current. A lot of distributions refuse to integrate XFree86 4.4.0 due to license changes. XFree86 4.4.0 adds a license comparable to the old BSD license with advertisement clause to some files. At the moment this seems to be the best technical choice, because no stable or viable alternatives seem to exist at the moment. The NetBSD Project, which is also known for making policy choices based on technical arguments have also integrated XFree86 4.4.0. The future will tell how things develop . Less controversial (uncontroversial for most people is the upgrade to KDE 3.2.1 in -current. Besides these huge changes there have been some smaller updates.
发表于 2004-3-25 09:40:44 | 显示全部楼层
呵呵,果然是。昨天晚上在linuxquestions看他们讨论新的xfree86 4.4什么时候进current。12点的时候找,还没有更新呢。早上起来就有了,呵呵好~
发表于 2004-3-25 14:32:01 | 显示全部楼层
I hope can release their X server soon, and then Patrick can replace XF 4.4 with it.
发表于 2004-3-26 06:05:26 | 显示全部楼层
最初由 terminator 发表
I hope can release their X server soon, and then Patrick can replace XF 4.4 with it.

does it better than XF 4.4?
发表于 2004-3-26 16:56:34 | 显示全部楼层

XFree86 4.4.0 安装包,含firefly补丁

基于slackware-current的XFree86,加入了firefly的最新补丁,请在 下载,学校服务器,请爱惜,勿多线程,好心人做一下mirror,不胜感激。
发表于 2004-3-26 17:35:29 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2004-3-27 01:24:32 | 显示全部楼层
上次的Slackware9.1的Firefly Patch套件,太慢了………………
发表于 2004-3-27 10:46:48 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2004-3-27 10:47:49 | 显示全部楼层
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